Woodsman Outdoors

Yessir. I love to widdle, Make a new walkingstick from deadwood everywere I go camping. Go check out the old walkingsticks to flashback on the trip. I know it sounds old skool, but I'm only 31 and have a collection already. My latest was the 'Deathstick' looked like a Final fantasy wizard staff until my bro used it as a fire poker for the whole night. My stoned ass never even noticed until the next morning. Had to scrap that one. and it was a good one . lool

I've got a nice hickory cane I made for myself a few years ago after knee surgery. Fairly simple but solid as a rock. I'd been thinking of cutting some wood for awhile now. All winter in fact, just too involved with the grows I guess. The other day I said the heck with it and started.
I dunno, your backyard seems like it goes on forever.....are there public woods behind it? I could smoke a bowl and just widle away on that balcony.....until the wife called, I't would take me a year!! Thats why I make them camping. I only make a few a year and the wife doesn't bitch. lolll!!....But it's great for when we go. I also have a Zatoichi Full Carbon Steel 2 ping Samurai sword that looks like a walking stick that I take on long hikes. For bears and crazies. lol No bear is geting the best of me with that!!It'll cut thrue a bear like butter. Bones and all.

anyways......... It's the mountain Lions I'm more worried about. those bastards will sneak up on you like the full moon on a starless night. I know we dont have nearly the ammount of them out here as in southern and central cali, but man they get big here too, and are funking sneaky. In golden peoples dogs go missing nightly. Hell no..... I saw a 6 and a half footer at least! running into residential last week on my way into the canyon. I bet that girl ate a dog. Messed up, but really we are in their territory.

....so much for this flashback!

later people. I dunno why I'm not sleeping yet, but I'll just go with it. lol
Watch out Ebay, Woodsman is coming your way!:cheer:

I would give it shot! Just look at the the folks here that wants one! Me included!;)

This might fill your need for a bit of spending money.:cheer:

If you had a little money coming in from your hobby, the wife might even change her mind.:bravo: She could do the packaging and mailing. Well, that might be pushing it, but ya never know! :cheer:
howdy, been dealing with some electrical problems here, could have had fire...lucked out on that one....so will try to fix it tomorrow....just life, but could have been bad...
the pipes look great, except you just have to quit wasting your time...hehehe...wtf...lol...lavendar
holyshitumungus!!!! I sense a revolution. ........ok, so really, I was trying to get off the subject and see how The Runt is doing? I think if you let her grow and then top her she'll be a force to be reconed with!!!! You better get her in one massive pot though!!!
Remember, from now on, trim the lower growth, not the upper! ...............LOWER>>>>>>>>>>>....................................................................................not........UPPER.................................LOWER..............................................

,,,,,,,,,,,,ok, so I'm stoned. Thought I had a headache comming on...........usually do when I cant sleep...................but so far since I pre-medicated ............no headache.....................just ecess thinking. .................lol.......
those pipes are cute looking Woodsman. I would rep you but I am not allowed yet.

Reps are not as important as you all being here!

I dunno, your backyard seems like it goes on forever.....are there public woods behind it? I could smoke a bowl and just widle away on that balcony.....until the wife called, I't would take me a year!! Thats why I make them camping. I only make a few a year and the wife doesn't bitch. lolll!!....But it's great for when we go. I also have a Zatoichi Full Carbon Steel 2 ping Samurai sword that looks like a walking stick that I take on long hikes. For bears and crazies. lol No bear is geting the best of me with that!!It'll cut thrue a bear like butter. Bones and all.

anyways......... It's the mountain Lions I'm more worried about. those bastards will sneak up on you like the full moon on a starless night. I know we dont have nearly the ammount of them out here as in southern and central cali, but man they get big here too, and are funking sneaky. In golden peoples dogs go missing nightly. Hell no..... I saw a 6 and a half footer at least! running into residential last week on my way into the canyon. I bet that girl ate a dog. Messed up, but really we are in their territory.

....so much for this flashback!

later people. I dunno why I'm not sleeping yet, but I'll just go with it. lol

Jason, your stories are great, I too love the outdoors, but the opportunities are few now to get away, and here you have to travel north at least 4-6 hours. It's not like the west though, no mountains and the streams here are not as full of trout as they are out west. Like the story about the Mountain Lions. I can relate! I used to carry a pistol with me when I was going up to the Sierras. Mostly worried about the two legged creatures that may lurk up there!

Watch out Ebay, Woodsman is coming your way!:cheer:

I would give it shot! Just look at the the folks here that wants one! Me included!;)

This might fill your need for a bit of spending money.:cheer:

If you had a little money coming in from your hobby, the wife might even change her mind.:bravo: She could do the packaging and mailing. Well, that might be pushing it, but ya never know! :cheer:

Hello OMM< eBay would be perfect we've got an account and I've sold odds and ends on it.

My wife is already 'encouraged' and now she won't give me those 'looks' when I'm out working.

howdy, been dealing with some electrical problems here, could have had fire...lucked out on that one....so will try to fix it tomorrow....just life, but could have been bad...
the pipes look great, except you just have to quit wasting your time...hehehe...wtf...lol...lavendar

Glad your both still with us! Anything having to do with your 'system' (lights, fans etc.)?

holyshitumungus!!!! I sense a revolution. ........ok, so really, I was trying to get off the subject and see how The Runt is doing? I think if you let her grow and then top her she'll be a force to be reconed with!!!! You better get her in one massive pot though!!!
Remember, from now on, trim the lower growth, not the upper! ...............LOWER>>>>>>>>>>>....................................................................................not........UPPER.................................LOWER..............................................

,,,,,,,,,,,,ok, so I'm stoned. Thought I had a headache comming on...........usually do when I cant sleep...................but so far since I pre-medicated ............no headache.....................just ecess thinking. .................lol.......

