Well put Shed.:thumb: I only have a couple friends in "real" life I can talk about growing and it is a major part and love of mine so I really appreciate the "unreal" friends here on 420. You Advocate are an unreal friend, :high-five:.:Namaste:
Thank you Dynamo. I am as digitally here as i can be for you ! Now that it’s not stressing me out all the time i am constantly excited and proud. I don’t think i am fully safe anywhere on the internet. But risk VS gain. I need you guys on this journey with me.
It was suggested I take more pics and updates so here we go.
I gave a feeding with water today.
In one gallon
BioVega 8, Rhizotonic 10ml, Cannazyme 10ml, calmag 1.5ml
Going to have a lot of trouble with these plants being side by side. The Red Diesel is fast.

So as the two new main stems get longer I will train them down to get the bottom shoots going to catch up

Here is Strawberry Banana

Gave a spring water only watering.

LST has begun. The arrow are the next stem sites to coach out by keeping main colas down. Something bout it diverting energy to what it now thinks are the closest to the light if I understand it right-ish. This will also help my bottom shoots catch up.

Happy new year !
Curious...that red diesel looks like the Raspberry Diesel I just cut, and the RD that turbobucket is growing....it will be interesting to see how it matures.
It sure knows how to speed right along.
Nature is having her way for me. How’s be you ?
I'm getting what I asked for. Lots of learning and slow growing needy plants. Too cold too damp, too dry. Underwatering, etc. My tent is going to blast off soon I think but it took me almost 2 months to figure things out. With great help of course. Another few weeks and I think I'll be ready for a good flowering. Happy New Year
I'm getting what I asked for. Lots of learning and slow growing needy plants. Too cold too damp, too dry. Underwatering, etc. My tent is going to blast off soon I think but it took me almost 2 months to figure things out. With great help of course. Another few weeks and I think I'll be ready for a good flowering. Happy New Year
Thank you and you also ! May there be Better times ahead for you
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