Woodsman Outdoors

great update Woods! About the SM-90 if you do use it definatly start light. I dunno if you checked out the link that was put up on the last page, but it can kill plants if used in too high a concentration. just be carefull. Works great if you use it light, and do tests to find the right dosage for you! I think you can expect something today. ;)

Keep up the great gardening!
Hi Woodsman That was a good update you just did. You covered it all and explained your thoughts on everything. Damn Bugs. I do the Neem thing the very same way you do. Been some nibbles on some of my leaves. Can't see the little buggers. Like you, I want to control them, what ever it is.

Sure am glad you have good water source. That makes things easier.

I have to admit your the first person that I've seen that wished for males. Except breeders.:yahoo: I have to agree with your thinking though. Put something you know is good in that soil. Don't waste a thing! The days are getting shorter already? No! :smokin:

Hi Woods i lmao about wishing for males,but i can see your point.Good luck with the pests.:lot-o-toke:

great update Woods! About the SM-90 if you do use it definatly start light. I dunno if you checked out the link that was put up on the last page, but it can kill plants if used in too high a concentration. just be carefull. Works great if you use it light, and do tests to find the right dosage for you! I think you can expect something today. ;)

Keep up the great gardening!

Los tres amigos! (?) Nice of you guys to drop by. Someone keeps letting you three out of the cage :hmmmm: :allgood: :Rasta: :smokin:

LOL Well about the males, your right it's just not normal to be wishing for them, but in my case, I never planned to have about a dozen females! I figured 6 maybe. Now with the soil situation I have or 'lack' of it, it is the only way to get the females into larger containers where they should be. Another option and I think Jas has mentioned this in the past, is to prune the roots. I don't know if it is possible at this stage of their growth, but if I have to I will. I do have even one more option, though my least favorite, that's to use peat moss along with whats already in each pot to go bigger. Peat is something I've used in the past and I wanted to stay away from that now that I've learned 'a little more' about growing correctly. Between heavy usage of peat moss (very acidic) and water from the hose (very alkaline - from salts) I was going from one extreme to the other and of course I never knew about pH!

Jason, that SM -90 will go on my 'wish I had list' along with many more items. Just can't swing anything now. Really. If I was able to spend 20 bucks or so, I'd get another bag of Happy Frog first. I have the neem oil and I will use the heck out of it. I am also 'hand inspecting' so to speak everyday. When I go out to 'wander among the plants' the first thing I do is kick the pots. Nothing flies out, that's a good thing. Then I'll take each one and lift it up onto the railing (see it easier) and go branch to branch, working my way around the whole plant, then moving up eventually at the main tops. This is how I've spotted some of the little buggers since the 'surgeries'. Also how I saw the white flies which are gone I think.

This morning is the 'morning after' the dual nutrient feeding from yesterday, combining some high nitrogen veg ferts (fish emulsion) with some tiger bloom (give them a boost in that direction).

I noticed even yesterday just hours after the feeding session, that the bagseed that had been very 'droopy' since it's operation, was showing signs of recovery. It seemed to want to pick itself up a bit. This morning, it is standing at 'near perfect' stature! As are the rest of them.

I'll try to get pics out today, but it is perhaps more important that I get some of my hickory pipes onto eBay. I keep putting it off as I can not nail down a good category to place them in. I could put them in with all the 'tobacco pipes' but it would get lost in there or under 'collectibles' or both for that matter. Not sure yet but I need to make a decision and just do it. I'm a little rusty with eBay, but it will come back to me in no time. Used to sell odds and end there a few years ago and we still have an account there and also a PayPal account.
Glad to hear your plants are on the road to recovery after there surgery. Very nice job....
hey woodsman hows things?sorry to hear about the bug problem sounds like you have it under control now good job little b****ds!great looking pipes by the way thats some damn good handy work quite a talent i would say,anyway will keep on dropping by to see how your getting on :peace:

Glad to hear your plants are on the road to recovery after there surgery. Very nice job....

Hello Langa and Sonzor, nice to see you guys! Hopefully I'm finished with the 'borers'. But growing outside is 'nonstop adventure'!

I finally put the pipes on eBay, (search: handcrafted hickory pipes - and you'll recognize them. I've made more since the last photos, but I will not post, advertise or promote them here as I was instructed by admin. On the PM it's OK unless someone snitches!.LOL
Photo Update

Group Shot


Smaller Bagseeds


Larger Bagseeds (Mazar front left)


Bagseed with huge leaves


Bagseed that had been 'ill' since the surgery. Now recovering quite well!






The Runt (regenerating) lower part of plant has been cleaned up to minimize the chance of rot. Used to be full of 'old buds'.


The Runt (regenerating) Now with 'normal' leaves.

Long time no talk brother. Looks like you have your hands full w/ all those beautiful ladies. Hopefully I will have the time to stay up to date w/ your grow. As always keep up the good work!
Long time no talk brother. Looks like you have your hands full w/ all those beautiful ladies. Hopefully I will have the time to stay up to date w/ your grow. As always keep up the good work!

