Woodsman Outdoors

Lots of talk about tomatoes in this journal...I love it! Mine are just starting to get flowers; I wish they were farther along but I had to start over with my indoor seedlings this spring after an accident so things are way behind. I also have cucumbers that are about to go nuts. And peas! And beans! And corn!

Anyway, looking good here Woodsman. Excellent job on the plant surgery; thanks for sharing such great pics of it with us. Also, I think I noticed a pajama and slipper-clad foot in one of your pics. Nice. :)
Happy 4th From Aloha Land all

:peace::peace::peace::peace::yahoo: :peace: :peace: :peace: :peace:

Aloha OMM, Enjoy your weekend with Jo!

and to you and yours also...lavendar

Hello L and thanks!

Lots of talk about tomatoes in this journal...I love it! Mine are just starting to get flowers; I wish they were farther along but I had to start over with my indoor seedlings this spring after an accident so things are way behind. I also have cucumbers that are about to go nuts. And peas! And beans! And corn!

Anyway, looking good here Woodsman. Excellent job on the plant surgery; thanks for sharing such great pics of it with us. Also, I think I noticed a pajama and slipper-clad foot in one of your pics. Nice. :)

Hello G, ya seems like tomatoes are big' this year. My wife and I didn't grow any this time around. We've not had great success and after hearing some of the great tips for growing them here, I now know why we have not. Too much Sun etc...

Ha ha you are spot on about the slippers and pajamas! LOL, First thing in the morning, after giving the cat some fresh food and water, I'm out checking on the plants and I do it in style! No one can see me back there anyway!

I was still taking the worms out yesterday! And as I mentioned earlier, I spotted a couple of white flys (wonderful). So the battle is on, as it is most years. It is the 'rare' summer that they are not as bad.

Thanks GG

Happy 4th every one:roorrip::bong::peace:

Enjoy your buddy!
:surf: out of the ether looking in on your progress. Looking good! :thumb:
Hi woods! I just thought I'd drop a word or two in and wish you luck with the bugs. I may have missed it, but have you tried any systematic pesticide? Like SM-90 or Azamax? some of the pesticides will uptake into the plants and bugs will die or be deturred after a bite of two.... SM-90 is organic I believe.....

....but so is Anthrax.

hahahaha, Happy 4th man! Stay out of trouble Woods!
:surf: out of the ether looking in on your progress. Looking good! :thumb:

Hi woods! I just thought I'd drop a word or two in and wish you luck with the bugs. I may have missed it, but have you tried any systematic pesticide? Like SM-90 or Azamax? some of the pesticides will uptake into the plants and bugs will die or be deturred after a bite of two.... SM-90 is organic I believe.....

....but so is Anthrax.

hahahaha, Happy 4th man! Stay out of trouble Woods!

Hey guys, The battle is a waging on! Ya Jason, I was out there with the old anthrax spraying around kind of liberally all over the place, .............................:Rasta:.....See what it did to my hair!
Good day Woodsman. What a great, informative grow you have going on here. Glad I found it! Just got done reading every page. I am a big out door grower, I hate dealing with indoor but unfortunately due to my college career I am forced to embark on a new to me indoor venture. I have spent the last 10 years growing and helping growers grow some massive 14-16 foot monster bushes so I have a lot of outdoor experience if you ever have any questions. I hope I can lend a hand.

The worms/larvae you have a problem with are also a common problem here in CA. I believe they are a species of boring beetle larvae that has found Cannabis to be quite tasty. Last year, my friend had a plague of these same beetles. They would penetrate into the stem of the buds, and on the outside, the buds would appear to be healthy and chronic... but upon closer examination they were found to be rotted out from the feces of these little bastards. It was quite an extensive and time consuming extermination regime. I have a few specimens preserved in alcohol and plan to ID them ASAP. Once I can find the exact species, I can work on finding a predatory wasp/other insect to combat this issue naturally. It is one of my goals as an Entomology major.

Your grow is looking great. Thank you for the detailed write up on pest removal. Very valuable information. Staying tuned to your grow. Nice work so far my friend! :smokin:

Keep working on the ol lady. Fortunately, my girlfriend comes from a family of CA medical cannabis growers, so she is used to the routine. She rarely smokes, but she even trims for me... a keeper in my books :thumb:
Good day Woodsman. What a great, informative grow you have going on here. Glad I found it! Just got done reading every page. I am a big out door grower, I hate dealing with indoor but unfortunately due to my college career I am forced to embark on a new to me indoor venture. I have spent the last 10 years growing and helping growers grow some massive 14-16 foot monster bushes so I have a lot of outdoor experience if you ever have any questions. I hope I can lend a hand.

The worms/larvae you have a problem with are also a common problem here in CA. I believe they are a species of boring beetle larvae that has found Cannabis to be quite tasty. Last year, my friend had a plague of these same beetles. They would penetrate into the stem of the buds, and on the outside, the buds would appear to be healthy and chronic... but upon closer examination they were found to be rotted out from the feces of these little bastards. It was quite an extensive and time consuming extermination regime. I have a few specimens preserved in alcohol and plan to ID them ASAP. Once I can find the exact species, I can work on finding a predatory wasp/other insect to combat this issue naturally. It is one of my goals as an Entomology major.

