Woodsman Outdoors

Far NorCal, welcome from a former Californian. Actually if the stuff burns like pepper spray on contact, it is just as useful. I'd rather have a very large caliber handgun if I'm in bear country. Anyway glad to have ya NorCal! Don't mind BOOT he's been in the medicine cabinet again!

Thanks for the warm welcome Woodsman, I don't know what set him off. Personal protection, whether near your grow or in town is never to be taken lightly as you rarely get a second chance to defend yourself.
Nice pics of your girls! I have a 3 plant grow going in my backyard. Blackberry Kush, Cinderella 99 and a Purple Snow to round out the mix. Bought them as clones and put them out on June 1st. They are in 10 gal. pots anchored in Happy Frog. Current temp outside is 103 with 25% humidity. I feed them daily with snow melt creek water and use Max-Sea for nutes. Been FIM-ing all along and clearing excess shade leaves. They are developing into some fine young ladies! I'd start a journal, but don't have access to a digi-cam.

Lions, tigers and bears oh my...wild kingdom in here and people are going on safari with Wasp Spray...I think I smoked too much...wait, I still need to go smoke so that is not it...OH HEY Woods, couldn't see you there for all the livestock...:) DON'T STEP IN THAT!!!

Just dropping by to say a great job on the pipes bro, hope you get a bit of compensation for your time on Ebay bro. Would be a nice little industry for you to supplement your income until you find a job. I am just happy you found something you like doing that keeps you off the missus radar.

How are the girls, wish I could show you guys my tomatoes...they are exploding, never had this good of garden. I like gardening, never did alot before though as I never had the idea situation, and this garden is in anything from 3 to 7 gallon pots...have a rock scaped back yard in my compartment as OMM calls them quite accurately BTW.

:peace: Woods from my little garden to yours.

Hello Mountain, as usual as is common on our posts, sometimes they head in many different directions! Great job on those tomatoes, bet they're delicious! We've got some sweet peas, green beans, two diferent egg plants the reg American one (big and fat) and the Asian or Japanese (long and skinny). We love eggplant, either just fried on in the pan in olive oil and then you can put it on toast, I put it in my homemade spaghetti sauce also. Also some red and green bell peppers. Not many of each though. I also have about 7 sweet corn growing, Not enough for subsistence living yet!I don't know how good of a business I could do, but it will help us out some and I enjoy it!

No problem on the reps. Thanks for the welcome. I've been lurking around on a few threads and have read through several completed journals. I really enjoy yours in particular.
I'm not just new here I'm new to forums all together and have a certain concern for anonymity or I'd probably pipe up more. As a matter of fact this is my first post on here.
Anyway keep up the good work on your grow and the great atmosphere on your journal

Well good for you fro doing it finally. Before I joined this site in Dec. of last year, I also had never posted anything either! You will get into it in no time and you'll see that we are pretty open here, but secure.
Feel free to cut in here at anytime or use the links or 'signatures' we call them, that are at the bottom of the posts, you can go right to someone else grow or thread and meet other growers. If you've got questions, just ask.
when i lived in alaska, that was one of our favorite sayings....in reality, we carried a shotgun loaded with slugs and shot, and pulled out the plug....even to berry pick i carried one...usually sawed off short as poss.....very true statement....lavendar

And your here to tell about it! So it worked!

Got your PM L

Thanks for the warm welcome Woodsman, I don't know what set him off. Personal protection, whether near your grow or in town is never to be taken lightly as you rarely get a second chance to defend yourself.
Nice pics of your girls! I have a 3 plant grow going in my backyard. Blackberry Kush, Cinderella 99 and a Purple Snow to round out the mix. Bought them as clones and put them out on June 1st. They are in 10 gal. pots anchored in Happy Frog. Current temp outside is 103 with 25% humidity. I feed them daily with snow melt creek water and use Max-Sea for nutes. Been FIM-ing all along and clearing excess shade leaves. They are developing into some fine young ladies! I'd start a journal, but don't have access to a digi-cam.