Great to see ya here Velo my old friend! I hope all is well with you and your family. Please visit whenever you get the time, no pressure buddy!

This grow has been a crazy ride my friend. Starting with a cold spring and then rainy day after rainy day, now it doesn't want to rain and I wish for it to do so! With the heat we're having, the plants need to be watered quite often and the rain sure beats driving to the local spring with my 12 jugs (1 gal each) to the local spring. Then it was the attack of the stem borers the little bastards! I've got em beat though, pretty sure on that.

Good to see you buddy come back when ya can!
Your girls and boys sure look healthy brother even with the invasion of the evil worms from hell....:bravo:.

Sure would be a nice place to sit and widdle out some pipes...:)

Seen you have some new strains you will be adding to you garden, that is great, better hurry them along...Weather sounds rough in your neck of the woods.

:passitleft:Ere' try this Church and you tell me what you think...not cured yet huh but really smooth and mellow compared to Cheese. I also discovered something by pure accident...:), 2 hits of Cheese will get you loaded...and smoking more just makes me get drugged out. That will help with stretching my weed...:grinjoint: What little I have left...you know the good thing about this perpetual style is it just doesn't seem very far between harvests. But if all goes well for you, you won't need a perpetual as you will have a GIGANTIC harvest. :roorrip:

And you will have that problem with being a stupor all the time...:smokin:

:peace: brother.
Your girls and boys sure look healthy brother even with the invasion of the evil worms from hell....:bravo:.

Sure would be a nice place to sit and widdle out some pipes...:)

Seen you have some new strains you will be adding to you garden, that is great, better hurry them along...Weather sounds rough in your neck of the woods.

:passitleft:Ere' try this Church and you tell me what you think...not cured yet huh but really smooth and mellow compared to Cheese. I also discovered something by pure accident...:), 2 hits of Cheese will get you loaded...and smoking more just makes me get drugged out. That will help with stretching my weed...:grinjoint: What little I have left...you know the good thing about this perpetual style is it just doesn't seem very far between harvests. But if all goes well for you, you won't need a perpetual as you will have a GIGANTIC harvest. :roorrip:

And you will have that problem with being a stupor all the time...:smokin:

:peace: brother.

Evil worms from hell is right! I expected them, but I forgot that I'd have more than just a couple of plants this time. So it was triple the usual pain in the a** to get rid of them.

I find that I really enjoy making the pipes. It's very relaxing and gives me something to do other than looking for work or growing. Who knows were it could lead, but in the meantime it is a nice way to pass the time.


Here have a joint of some mango tasting Big Girl. Much of her is still curing and is getting much more mellower to smoke, oh ya, she'll get those old lungs coughing if ya take too large a hit. My wife doesn't like it when I smoke out on the back porch. Says it's a dead giveaway to any of the neighbors that can hear me gagging a lung out!
Hey Woodsman Mind if I come in?:wood:

Man, everything looks good. Boy do I relate to going to get water!!!! With all those plants and only 12 gallon containers = many trips. When you get wealthy selling your pipes, get your self some Brita systems and it will eliminate the trips. Cheap too!.

Your plants look wonderful Buddy. Sounds weird to me, But hope you get some males. yuck!:grinjoint:

An old friend came by my journal yesterday. His name is OldSkoool, don't think you've met him yet. He's one of us old farts and truly a good guy. Got our sense of humor too, maybe worse than us. ;)
He took a bad fall a while back. Slipped on ice and landed on his tail bone and really hurt himself. Poor guy, but he is getting better.

The reason I bring him up is that he carves too. He makes rare wood Fish Hooks. He spends most of his time carving now and is doing great. He should be dropping in once and a while, but no longer has the time to do a journal, which is a bummer for all of us, but good for him.

Takes me a while to get to the point! Your carving might do it for you too! As an owner of one of your pipes, I see no reason you can't do the same thing he did. I hope you do old Friend! :cheer:
Hi Woodsman, great thread! Your plants are looking awesome and I hope you have great fortune with both them and your new pipe business!

I just got in from moving all my tomato plants into the shade! They're looking totally stressed and it's in the mid-90's here, now they'll get sun until about 1pm I hope that helps them out. It never ceases to amaze me what I learn here lol!

The bugs give me the creeps btw, thanks for giving me something new to worry about :)

I'm doing a similar grow, outdoors in buckets, but I take them inside to simulate 12/12. It's getting old lugging my 12 plants around, let me tell you! I have to move them a few times a day as well to catch the sun.

I was wondering how much direct sun your plants are getting each day, and about how much and often that you're watering them. If I understand correctly you're going to let them flower naturally outside? Thanks and take care!
Hey Woodsman Mind if I come in?:wood:

Man, everything looks good. Boy do I relate to going to get water!!!! With all those plants and only 12 gallon containers = many trips. When you get wealthy selling your pipes, get your self some Brita systems and it will eliminate the trips. Cheap too!.

Your plants look wonderful Buddy. Sounds weird to me, But hope you get some males. yuck!:grinjoint:

An old friend came by my journal yesterday. His name is OldSkoool, don't think you've met him yet. He's one of us old farts and truly a good guy. Got our sense of humor too, maybe worse than us. ;)
He took a bad fall a while back. Slipped on ice and landed on his tail bone and really hurt himself. Poor guy, but he is getting better.