Your grow is looking great. Thank you for the detailed write up on pest removal. Very valuable information. Staying tuned to your grow. Nice work so far my friend! :smokin:

Keep working on the ol lady. Fortunately, my girlfriend comes from a family of CA medical cannabis growers, so she is used to the routine. She rarely smokes, but she even trims for me... a keeper in my books :thumb:

Hello Odin, welcome to my grow and thank you for taking the time to read the whole thing! Good luck on your research. I think it's great to have an Entomologist (or a student at least) on this forum! Your knowledge and expertise will be very highly valued by many of us. Thanks for coming this way.

I've read up on some of these insects and from what I gather, there could be several guilty candidates, both beetles and moths. Never able to figure out which one has got me as they seem to do their dirty work under cover of darkness. This season has been especially wet as it has rained much of the last few weeks prior to the attach. The species you describe is very similar to what I have hear. If unfettered, the little bastards will work their way right up and out of the tops. I've harvested bud after I've thought they had been iradicated only to find what you mentioned. Rotten from the inside out! I can think of no other way to combat these little bastards once they've 'had at it', than to just remove them one at a time. Important to keep inspecting the plants everyday to see if more evidence of attach exists. I've found several more larvae in the last couple of days since my initial 'surgery'. As it is, the last 4 days or so it has not rained and has dried up quite quickly, in fact I've held off watering about as long as I can. It's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow at least. I will spray the plants with neem oil after any breaks in the rainfall. I don't think I'm through with them yet, but in the past, they have eventually disappeared on there own anyway, I take it that they have finished a cycle and will be back the next 'wet year'. Two of my plants are now visibly 'ill' from the attacks and subsequent surgeries. The main stalks on a whole seem to recover on their own, it's when too much cutting is done to remove the little cuties that the nutrient supply is cut of enough to physically effect the plants. So at first one, now another seems to be affected this way. Like supercropping a stem and having it break by being to brittle. You can splint it like I did and hope that it recovers. That's where Im at now with those two bagseeds. I'f need be, I will take off the top half of the plant, or the parts that are above the 'strangled' areas.

Life would have been so much easier had I grown just one or two females!

Speaking of growing, I've got one seed each of Bubba Kush and Himalayan Gold in a dish with wet paper towels (should be fem seeds). Seeds appeared overnight by means of a Cannabis Stork. I've seen these only in the movies! They do exist! My dear wife, for her own well being, knows nothing of this latest 'operation' and as they grow up, and she notices them, I will deny any involvement and blame it on some unfortunate soul that I will manufacture at the spur of the moment. Like the adage we all know and love, 'never look before you leap', so as to not scare yourself unnecessarily. Where will I get the soil for these two latecomers? Who knows? I could steal some from that one and a little from this one and so on. Perhaps it is best to 'wish for a few males, preferably the 'unhealthy' ones. I would use the soil from those to supplement the rest.

So your thinking, 'how can he grow them halfway through the summer? Well we're just a couple weeks into summer first off, they've got till the end of Oct to finish so that's 4 months. For indoors it's perfect, for outdoors it will be like doing a 12/12 from seed. Probably smaller plants, but should be fine all the same.
Invest in a systematic pesticide like SM-90. It makes the plants taste bad to the bugs. Thats my advise. It may or may not work, but its definatly worth a shot. ......takes a hit from a wiched hickory pipe...................and even then you can use sm-90 as a spray but you gotta be light at first and work your way up in the mix ratio till you see the plants reaction. Start light and always test one leaf, and come back in 12 hours to see if your mix caused any plant damage. Once you get the mix right, wright it down, and treat them all with a slightly lower dosage than you found to be toxic to your plants and the bugs will steer very well clear of your girls.

Also pepper spray will help, and Silicon based additives will help increase the thickness of cell walls in your plants. This may or may not help, since you have borrers it might actually make for a better snack. I dunno.......

I hope it all goes well. Just so you know, My peppers seem to be immune to such beasts. Is it the Capsaicin? is it something else? I dunno, but a simple pepper spray might make a miricle, but it might not as well.

good luck brother!!!!!
For leaf borrers its best to go with a systematic pesticide (something you can water into the plants internal system) , and flush an extra bit later!
For leaf borrers its best to go with a systematic pesticide (something you can water into the plants internal system) , and flush an extra bit later!

Hello my friend Woodsman What a mess fighting those monsters that want to ruin your crop. I think Jasonlee has the right idea, if you can find something that kills them while eating, that can be given to the plants through watering. :morenutes:

Good for you getting the mj stork to drop off Bubba Kush and Himalayan Gold seeds. Both really fine strains. Wife will never know. Oh! Wait! Were talking about your wife, never mind....she knows all!:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

Great stuff going on Woodsman. Bummer about the bugs. Jason knows what he's talking about, and I've seen others use that stuff with good effect. Another I am trying right now is Seven dust. It has been around a long time and is safe for vegetables. I'll get some outdoor pics and updates up in my journal in the next day or two.

