1st Auto Grow Day 61 Northern Lights

Ossi Ossi

Well-Known Member
Hey all
Northern Lights Auto day 61 ( very slow autos????
Rocky Point / Coco
Gogo Juice,Powerfeed,Mag Cal,dash of Peroxide,
PhD water @ 6.5-6.8
600 watt dimmable Spiderlux Pro
1.2x1.3 X 2mtr
Temps 27c Australia
Rh 45-50
Please refer to pics for any insight be awesome
I have some small brown dots on some leaves and also I'm told these are 75 day auto so what happens when they get to 75 days will they just die
HELP Iknow nuffinh
I have been giving them 24 hrs light about 12 in tent and 12 outside ??¿??


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Hiya @Ossi Ossi not sure about how to water that medium but that looks like overwatering droop to me and some lockout bruv, what is that coco? Also not sure about the auto thing, but I think that 75 days till finish is just a guidline. I think autos finish out like any other plants, just do it without a photo period.
G'day @Pbass yea it is Coco and yea i maybe overwatering due to pulling in and out last couple weeks been getting a bit heavy handed on water
What can I do about lockout and what makes you say that?????
ph to 5.8. dunno what you are feeding. can't overwater in coco really, so feed often. should be feeding daily at least.
I've just had a look at that rocky point/coco, if it's the one being used, it's a very weird medium. It says it's full of slow release nutrients that will feed the plant for 14 MONTHS?????
I think this might have something to do with the problem also, if I've got that correct.
No added Nutes in cocoa but obviously there is in the Rocky point portion and I missed that when sorting my medium
It's my first auto grow so just gotta keep pushing thru
I think the company that developed that medium designed it to act like a soil, they've added all sorts of stuff to the coco, they've even put in a water retention product that changes the whole way the coco behaves. It's more for domestic gardeners to put big shrubs and bushes in, then put it down the bottom of the garden and forget about it.
Not really what's needed for cannabis.

This creates a parallex, do you treat it like soil or treat it like coco.
If it was straight coco then @bluter gave you the correct advice, but the company have turned this into a more soil based medium.
So I'm gonna give a personal opinion here, I'm gonna go with what my eyes see about the plant. A bit over watered and not getting enough food (maybe lockout from ph)
I would ph it more to 6.2 and let it dry out between watering and see how it responds. That's my personal opinion.
Hi guys
Well just like I thort , I jumped in without doing my homework first on Autos and some key factors,well I must confess I did not do homework and I have missed several key steps along the 75 - 90 days
Here is some comparable pics to the last on DAY 72
Any thorts so far would be awesome


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I had no idea from the start what I was up against,I actually thort they were quite distorted other than pic 2 which looks yummy.
So I'm yet to decide to try another strain suitable for Ossie in Auto or a Photo
Time will tell
PS was there sarcasm in the nice plant comment or did you mean that lol
All goods
Can anyone help with some guidance as to how far these can go considering its day 71
Can anyone help with some guidance as to how far these can go considering its day 71
My last grow had four plants. Chopped two at Day 81 and the last two at Day 94.

Current grow transitioned to flower and started bloom stretch on Day 39. Right now grow is at Day 63, and I'd estimate they'll be ready in about three weeks.
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