Hey buddy sounds like your in the desert (SW ?) Too bad no camera, it sounds like an awesome looking grow and I dig the ice cold stream water water! Sounds like my kind of place. Did ya have to remove those fan leaves? I did on my last indoor, but I was kind of doing a SOG and my lights wouldn't penetrate below the canopy very well.

Wow man, a pipe artist. Very nice looking pipes, get job....

Always been good with the hands, although now they ache most of the time! I enjoy doing stuff and I need something to fill in the time while I'm looking.
Oh Holy hell. that is some funny stuff. so true about alaska, and I think wasp spray might piss a bear off just long enough for me to draw blade. Might carry an extra can.............well, nah. I'll just jump out of the trees ninja style and go Kill Bill on that bears hairy ass. ok, so really, I'd probably just run faster than my friends. lol funny as hell though. The head out of ass was terrific. I think dude emptied the medicine cabinet.

Good stuff BootemALL!!!!!!!!!
Hello Mountain, as usual on are posts, sometimes they head in different directions! Great job on those tomatoes, bet they're delicious! I don't know how good of a business I could do, but it will help us out some and I enjoy it!

:) Whatever do you mean?...I stay on topic...a topic anyway...ok maybe I don't...ok, ok I RAMBLE...not embarrassed by it...do tend to put people to sleep though....:bong:

Hey back to the tomatoes...:yahoo:I haven't gotten to harvest any yet...my plans for early tomatoes died when my baby tomato plants got seriously shocked from the move outside and then faced freezing weather for two more weeks than usual....weather in Colorado...;)

Here is the deal...not much money and seeds are cheap...OK I HAVE 4 tomato plants in one 7 gallon pot...I think I made a mistake. It is a foot over a normal tomato cage and as wide as it is tall...gonna have branches laying all over the place by Sept. Should have tomatoes in a few weeks though. Super Beefsteak and regular Beefsteak. My outside babies are all veggies, I sure wish one was medicine though, but the meter reader comes in my back yard to read the meter and while I am legal, Colorado is still ashamed of us and we can't show anything in public.

Do you know much about tomatoes? Do they like partial shade? Because mine are telling me they do, but I really don't know...and I have done enough research on one plant...not ready to work on others yet...:)

:peace: brother.
Do you know much about tomatoes? Do they like partial shade? Because mine are telling me they do, but I really don't know...and I have done enough research on one plant...not ready to work on others yet...:)

Tomatoes like long hours of light. 16+ and will still produce fruit with it, but in a greenhouse, a shade cloth can increase yields around 25%. I plant mine in a raised bed that is in mostly partial shade by an oak tree from around 1:00 on. Light still gets through but its kinda dappled if you know what I mean. Anyway they do better there than in my other beds that are in full sun all day.:smokin:

Hope you dont mind me jumpin in to talk tomatoes Woodsman:peace:
Do you know much about tomatoes? Do they like partial shade? Because mine are telling me they do, but I really don't know...and I have done enough research on one plant...not ready to work on others yet...:)

Tomatoes like long hours of light. 16+ and will still produce fruit with it, but in a greenhouse, a shade cloth can increase yields around 25%. I plant mine in a raised bed that is in mostly partial shade by an oak tree from around 1:00 on. Light still gets through but its kinda dappled if you know what I mean. Anyway they do better there than in my other beds that are in full sun all day.:smokin:

Hope you dont mind me jumpin in to talk tomatoes Woodsman:peace:

they like full sun, but will burn, so he is absolutely right about the shade clothe....and the only other thing i do know is i have to use tomatoe set, and they like fert, but not soggy feet....or so far, my experience....lavendar....partial sun is great....just more sun than shade...
they like full sun, but will burn, so he is absolutely right about the shade clothe....and the only other thing i do know is i have to use tomatoe set, and they like fert, but not soggy feet....or so far, my experience....lavendar....partial sun is great....just more sun than shade...

