420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Camaro1691

Nice roots, Camaro. They’re racing!
I’m thoroughly impressed with the rate theyre growing! I didn’t expect to see the 1 gallon pots as full as they were this soon, at the same time though they were completely draining their pots in 3 days, which is more frequent than I prefer. We’ll see how fast they fill out the 3 gallon pots, they’re looking like very promising plants though, I’m hoping to be able to get at least 1 or 2 of them into 25 gallon pots this year outside. I’ll be cutting clones soon after some munchies :popcorn:
Plants day 33, clones freshly cut last night and not rooted yet, day count will start on clones once they’re rooted and in solo cups, estimation on first sign of roots is going to be 12 days based on prior experience


Plants day 33, clones freshly cut last night and not rooted yet, day count will start on clones once they’re rooted and in solo cups, estimation on first sign of roots is going to be 12 days based on prior experience


Are they in their 3 gallon pots now or are these still 1 gallon? If 3 gallon, did you transplant the same day as taking clones?
Are they in their 3 gallon pots now or are these still 1 gallon? If 3 gallon, did you transplant the same day as taking clones?
As of Sunday they are in 3 gallon pots, with the newly activated soil. The clones I took yesterday night, I ended up getting a little lazy Sunday and didn’t get around to it as planned. Whoops
Very nice looking tops :) My inexperience in training my plants will be my contribution to the comparative grow :laughtwo:
Very nice looking tops :) My inexperience in training my plants will be my contribution to the comparative grow :laughtwo:
Practice makes perfect. No good grower gets there overnight, it takes some screw ups to learn what to do and NOT to do lol. And it helps to know what your expecting from your plants soo you can plan ahead.
Morning 50, the ladies are looking lovely and the clones from #2 have rooted and are on day number 2 now. Plants 3 and 4 are most likely headed to the greenhouse soon and 1 and 2 will be staying inside for mums for now and once my flower room is finished up those 2 will be going into flower

Looking great Camaro! I agree that there doesn't seem to be much difference between phenos. Mine started out looking different but look more and more similar each day. Good job and keep it up buddy.
Thanks brotha! From my observations soo far, of the 4 that are growing currently, numbers 1 and 3 appear to be growing identical, they’re both extremely bushy and have a shorter stance to them but still very vigorous growth, and both seem to use the least water of the 4, number 2 doesn’t have as much as a bushy structure as 1 and 3 but isn’t far behind and has more stretch to it than the others with very nice internodel spacing, and number 2 follows right behind 1 and 3 for water conservation, number 4 is its own little plant lol, it has vigorous growth but lacks the structure the others do, it’s more on the bushy side than tall, and this is definitely the water hog of the room, when she shows signs of needing water the others still have another day at least before needing water as well. All in all, I am absolutely loving the Girl Scout Cookies from @Weed Seeds Express soo far!! Thanks guys once again!!
Tonight will have to be clone and transplant night, the Girl Scout Cookies are starting to get a little unhappy in their 3 gallon pots, and it’s about time for a plant or 2 to make it to the greenhouse, and for the other 2 to go into flower inside. Gotta restock soon soo these ladies will be my next batch to try out, which I’m very much looking forward to!
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