Right, growing, how novel that is! LOL I was thinking to top several of her gazillion tops, but I may just leave it alone. She won't get tall or very big,but she will be a 'fat bush'. I'll post some pics later in a couple of days or so. Busy lately!

I'll be out on the porch 'working' so I may or may not be 'around' today. At least during the daylight hours!
yea, you never know who your dealing with.

FoR AlL yOu KnOW EvEN i cOuLd bE A PsYcHo!!!

goodnight all. Time to go smoke and chill......computer and Kid free! WOOHOO!

We've already concluded you are a psycho,,,,psycho!!:grinjoint:
yea walking sticks can be very stealty i was thinking 1 wit a bowl in there somewhere mayb like a huge chillum
I dunno, your backyard seems like it goes on forever.....are there public woods behind it? I could smoke a bowl and just widle away on that balcony.....until the wife called, I't would take me a year!! Thats why I make them camping. I only make a few a year and the wife doesn't bitch. lolll!!....But it's great for when we go. I also have a Zatoichi Full Carbon Steel 2 ping Samurai sword that looks like a walking stick that I take on long hikes. For bears and crazies. lol No bear is geting the best of me with that!!It'll cut thrue a bear like butter. Bones and all.

anyways......... It's the mountain Lions I'm more worried about. those bastards will sneak up on you like the full moon on a starless night. I know we dont have nearly the ammount of them out here as in southern and central cali, but man they get big here too, and are funking sneaky. In golden peoples dogs go missing nightly. Hell no..... I saw a 6 and a half footer at least! running into residential last week on my way into the canyon. I bet that girl ate a dog. Messed up, but really we are in their territory.

....so much for this flashback!

later people. I dunno why I'm not sleeping yet, but I'll just go with it. lol

When approached by a wild animal of superior size, strength, ferocity, committment in his back yard, I recommend you thow feces at it. Don't worry when confronted with the aforementioned situation, just reach down in your pants you will fins an ample supply.
I know I went hiking in Alaska and they tell you when hiking in the wild the last thing you want to do is startle a bear, Grizzley or Black. First you tie small bells on a vest or tunic. The knid used at Christmas time you know the Santa hat bells. Then buy a strong can of pepper spray. The bells are to alert any wild animal of your approach thus avoiding "sneaking up on and startling them. The pepper spray purpose should be obvious. Now when walking in the woods you wqant to know what type of bears are in the area so you look for their feces. Black bear feces is very dark black and will be full of seeds. Grizzley Bear feces is a lighter brown and will have small bells in it and smell like pepper.
A can of wasp or hornet spray is best for several reasons; larger volume can lasts longer, the stuff is so potent that a hospital visit is required if sprayed in a human's face and last but not least, the spray stream reaches 15 feet or more giving you a safer distance from your target.
A can of wasp or hornet spray is best for several reasons; larger volume can lasts longer, the stuff is so potent that a hospital visit is required if sprayed in a human's face and last but not least, the spray stream reaches 15 feet or more giving you a safer distance from your target.

I hope you are kidding. If you're not,...quickly,.... be 4 its 2 late put your hands PALMS UP next to your neck valley created by the thumb and forefinger orbiting your cranial diameter push as hard as you can to get your head out of your ass
A can of wasp or hornet spray is best for several reasons; larger volume can lasts longer, the stuff is so potent that a hospital visit is required if sprayed in a human's face and last but not least, the spray stream reaches 15 feet or more giving you a safer distance from your target.

Far NorCal, welcome from a former Californian. Actually if the stuff burns like pepper spray on contact, it is just as useful. I'd rather have a very large caliber handgun if I'm in bear country. Anyway glad to have ya NorCal! Don't mind BOOT he's been in the medicine cabinet again!
Lions, tigers and bears oh my...wild kingdom in here and people are going on safari with Wasp Spray...I think I smoked too much...wait, I still need to go smoke so that is not it...OH HEY Woods, couldn't see you there for all the livestock...:) DON'T STEP IN THAT!!!

Just dropping by to say a great job on the pipes bro, hope you get a bit of compensation for your time on Ebay bro. Would be a nice little industry for you to supplement your income until you find a job. I am just happy you found something you like doing that keeps you off the missus radar.

How are the girls, wish I could show you guys my tomatoes...they are exploding, never had this good of garden. I like gardening, never did alot before though as I never had the idea situation, and this garden is in anything from 3 to 7 gallon pots...have a rock scaped back yard in my compartment as OMM calls them quite accurately BTW.

:peace: Woods from my little garden to yours.
No problem on the reps. Thanks for the welcome. I've been lurking around on a few threads and have read through several completed journals. I really enjoy yours in particular.
I'm not just new here I'm new to forums all together and have a certain concern for anonymity or I'd probably pipe up more. As a matter of fact this is my first post on here.
Anyway keep up the good work on your grow and the great atmosphere on your journal
I know I went hiking in Alaska and they tell you when hiking in the wild the last thing you want to do is startle a bear, Grizzley or Black. First you tie small bells on a vest or tunic. The knid used at Christmas time you know the Santa hat bells. Then buy a strong can of pepper spray. The bells are to alert any wild animal of your approach thus avoiding "sneaking up on and startling them. The pepper spray purpose should be obvious. Now when walking in the woods you wqant to know what type of bears are in the area so you look for their feces. Black bear feces is very dark black and will be full of seeds. Grizzley Bear feces is a lighter brown and will have small bells in it and smell like pepper.

when i lived in alaska, that was one of our favorite sayings....in reality, we carried a shotgun loaded with slugs and shot, and pulled out the plug....even to berry pick i carried one...usually sawed off short as poss.....very true statement....lavendar
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