420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Camaro1691

Thanks guys! I’m in the middle of transplanting at the moment, and needing to clean out my cloner to take clones soo it’s going to be a busy day/night. However, I figured I’d toss out a little teaser shot of GSC-1, the plant I’ve had my eyes on since she popped, pictures don’t do her justice at all, there are soo many branches inside her canopy it’s insane, I’m almost thinking that’s going to grow best outside due to my old lights not being able to perform the greatest anymore. We’ll see after transplant and cloning who’s going outside :lot-o-toke:



I can relate. I am pruning a dozen leaves per plant per day to help keep the area open.
I need to get over to check yours out as well as dozens others still lol. It’s insane how much they took off around day 35. I need to thin mine out but need to cut more clones before I do so
GSC-1 is killer! She's loaded up just like you said. I bet there's a bunch we can't even see. Her foliage is gorgeous.
Ohh man it’s thick, it looks like there’s about 16+ main branches that are going to form once I cut clones and train back the 4 current main branches, they definitely take the abuse and training very well!
Morning 65. A little delayed on an update and transplanting. Life’s been catching up with me lately still dealing with the loss of a parent. Trying to drag myself out of the slump of depression and kick things back into gear. Sorry guys and gals. Bear with me, I’ll come back around soon.. Despite my lack of attention, the ladies are still looking lovely and will be getting a cup of nutrients to top dress each when I water

Morning 65. A little delayed on an update and transplanting. Life’s been catching up with me lately still dealing with the loss of a parent. Trying to drag myself out of the slump of depression and kick things back into gear. Sorry guys and gals. Bear with me, I’ll come back around soon.. Despite my lack of attention, the ladies are still looking lovely and will be getting a cup of nutrients to top dress each when I water

I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Remember you don’t have to “come back soon.” Grief takes a lot of time to work through. No need to be brave and strong and jump back in the saddle right away. That’s not very realistic. Instead, take the time you need to heal and to honour yourself lost parent. Take whatever time you need. We will still be here.

Best of luck. Ladies looking GREAT!

All my best,
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Remember you don’t have to “come back soon.” Grief takes a lot of time to work through. No need to be brave and strong and jump back in the saddle right away. That’s not very realistic. Instead, take the time you need to heal and to honour yourself lost parent. Take whatever time you need. We will still be here.

Best of luck. Ladies looking GREAT!

All my best,
I appreciate the kind words, it would be expected of me to keep grinding though, granted it’s been a couple months.. I’ll likely be chopping some other plants a tiny bit early that I’ve been pushing to finish flower soo I can squeeze these ladies into the room, really the only reason I’ve vegged them soo long as I usually switch to flower around day 45ish and get cramped in the flower tent, I’m anxious to see how these big luscious beauties turn out!!
I'm so sorry for your loss brother, my condolences. Sending you lots of love and positive healing energy through the universe. Lost my dad a couple years ago, you'll get through it with some time. We're here for you, and a good distraction :love::Namaste:
Morning 74. Sorry on the delay of updating, dealing with another loss in the family. However, I was able to get the other 2 plants up-potted over the weekend and into a happier home. The ladies in the front are the ones that needed the replant, hence why they’re a little sad looking. The 2 in the back are plants 4 on the left, and 1 on the right, and flourishing amazingly. Almost time to switch to flower!

Sorry to hear there's been another death in the family. :hug:

Your plants look great! And, much bigger than mine which are a couple of weeks behind yours.
Morning 74. Sorry on the delay of updating, dealing with another loss in the family. However, I was able to get the other 2 plants up-potted over the weekend and into a happier home. The ladies in the front are the ones that needed the replant, hence why they’re a little sad looking. The 2 in the back are plants 4 on the left, and 1 on the right, and flourishing amazingly. Almost time to switch to flower!

Sorry to hear the bad news beautiful ladies there hope gets better for you soon
Happy 4th of July everyone! The clones perked up overnight and are looking very happy and healthy, no roots yet but that’s not to be expected for at least another week and a half. Big mommas are looking beautiful and are heading into the flower room soon. Plants 3 and 4 both made their way into the flower room last night, 1 and 2 are still in veg waiting for another set of clones to be cut from them before flower. Pic 1; is the cloner obviously, I took cuts from all 4 plants. 2; General shot of the veg tent plant 2 on the left and 1 on the right (Day 79) , the 2 babies in the middle are from plant 2, I need to go back thru my journal to figure the age on those ladies.. 3; closeup of plant 2.. 4; closeup of plant 1.. 5; plant 3 on the left and 4 on the right, these ladies are on transition day 1. Hope everyone enjoys!





Plants 3 and 4 underwent my IDGAF method of combining LST training and supercropping as the plants seemed to respond well to both as I was doing soo, soo I kept going till I felt comfortable and then a little bit more :lot-o-toke::laugh: they look like they’re going to be decent yeilders though!

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