All my new growth in outer canopy is purple: the strain is OG Purple Kush


420 Member
All the outer shoots(small secondaries) have new growth, but the growth is lime green yellow, with purple starting at the veins. I suspect light deficiency.

I have been whacking the shoots off, to save energy for the flowers to bud.

I am 3 weeks into flower. Using bio thrive bloom, and bud blood. Molasses every other day.the pH is a steady 6.3-6.8. Under a 600w LED.


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New growth being Lime Green is perfectly normal as a plants hormones change from the vegetative state into flower, perfectly normal. Now, I do highly question why on earth you would add molasses every other day? That is asking for trouble and actually demanding trouble. Molasses is a big Magnesium booster but you need to keep in mind that ALL nutrients need to be in a balance. Too much Magnesium will lockout Calcium! It's never a good idea to just add things to a plant with no need or cause to do so. Research or Google "Mulders Chart". Calcium is very important and needs to be in a good ratio with Magnesium.
New growth being Lime Green is perfectly normal as a plants hormones change from the vegetative state into flower, perfectly normal. Now, I do highly question why on earth you would add molasses every other day? That is asking for trouble and actually demanding trouble. Molasses is a big Magnesium booster but you need to keep in mind that ALL nutrients need to be in a balance. Too much Magnesium will lockout Calcium! It's never a good idea to just add things to a plant with no need or cause to do so. Research or Google "Mulders Chart". Calcium is very important and needs to be in a good ratio with Magnesium.

Thanks a heap for responding so quick!
My mistake, I meant to write molasses “every other week”.
I’m used to seeing like green in new growth; it’s the light purple throwing me off, because It’s too soon in flower. Thanks for the info, I’ll continue to research.
I’m in the process of flushing as I wrote this reply.
Thanks again!!
I think the brand is no name amazon. Model GW-AQM55W
Okay, I was just curious because @fanleaf and I were just chatting this morning with another person who was running a 600 watt Phlizon fixture and we figured out it's actual draw was only 108 watts. Fairly underpowered for something claiming to be 600 watts.
I just thought I would share that info with you. Not to cause disappointment but to educate you as Fanleaf and I were this morning.
I appreciate the insight, for sure! Thank you.

I’m investing in a new setup once this crops out. I’ve cloned it, and am getting excited. Any suggestions for a decent “getting started” LED? Just looking to spend 2-300. And feed 3-4.
I appreciate the insight, for sure! Thank you.

I’m investing in a new setup once this crops out. I’ve cloned it, and am getting excited. Any suggestions for a decent “getting started” LED? Just looking to spend 2-300. And feed 3-4.

I'm not an LED grower so perhaps someone better associated with LED will chime in. I prefer CMH (ceramic metal halide) myself. You could get a 315 CMH fixture with the bulb for right around $300. It will grow 3-4 plants in a 3x3 space very well. Lots of us run them in a 4x4 space but they are rated for a 3x3 space.
For your LED I suggest MARS HYDRO. They are a sponsor here and supply great value led options.
The purple is probably just the strain, they start in when they older and some go bonkers with it late in Flower on their colors.

Yea, I hope the purple is just the strain, as you say. But the leaves don’t look healthy. They look waxy, and curled inward, and downward.
Yea, I hope the purple is just the strain, as you say. But the leaves don’t look healthy. They look waxy, and curled inward, and downward.

Give more info and folks that know this more than me can probably help you out.

Depending on your medium and how you are measuring it a "pH is a steady 6.3-6.8" is kinda not what I would call "steady", but again depends how you measuring and what medium you in etc.....
Thanks a heap for responding so quick!
My mistake, I meant to write molasses “every other week”.
I’m used to seeing like green in new growth; it’s the light purple throwing me off, because It’s too soon in flower. Thanks for the info, I’ll continue to research.
I’m in the process of flushing as I wrote this reply.
Thanks again!!

I have been using straight water to flush for the last two days, no nutrients added to the soil. She seems much happier. I think you were right along the lines of a lockout.

Also I read about there being three kinds of flushing; but it was unclear about what medium.
The post mentioned 2-3 times the pot volume in water once ever 3-4 weeks for maintenance. And the same for health and taste. But I feel like that’s far too much water In one day. The health flush included peroxide mixed in. Any light you can shine on that?
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