Invest in a systematic pesticide like SM-90. It makes the plants taste bad to the bugs. Thats my advise. It may or may not work, but its definatly worth a shot. ......takes a hit from a wiched hickory pipe...................and even then you can use sm-90 as a spray but you gotta be light at first and work your way up in the mix ratio till you see the plants reaction. Start light and always test one leaf, and come back in 12 hours to see if your mix caused any plant damage. Once you get the mix right, wright it down, and treat them all with a slightly lower dosage than you found to be toxic to your plants and the bugs will steer very well clear of your girls.

Also pepper spray will help, and Silicon based additives will help increase the thickness of cell walls in your plants. This may or may not help, since you have borrers it might actually make for a better snack. I dunno.......

I hope it all goes well. Just so you know, My peppers seem to be immune to such beasts. Is it the Capsaicin? is it something else? I dunno, but a simple pepper spray might make a miricle, but it might not as well.

good luck brother!!!!!

For leaf borrers its best to go with a systematic pesticide (something you can water into the plants internal system) , and flush an extra bit later!

Hello my friend Woodsman What a mess fighting those monsters that want to ruin your crop. I think Jasonlee has the right idea, if you can find something that kills them while eating, that can be given to the plants through watering. :morenutes:

Good for you getting the mj stork to drop off Bubba Kush and Himalayan Gold seeds. Both really fine strains. Wife will never know. Oh! Wait! Were talking about your wife, never mind....she knows all!:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:


Nutrilife Products > SM-90

Is this the SM-90 you are speaking of? Never heard of or used it before. Curious to learn a little more information on this product.

Great stuff going on Woodsman. Bummer about the bugs. Jason knows what he's talking about, and I've seen others use that stuff with good effect. Another I am trying right now is Seven dust. It has been around a long time and is safe for vegetables. I'll get some outdoor pics and updates up in my journal in the next day or two.


Jason, Boot, OMM, Odin and Papa
Thanks to all of you for your recommendations. Jason, you seem to have hit on a winner in the SM-90, and Papa with the Seven Dust unfortunately for me, I can't spend a dime right now. Things are pretty tight in the old Woodsman household right now!
Grow update

I've just done my daily inspection on all the plants. I only found one 'drill hole' and I rooted out a whopper from that one. Most likely been there since the beginning and I just missed it. I think the life cycle is finishing up for the little bastards. I didn't see or notice and evidence of the white flies either this evening. When I was done with my extremely thorough inspection, I went at them with a sprayer full of neem oil. I make sure to get the undersides of the leaves by tilting the pots back away from me, exposing the 'soft' underbelly of the plant. After that I enjoy the heck out of emptying the sprayer all over the top side of the plant.

On a more normal note, today was the second day it was supposed to rain, but it only drizzled briefly. So off I went to the spring with my 12 jugs. Gave them all a full dose of fish emulsion for some needed nitrogen, a very light dose of Tiger Bloom and a light dose of Cal/Mag. They were all starting to show signs of thirst prior to the feeding and I had given up any hope of a good rain soaking. After the feeding within an hour, they were all 'perked up' and even the one that was wilted from my surgery last week seemed to perk up (at least 3/4 of the way to normal). On the Runt, I defoliated the bottom few inches as it was 'ripe' for problems having so much going on down there. The old buds were now turning brown and so was some of the foliage in the immediate area. Just wanted to allow some much needed ventilation down there. I'll get some pics soon of her and the rest of the plants.

I think the little NL#5 is a female. Not positive as all evidence is still at the 'not quite sure' stage. Amazing how the Mazar showed her sex so early compared to the others. The application of some bloom nutes today should help them along now and as the days are now getting shorter, it is only a matter of time before they all show their 'true' colors. The Bubba Kush just popped her shell today and a little white is showing. The Himalayan Gold is still intact. Once I get a tap root I'll sow them into some happy frog and perlite (I'll scrape some happy frog off the top of a couple of the larger pots. I'll rinse it well before introducing it to the seedlings which will first go into tall 16 oz Styrofoam cups. When they break the surface, I'll give them a gradual introduction to the Sun. Wish I'd get about 4 or 5 males so I could use the soil for the remaining females and get all of them in descent size pots
Hi Woodsman That was a good update you just did. You covered it all and explained your thoughts on everything. Damn Bugs. I do the Neem thing the very same way you do. Been some nibbles on some of my leaves. Can't see the little buggers. Like you, I want to control them, what ever it is.

Sure am glad you have good water source. That makes things easier.

I have to admit your the first person that I've seen that wished for males. Except breeders.:yahoo: I have to agree with your thinking though. Put something you know is good in that soil. Don't waste a thing! The days are getting shorter already? No! :smokin:
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