Yellow Stripe in my plant leaf... I bet you never have seen this.


New Member
Long time reader new to posting.

I have a small stealth Grow Box.
I have one plant that has a strange color band in the leaves.
I am thinking some sort of deficiency, but can't figure it out.
I posted in other forums but none has ever seen it.

My levels for heat and nutes are all good.
I just have this single plant acting the fool..


Thanks BlueManHemp
I have seen something similar to this in a journal. The grower called it the ring of death. He had a ring going all around the plant, visable from the top. He said it was root rot and one the ring was visable it was too late.
It looks similar, but not exactly. I dont want you thinking your girls are a lost cause. Any way you can post more pics of affected area? Ill ry to find the journal where I saw these pics... :nomo:
Also, what kind of lighting are you using? wattage and position. Ive seen weird bleached out leaves from too much lights. I saw one where it left a perfect impression of a leaf onto anoher leaf! :rofl:
I have seen something similar to this in a journal. The grower called it the ring of death. He had a ring going all around the plant, visable from the top. He said it was root rot and one the ring was visable it was too late.
It looks similar, but not exactly. I dont want you thinking your girls are a lost cause. Any way you can post more pics of affected area? Ill ry to find the journal where I saw these pics... :nomo:
Also, what kind of lighting are you using? wattage and position. Ive seen weird bleached out leaves from too much lights. I saw one where it left a perfect impression of a leaf onto anoher leaf! :rofl:

I have chosen to do the controversial thing and start a heavy defoliating method in addition to the SCROG.
I can not show pics because all leaves bigger than 3 inches and or not proper color have been removed.
I know from my other plants that they will snap back next week and we will see what is going on..

OH wait let me check the of my clones is doing this also... but does not photo well... So can't be root rot... the clones would not have this if it was rot... all the leaves looked green when cut 1 week ago.

Lighting is in a rubbermaid box pointing to the corners oppiste corners have 1 23 watt 6200k and the other coners have 1 40 watt 2700k CFLs. They are hanging about 8 inches from the plants.

I also have mini LEDS that do not seem to be doing much of anything...
They are in flowering and I can not open the box for 1 more hour...
OK, Heres what I came up with for ya.

^ Halfway down is a post about ring stress, including cloning. Im not sure if this is the thread where I saw the pic, because its 80 pages ad I didnt loo through every page. When you get into cloning and hydro stuff, Im outta my league. Hopefully If you have time you can browse this link and see if it helps at all. Ill keep my eyes open for anything that sounds like it can help ya out. :goodluck:
I am so stupid... I forgot to plug in the exhaust fan on monday... it ran for 12 hours before I realized it... my plants super stressed out! (Mental note to self no medicating before work) It looked like I may have root rot also... I cleaned the roots with H2O2 dumped the res, and flushed the plants over night with ph balanced H2O. They look sad but alive... I mixed up a batch of nutes and added it to the water... We shall see what happens next week... This sucks this is the same time that I ran into problems with my first run... 2nd week of 12/12 I think I am going to switch from now on I am going to gradually drop... I just wish this medication was legal where I live.. then I could grow in the open room and not worry.
Great news... problem solved and the plants are doing wonderful considering they lost nearly all the foliage. I came home from my weekend trip to flowers on the male.. and to buds on the female... I am trying to make seeds so the male stays... I also have been doing research and though the THC is lower in males.. Good for me.. the Cannabis I am looking for are actually higher. Right before the pollen pops.. I will be harvesting the flowers. Except for a few so the lady gets a good shag..
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