Advocate420 Soil Grow 2018

Nice looking joint man. I can't roll a good one to save my life.....probably why I prefer a bong!
Thank you. It came out pretty good good. I use the glass mouth piece and it makes my life so much easier. I seem to do well but takes a while to pack.
I stopped smoking through water after a recommendation from my doc. He says it filtering out some of the other beneficial stuff.
That looks like a preformed with mouth holder fancy paper that you fill, is it? I'm a 80% bong kinda guy:Namaste:
That one was rolled using the huge rolling papers The Vault sent me with the winnings. I rolled it, licked it and pcked it myself. Somehow.
And an excellent display you have! :thanks:
thanks Shed.
what sort of beneficial stuff does water keep out?
As you know there are over a 100 cannabinoids in cannabis. We usually mention two CBD/THC. Not a lot is known about the other compounds in the cannabis plant when burned and inhaled. There are also other things that I don’t know the names of in it. A lot more is happening then Taking in THC. All the shit in your bong water. Are other compounds the body likes. In short.
It’s always a risk benifit war for me. The risk of possibly taking out the bad isn’t as beneficial to me As the sure fact of taking out some good. So I go with smoking the plant. He also recommends eating raw cannabis (like right off the plant) but I don’t do that cause it’s not pleasurable. It’s my path is all. Sharing what I’ve learned.
The person who recommended it is a leading cannabis doc in the country and is leading most the world. I kinda trust his opinion as he is studying it on a professional level. He is also concerned with it as medicine. I try to follow his recommendations.
There's one of those damn tradeoffs I've heard about!
Oh I agree on trade offs. I say something similar. That life is a balance. Usually with any good there is an equal bad.
I finally edited that post to read correctly lol
Oh I wasn't correcting you, I was just pointing out that for some, people filtering the smoke might be better than getting the full spectrum of what's in the plant.
Always do what’s best for yourself. I’m not suggesting anyone stop doing it either. But water filtering may not be the better delivery method medicinally.
As you know there are over a 100 cannabinoids in cannabis. We usually mention two CBD/THC. Not a lot is known about the other compounds in the cannabis plant when burned and inhaled. There are also other things that I don’t know the names of in it. A lot more is happening then Taking in THC. All the shit in your bong water. Are other compounds the body likes. In short.
No worries, I thought maybe they told you what some of the other beneficial things were. Trust me, I know there is far more than THC and CBD, hence why I was so interested in what your doctor might have shared with you.
Next time you see him, if you wouldn't mind asking.....see if he can share what those beneficials are, as well as what they are beneficial for. I am looking to learn anything new, especially from a doctor that actually believes in the benefits and is knowledgeable. I always want to learn more.

I hate smoking and the bong is the best way for me to 'tolerate' the whole act. If I could get the instantaneous results I get from smoking via oil capsules, I wouldn't smoke at all. Eventually I would like to invest in a top notch vap like the volcano or something similar so I don't have to put my lungs through hell 3 or 4 times a day. I can't stand smoking through a pipe and joints are barely much more tolerable.
Next time you see him, if you wouldn't mind asking.....see if he can share what those beneficials are, as well as what they are beneficial for. I am looking to learn anything new, especially from a doctor that actually believes in the benefits and is knowledgeable. I always want to learn more.

I hate smoking and the bong is the best way for me to 'tolerate' the whole act. If I could get the instantaneous results I get from smoking via oil capsules, I wouldn't smoke at all. Eventually I would like to invest in a top notch vap like the volcano or something similar so I don't have to put my lungs through hell 3 or 4 times a day. I can't stand smoking through a pipe and joints are barely much more tolerable.
I completely understand i am very similar. When i asked him he mentioned that it was the other canabinoids getting filtered out. I dont know that he knows exactly what ones as most still aren't documented but he is sure enough that He just said he does not recommend using water filtration for that reason. As i mentioned with Shed I would always do what works best for you. He recommends not using water to all his patients. Vaping plant material is definitely more advisable according to him if the pipe or joint is not tolerated. Edibles do not work for me at all really. Concentrates have a place but are stripped of everything but or mostly just THC or CBD. I can smoke a concentrate vape pen and never get the relief i get from one hit of flower.
i will definitely ask him though if i can remember.
Photo dump
All CBD cream and cheese. And ice water hash made from fresh frozen trim.

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