Nice...my cousins cherry tomato plant was looking a little burn up. Where they're at they get total sun all day. I'm feeling a move to a partial shade spot is in their future.:)

Preesh the insight lavandar

Reespect :ganjamon:
Do you know much about tomatoes? Do they like partial shade? Because mine are telling me they do, but I really don't know...and I have done enough research on one plant...not ready to work on others yet...:)

Tomatoes like long hours of light. 16+ and will still produce fruit with it, but in a greenhouse, a shade cloth can increase yields around 25%. I plant mine in a raised bed that is in mostly partial shade by an oak tree from around 1:00 on. Light still gets through but its kinda dappled if you know what I mean. Anyway they do better there than in my other beds that are in full sun all day.:smokin:

Hope you dont mind me jumpin in to talk tomatoes Woodsman:peace:

My babies get 3 hrs of sun in the morning and 3-4 in the evening, the rest of the day is in shade from trees so is tree shade. It is doing great though...it was eating on my medicines runoff water from nute days. She now has a full charge of Osmocote + though. Should only have to water her the rest of the summer.

Anyway Hey there again Woods. Hope all is well in your world brother.

yep I agree with Lav. my tomatoes get sun in morning till about 2:30, then are shaded and thrive. Great yields. If your flowers yellow and drop add calcium. Its common, and called blossom end rot. Brused fruit is a result of later C deficiency.
Oh Holy hell. that is some funny stuff. so true about alaska, and I think wasp spray might piss a bear off just long enough for me to draw blade. Might carry an extra can.............well, nah. I'll just jump out of the trees ninja style and go Kill Bill on that bears hairy ass. ok, so really, I'd probably just run faster than my friends. lol funny as hell though. The head out of ass was terrific. I think dude emptied the medicine cabinet.

Good stuff BootemALL!!!!!!!!!

I can see you pissing the bear off really bad and then running away as your friends are left for bear food! LOL! Very funny Jas!

:) Whatever do you mean?...I stay on topic...a topic anyway...ok maybe I don't...ok, ok I RAMBLE...not embarrassed by it...do tend to put people to sleep though....:bong:

Hey back to the tomatoes...:yahoo:I haven't gotten to harvest any yet...my plans for early tomatoes died when my baby tomato plants got seriously shocked from the move outside and then faced freezing weather for two more weeks than usual....weather in Colorado...;)

Here is the deal...not much money and seeds are cheap...OK I HAVE 4 tomato plants in one 7 gallon pot...I think I made a mistake. It is a foot over a normal tomato cage and as wide as it is tall...gonna have branches laying all over the place by Sept. Should have tomatoes in a few weeks though. Super Beefsteak and regular Beefsteak. My outside babies are all veggies, I sure wish one was medicine though, but the meter reader comes in my back yard to read the meter and while I am legal, Colorado is still ashamed of us and we can't show anything in public.

Do you know much about tomatoes? Do they like partial shade? Because mine are telling me they do, but I really don't know...and I have done enough research on one plant...not ready to work on others yet...:)

:peace: brother.

If you didn't ramble I'd think something was wrong and have to send someone out to check on you! Never change my friend!

I just looked up tomato growing, but I'll let the others tell you as they know much better than me!

About the meter man, build a fenced in walkway from the street directly to the meter. make it about 7 ft tall or so make it solid so there's no peeking. This may look odd to the neighbors but you'd be able to grow out in the sun with no worries. Very simple and involves only money and much labor! :smokin:

Do you know much about tomatoes? Do they like partial shade? Because mine are telling me they do, but I really don't know...and I have done enough research on one plant...not ready to work on others yet...:)

Tomatoes like long hours of light. 16+ and will still produce fruit with it, but in a greenhouse, a shade cloth can increase yields around 25%. I plant mine in a raised bed that is in mostly partial shade by an oak tree from around 1:00 on. Light still gets through but its kinda dappled if you know what I mean. Anyway they do better there than in my other beds that are in full sun all day.:smokin:

Hope you dont mind me jumpin in to talk tomatoes Woodsman:peace:

You can jump in anytime, that's the way it goes! Great job and thanks for your advise

they like full sun, but will burn, so he is absolutely right about the shade clothe....and the only other thing i do know is i have to use tomatoe set, and they like fert, but not soggy feet....or so far, my experience....lavendar....partial sun is great....just more sun than shade...

