1st All LED Grow - HammerHead - Cheese - GH - Aussie Blue


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!!

Bit early as seeds have only just popped - but i wanted to document everything from the start as i am super excited!!


140w X3 Lens LED
Home made Res (67L) / DWC 2 Bucket system (20L)
Hydrocorn & Grodan Cubes
1.2x 1.2x 2m Mylar Tent
Airpump 2 lines
2 Halo's
PH/TDS Meter

Strains - Hammerhead (Medical Seeds) Cheese (Greenhouse) Aussie Blue

This is very much a solid experiment and purely a curiosity crusher!
In the past I have grown Critical Mass, AK47 and a brutal sativa called Dr Grinspoon that sent me broke just through electricity costs! However it was like smoking valium so it was worth it!:love:

I germinated all 3 of the seeds in some Grodan cubes using a neutral PH'd water - I plan on vegging for 3-4 weeks @ 24 hours then flipping to 11/13 - My LED light also has a far red flower initiator (730nm) built in, which will trick the plants into thinking that daylight, is an hour longer hence the 11/13 method.

I will be taking cuttings from Cheese and HH to set up my next grow - I am actually hoping the Aussie Blue (regular seed) turns male as i would love to dabble in a bit of breeding!

Pictures will be up within the next week!

Wish me luck :420:
Thanks ItsChrome! here is the pic of the setup, i will repost pics next week when the seedlings are a week old.

Yes i am getting some more hydrocorn, as i fell about 10L short :(

So my Seedlings all have their first set of leaves on.. i raised the hydrocorn to the top of the pot (i decided to try without the netpots) and i popped a couple of humidity domes on them as it is really quite cool in my stealth spot.
I fed them all their first dose of MEDI-ONE 4-3-3.- PH is 5.4 and i am going to maintain 5.2-5.8 the entire grow.

Any opinions in regards to ph during veg and ph during flower would be greatly appreciated, ive always maintained the same ph from start to finish however im starting to think 5.5-5.6 for veg and 5.2 for flower?

Cheers everyone!
Thanks man! Glad to have you along for the ride -

Couple of things i wanted to share today, since the discontinuation of Hydrotron, ive moved to Hydrocorn (1st time) i am noticing daily rises in my PH , i use PH down , but.. im having to use it everyday??!! Now i left the Hydrocorn overnight in a 5.8 checked solution? any ideas as to why i am getting the daily rises?

Also i wanted to check with an expert, if PH down is used everyday (5-7 drops) can this actually poison the plants?
Hydrotron no longer for distribution in my country something about it containing oils and high levels of contaminants, thats what my supplier told me anyways.
Hydrocorn grow rock Grow rock is a Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate stone (L.E.C.A.) that is a type of clay which is super-fired to create a porous medium.

Ph ideally to be kept at 5.4 and no higher than 5.8, the rise is happening around every 12 hours - shoots right up to 6.6-6.8
Popped in for a look, looks like a healthy start! I will look in but I am really bad following along :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good Luck
Popped in for a look, looks like a healthy start! I will look in but I am really bad following along :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good Luck

Cheers mate! Yeah they are all flying now, PH issue's now fixed, after cleaning out the reservoir yesterday everything has stabilized @ 5.5 just got my Bluelab Truncheon to replace my old EZ TDS meter, PPM is 350.
They are almost done finally! this grow has been a nightmare! Timer issues ph issues and nute defficiencies, I had it all lol..but all in all they look pretty tasty for my first led grow so im happy:) I just posted some picks in my journal. and i have my wife to thank for that space, she agreed no....it was her idea to use our master bedroom and walk-in closet for the growrooms and convert our den into the new bedroom.yes I know lol I am the luckiest man on the planet! my wife is a real trooper:)
Thanks Tony! yea im the same as you man, my wife would NEVER let me convert our bedroom and wardrobe haha, it almost seems unaskable!

Good form Jon.. glad you overcame all your issues and pulled a nice crop, how did the HGK and Chernobes yield just out of curiosity (120g's a plant?)
Thanks Tony! yea im the same as you man, my wife would NEVER let me convert our bedroom and wardrobe haha, it almost seems unaskable!

Good form Jon.. glad you overcame all your issues and pulled a nice crop, how did the HGK and Chernobes yield just out of curiosity (120g's a plant?)

Can you believe it was my wifes suggestion to use the master and closet!!I had to promise I'd build her a ensuit bathroom to the new master bedroom but well worth it imo:) Im still vegging the chernobyl so I wont know anything about it really until next round.The hgk that I have harvested so far were small 2.5 ft beanpoles in 1 gallon pots that I put outside because I had extra clones.I averaged about an oz each off of those plants,its looking like the mother will yield around 4 oz without any training so its looking like a good yielder for sure. all the nugs right down to the very bottom of the plant are dense and frosty too I really like that about hgk no fluff!it taste great even without a full cure and its wicked potent nightime smoke!I have one beanpole left and that I might take down tonight I ll trim it right in the pot and post some pics so you can see how it yields:)
Yea rad man that sound awesome, ive never tried or grown any of the kush's so might get a few seeds for the future as it sounds quite promising!
I currently am battling my ppm.. my plants are obviously uptaking my nutes which is great , ph goes up overnight to 6.6ish but strangley enough my nutes actually correct my ph when added, so im confused as to what i should do.. keep adding the nutes daily - or just let them diminish over a week and just use ph down??
any thoughts man?
Yea rad man that sound awesome, ive never tried or grown any of the kush's so might get a few seeds for the future as it sounds quite promising!
I currently am battling my ppm.. my plants are obviously uptaking my nutes which is great , ph goes up overnight to 6.6ish but strangley enough my nutes actually correct my ph when added, so im confused as to what i should do.. keep adding the nutes daily - or just let them diminish over a week and just use ph down??
any thoughts man?
Yea but does'nt your ppm get really high too? I personally dont add more nutes unless the ppm's are way down because theres no way to tell which elements are beeing used more than others.you can end up with toxicities that way.I would stick with adding fresh ph'ed water bro,it takes a little practice but you can figure out how much ph down to use to get your res back down where you want it with like a litre of water.your ppm's should be dropping around 20 ppm per day this is normal, if it gets really low you can add more nutes halfway through the week or 10 days but other than that I would stick with the ph down and water.hope this helps bro:)
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