The reason I bring him up is that he carves too. He makes rare wood Fish Hooks. He spends most of his time carving now and is doing great. He should be dropping in once and a while, but no longer has the time to do a journal, which is a bummer for all of us, but good for him.

Takes me a while to get to the point! Your carving might do it for you too! As an owner of one of your pipes, I see no reason you can't do the same thing he did. I hope you do old Friend! :cheer:

lookin good:peace:

Holysmokey, OMM, you guys are always welcome, just leave all stash at the door for research and future testing purposes. :Rasta:

I really need several more containers or a few of those big jerrycans. I don't know too much about the 'Brita' system other than I always thought it was not cheap to purchase/operate. I worry about initial cost and more importantly, how long before I'd have to change the filters and how much$ . We have to add water softener in our well water. or everything turns rust colored. It would have been 'brilliant' had the person who built this cabin not run the outdoor hose line first through the softener. We've been watering our plants, grass and yes my plants, not knowing this till it was suggested here that I check out the routing. We have a crawl space under the house that is not so 'user friendly' and I am not the guy who can change this (change water pipes),, That's why I used to buy the gallons at Wally's and now (with 11 plants) drive to the spring instead.

Glad to hear that your friend OldSkoool is back and is on the mend! When you say that my pipe making may 'do it for me' in what sense do you mean, as an income source or for health / healing reasons? I've got some out on eBay now and while they are getting many many 'views' 111 so far, and one watcher since I placed them there yesterday evening, no buyers yet. I need to at least ask what the advertising costs are here on this site. I believe I was told by admin. that someone would contact me. I may have misunderstood and need to contact them myself. It would be a big help if I was an advertiser here!

BlueDog;1113 209 said:
Hi Woodsman, great thread! Your plants are looking awesome and I hope you have great fortune with both them and your new pipe business!

I just got in from moving all my tomato plants into the shade! They're looking totally stressed and it's in the mid-90's here, now they'll get sun until about 1pm I hope that helps them out. It never ceases to amaze me what I learn here lol!

The bugs give me the creeps btw, thanks for giving me something new to worry about :)

I'm doing a similar grow, outdoors in buckets, but I take them inside to simulate 12/12. It's getting old lugging my 12 plants around, let me tell you! I have to move them a few times a day as well to catch the sun.

I was wondering how much direct sun your plants are getting each day, and about how much and often that you're watering them. If I understand correctly you're going to let them flower naturally outside? Thanks and take care!

Hello Bluedog welcome to my thread and by all means feel right at home!

Thank you for the kind words about my grow and my pipes.

I'm not much of a tomato grower, but like you I've learned a few tips here from the other growers. I would think that your on the right path to recovery by getting them out of the hot sun all day long by placing them in the shade for about half the time. Good luck with that, perhaps one of our resident tomato growers has more tips for you.

I sure would not wish those borers on anyone! they don't come every year though and I think it is related to the huge amounts of rain early spring into summer that we've had. I guess it's the relatively dry years that they don't come around. We've had temps into the 90's but I'd say mid 80's is the norm right now. Problem is the amount of rain lately and the very high humidity accompanying it, most non rain days are over 60-65%! Feels like Florida!

If I had the water easily available, I could water some of the plants every day (smaller pots). As it is now, they are OK for two days, then they start to wilt. In the past I would just water them with the hose and that was it! Now knowing what I know since coming over to this site, I can't do that anymore. I'd get huge salt deposits in the soil.

As far as sunshine goes, in June they were getting about 13 hours of direct sun with an hour and a half in the early morning that they only get indirect light. Now we've lost about an hour of sunlight and this will slowly decline also. And yes they will flower under the Sun all the way. As I've mentioned before, in the past I've had some late finishers that I had to bring in the house and finish in the back window. Problem there is that they get interrupted dark times being in our living room! I can't use the tent anymore, promise to the wife and I better keep that one! Anyway I don't think any of the plants would fit in the old tent by the middle of Oct.! Even the smallest may be too large!

That's quite a job moving twelve pots back and forth to the house every night! I just move mine (like you do) to catch the sun, about a couple feet each max. Hardest thing for me is lifting the ten galon pots up onto the railing to inspect them. I have one very bad knee so it is hard to squat down on the floor to look. having a very arthritic back doesn't help when I lift those suckers up either!

Great to have you good luck with your grow and come back often!:welcome:
HeLo W00dsman, my friend. I'm sitting here with my 19 mo old girl playing the keyboard and dancing and I finally have time to get on here.

Your garden makes me drool like a fool. It makes me think how easy it is to have a project you are passionate about. As you know, I have no grow, and the projects I do have SUCK.
Thank you for letting me grow vicariously thru your journal.

Peace brother.
yeah and howdy woods...just doing a drive by and trying to get back to posting again....got side tracked for a while....the pipes sound awesome...best of luck with it all....later, lavendar:hookah:
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