More great knowledge from our own great grower of many things nice.

Nice...my cousins cherry tomato plant was looking a little burn up. Where they're at they get total sun all day. I'm feeling a move to a partial shade spot is in their future.:)

Preesh the insight lavandar

Reespect :ganjamon:

This great advise is already helping! Good luck to your cousin!

My babies get 3 hrs of sun in the morning and 3-4 in the evening, the rest of the day is in shade from trees so is tree shade. It is doing great though...it was eating on my medicines runoff water from nute days. She now has a full charge of Osmocote + though. Should only have to water her the rest of the summer.

Anyway Hey there again Woods. Hope all is well in your world brother.


All is well knowing that your tomatoes and many other folks tomatoes will be growing much better after reading these last few posts!

As far as the grow, a mix of things are happening, I will elaborate and post pics just as soon as I can.

yep I agree with Lav. my tomatoes get sun in morning till about 2:30, then are shaded and thrive. Great yields. If your flowers yellow and drop add calcium. Its common, and called blossom end rot. Brused fruit is a result of later C deficiency.

More great growing advice being stored away in my brain,. Now I have too many things that I will forget! LOL! Thanks to all of you for helping out Mountain from the High Clan of Mountains (not high as in Mountains... you know)

You are all great! Sorry I've not been posting around lately, I've been slightly preoccupied. I was intending to post some pics, but I've used up my allotted time (wife) answering all these great posts! Now it's dishes and then helping her clean the house, oh boy, I can't wait to get started! LOL
I'm growing Beef Steak Tomatoes. They are shaded by trees in the early am and in the late evening by my garage roof. Through out from say 9:30 am til 8:30 pm they get full sun. The plants are in grow cages and are about four feet tall with green tomatoes and lots of blossoms. They are very impressive for this time of year.
I'm growing Beef Steak Tomatoes. They are shaded by trees in the early am and in the late evening by my garage roof. Through out from say 9:30 am til 8:30 pm they get full sun. The plants are in grow cages and are about four feet tall with green tomatoes and lots of blossoms. They are very impressive for this time of year.

good job buddy, looks like everyone but me is growing tomatoes!

Bug Alert!

They're here! The Stem Borers are back after a couple year hiatus. They came back in force this time and had a field day or should I say night. One day the plants were fine and the next, 'bang'. Yesterday I spent hours examining each of the plants one at a time and one branch at a time. Armed with only my trusted cutter, I went to work on them.. It wasn't pretty, In the past, my only recourse was to top all the embattled branches. they come at the mid season so there is still time for the plants to fill out somewhat. This time I was determined to 'go at it' differently. I had done this to some extent once before with a couple of plants, but not with 11! I will show you in the following photos how I do it. I did not want to cut my plants down to half their size, no way! As it stand now, I got rid of all the little bastards (hopefully as far as I can tell). Casualties? Yes. but I think it won't be too bad and as of today, most of the plants are on there way top recovery. One plant is still iffy and is still a little droopy at this time. After the Stem Borer pics I'll show the plant pics and I'll point out the 'droopy one'.

This is what I did not want to see on my stems! The adult, and I'm not sure if this variety is a flying beetle or a moth, lays one egg at a time on different places of the stem. Not only the main stem, but even minor ones! It seems they choose the upper half of the plant, most likely because the stem is not as hard to penetrate. You do not see the egg, what you see as the first indication is the brown 'pile' of sh*t that the tiny larvae leaves on top of it's hole as it bores into the stem.
If younotice on this first pic, more so than the second pic, there is a very noticeable 'bulge' at the point of entry. Almost looks like where you supercropped (bent) your plant and it has healed up


Closer look at the 'waste' at the point of entry.


I take my blade (box cutter) and make a slice, cutting only into the center of the stem. I follow one of the vertical stem segment lines. I would cut about an inch and a half on with this technique. There are three techniques. After you slice the stem, gently pull it apart. Just enough that you can 'peek' in. this is the least invasive technique.


This is what your looking for. Tiny


Here's a better pic of the little bastard


This is were the little bugger drilled through into the inner stem.


OK, so ya can't find the darn thing. 2nd Techniques is to make a slightly longer slice, but this time going all the way through the stem, basically splitting it. You can also just make the first cut longer, I think it's a 'personal' preference and depends on whether you can find the bugger


Zoom this in if ya can. In this case I found the little bastard using the first technique (least invasive), didn't need to slice all the way through.


Here we have gone to far in our search for the little tyke and although I got him, I have a possible problem, I could leave it the way it is and use a splint or as in my case, a couple of turns with duct tape, essentially making a splint. Or, you can just crop the stem, as I did on a couple of 'choice' adventures. This is the 3rd technique. You need to be certain though that the little sweetheart didn't go 'down' instead of 'up', oh ya, they will go down. So if ya cut because you can't find him, your taking a chance. It depends on the situation I guess. If it's the main stem and only half way up, wow! splint the sucker! If it is on a secondary branch, maybe your OK with cutting it off. Up to you. I did both. These guys are not always easy to find and if you wait a few days and let them go at it, they will work their little asses up and out of your cola! I've found them in there when I was trimming! Yuk! By then they're the size of maggots.


I cut a few secondary branches of of the Mazar as she had very large secondary stems and was attached all over. I figured there is enough, growth below the cuts to come back, in fact it's just like cropping, I'll have two branches instead of one. On the others and they were all involved, I used the 1st and 2nd techniques and on one plant I had to use duct tape to keep the larger stems standing up.

That was all yesterday, today I found the plants mostly recovered, with a few small tops, bent, but still alive and well (it seems). Only one of my larger bagseed plants is not doing well. The tops (several) are still wilted and this is after the whole day. I may have to crop each top since the plants lower areas are fine (below where all the action was). The Mazar is doing fine and will now be even more of a bush than it was before. She is already starting to have pistols on top! Apparently Mazar sexes early, this happened on my first indoor also. Then the next indoor with the NL#5, took a few weeks after 12/12 to show sex. I was worried. I'm still at a 'not sure' state of opinion as far as a couple of the plants, looks maybe like a 'ball', but I'm not positive so I'll leave it for now. Others are not showing anything, which is good. Most likely females.

Good news as far as the Runt (regenerating). She's got a tone of tops and they are now producing 'normal' leaves. Pics below.

Here ya go!

Group shot with Bagseeds up top in the smaller pots. I can't afford more Happy Frog soil so I'm waiting for some males. I can use the soil and re pot the females to larger pots.


Here are the little ones


And the larger plants. The 'limp' one from my battle yesterday is on the extreme right side. The Mazar is to it's left and in the front your have the little bush that is the regenerating Runt. next to it in the 10 gal pot is the small and youngest of the bunch, NL#5. The rest are my two varieties of Bagseed.


Here are four pics of the Runt. The last two show the new and normal leaf growth. for size perspective you have to realize that the Runt is in a 10 gal pot. She's still small but now she's growing rapidly





Here's the NL#5. Kind of hard to make it out with all the green background!


Here's a better pic of the NL#5 right in front and the big female Mazar right behind it.


Whew! That was an update and a half! thanks for tuning in folks! I hope the sheer length of the post didn't put you all asleep. I wonder if anyone else here has encountered these stem borers in their outdoor grows. If you have,l I'd like to hear how you 'battled' them!

As always, your comments and suggestions are most welcome!

Taking a break from this (maybe I'll check on the plants first! I'll have to get my pipe.)
"Hey buddy sounds like your in the desert (SW ?) Too bad no camera, it sounds like an awesome looking grow and I dig the ice cold stream water water! Sounds like my kind of place. Did ya have to remove those fan leaves? I did on my last indoor, but I was kind of doing a SOG and my lights wouldn't penetrate below the canopy very well."

No, I'm not in the desert although it feels like it at times! I'm just over the Eastern border of the 'Emerald Triangle', very close to Trinity County if that helps. I clipped some fan leaves this morning as well as 'fim'ed. My C99 is showing signs of drought stress. Leaves dry to the touch and curling upwards. I've gone to watering 2x day, once with nutes and once clear water. About 3/4 gal per watering. I hope it pulls out. The Blackberry Kush and Purple snow seem to be doing fine with the same amount of water. I'll keep my beady little eyes on them!
"Hey buddy sounds like your in the desert (SW ?) Too bad no camera, it sounds like an awesome looking grow and I dig the ice cold stream water water! Sounds like my kind of place. Did ya have to remove those fan leaves? I did on my last indoor, but I was kind of doing a SOG and my lights wouldn't penetrate below the canopy very well."

No, I'm not in the desert although it feels like it at times! I'm just over the Eastern border of the 'Emerald Triangle', very close to Trinity County if that helps. I clipped some fan leaves this morning as well as 'fim'ed. My C99 is showing signs of drought stress. Leaves dry to the touch and curling upwards. I've gone to watering 2x day, once with nutes and once clear water. About 3/4 gal per watering. I hope it pulls out. The Blackberry Kush and Purple snow seem to be doing fine with the same amount of water. I'll keep my beady little eyes on them!

Nice tutorial on the boring little bastards! Are these bugs widespread, or are they more of a regional pest? Are these in my area?

Hey bud, your toward Redding? Or are you still in the mountains to the west. I lived on the Peninsula south of SF in San Mateo County, I've been on four sides of your area, coast, north in Oregon, east of course up and down 5 and south in the area north of Clear Lake and over to Legget, but never 'in' the mountains there. Too bad I know, it's beautiful I hear. It's like your in 'ground zero' of the modern cannabis culture.

I know that there is more than one type of bug that does this with their eggs (laying them on stems) and a few of them are hear in the Midwest, and down to Kentucky, There are beetles and moths that do this I believe. I read up on it several years ago but the memory's not so good. I'm sure they're lurking near you somewhere! Just kidding! Any of the old timer outdoor growers up your way ought to know.

You do the same thing I used to do with the 'quotes'! LOL I'd send you a PM on how to do it, but you need 25 posts before you can use the personal message thing. If you look at the bottom right side of each post, you'll see the word 'Quote' and three other 'things' to the right of it. Let's say you have 'three' previous 'posts' you want to answer or refer to in your new post. On the first or earliest postabove you, click on the square right next to the word 'Quote', do the same with the second post you want to 'copy'. Now on the last post that you want to 'quote' click on 'Quote'. The page will change to the one you will post on, and will include in computer language (LOL) the three posts you wish to include. If the person had photos in his/her post, you may want to 'exclude' them so that your post does not take up half of a page. If you understand how it looks (the pics) in computer writing, you can 'cut it out of the quote, That's how I do it, but there is most likely a button that will do it for ya. I just am not that 'advanced'.:grinjoint:. Hope that helps ya Far N (it's shorter)

edit: forgot, you post your answer to the quotes underneath them . below the '
', and you can move this around to suit your need also.

nice one bruv!!
Mad Reeeespect

Why thank you brother Toes! Great name! lol I like that 'Outdoor Surgery'!LOL!
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