Autos Under A Mars Hydro FC 4800: Soilless & FN Fertilizer, By Farside05

Day 34

Welcome to the jungle. Watch it bring you to your sha-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees.

Maybe I can convince @Mars Hydro to run a special. Buy a FC4800 and receive a free Tent Chicken ™. When paired they're an unstoppable duo. The Batman and Robin of weed growing.

They continue to fill space. The front right is showing signs that she's moving towards blooming. I may have a surprise in store for these girls when they hit full bloom.

Day 35

They've filled the tent and are all very close in height, both with a bare minimum of effort from me. Tops were at 42k lux with the FC4800 at 75% power. Raised the light so it's about 36k.

Hello Farside ! Been following along and was curious if you have worked up the FN recipe for RO water. We use RO since our well water is VERY HARD (310 ppm TDS) and most of that is Calcium from the aquifer.

Thanks have learned a bunch following your posts !

I haven't but could if you'd like me too.

Call Guinness, we got a new weed lab record. The @Mars Hydro FC4800, @Expert Seedbank Autos, FN Fertilizer™, and a Tent Chicken™, brought it this grow. 889.2g or 31.3oz. Not bad for about an 80 day turn around.

479.0g Tropicana Cookie Purple

410.2g Bruce Banner (18.9g not pictured since it left with the son's best friend)

Not counted is the half paper grocery bag of trim and fluff that's going to become dry ice hash. Couldn't be happier right now. Bitch of it is, the Blueberry Glues that are in the tent now may be even better.
889.2g in 80 days is 11g/day out of that tent. Amazing production!

I've always went by g per sq meter as a judgement since that's the way seed banks quote things. Over 900 g per sq meter, which is about 1.5x breeders specs. Your way may be better since it takes time into account.
Time works well with photos so you can see how long a veg will get you the highest g/day (eventually you reach the point of diminishing returns), but with autos it's a crap shoot no matter what!

Ah, the principles of Micro Econ 101 in college. The Law of Diminishing Returns. I was a Finance major (BBA). Loved Econ. Was an A student in it. Other classes, not so much.
Hence your familiarity with spreadsheets!

Yes sir. I built some spreadsheets used in presentations for American Express Financial Advisors' most successful division back in the day. #ExcelWizzard.
Day 36

Fed the children 2 gal each of the 10's this AM and did a bit of branch manipulation. They still look a bit sleepy in this photo since lights just came in 50 min ago. I'd have taken a pic later when they are perky but I'll likely be asleep since I've been up 20 hours already.

I haven't but could if you'd like me too.

Call Guinness, we got a new weed lab record. The @Mars Hydro FC4800, @Expert Seedbank Autos, FN Fertilizer™, and a Tent Chicken™, brought it this grow. 889.2g or 31.3oz. Not bad for about an 80 day turn around.

479.0g Tropicana Cookie Purple

410.2g Bruce Banner (18.9g not pictured since it left with the son's best friend)

Not counted is the half paper grocery bag of trim and fluff that's going to become dry ice hash. Couldn't be happier right now. Bitch of it is, the Blueberry Glues that are in the tent now may be even better.

Wow ! Was wondering how the last grow would end up ! You keep setting the bar higher !!

Re: FN mix for RO water, guess you could just explain how to back out your Ca and Mg in your water in the spreadsheet and I could try to work up myself . Either way would be great !
Fuck the plant pics, get some rest! 💤

It's a normal thing on my 1st day off. I work 3rds and typically stay up 20-28 hrs on my 1st day off. My schedule is F'd. I made some Faux-Mix™ today when I got off. I've been buying myself out of that chore, but it's getting later in the big box season and they're not carrying Pro-Mix products anymore. Believe it or not, I just bought a new pH pen (arriving today) so that I can slurry it to 5.8.

Wow ! Was wondering how the last grow would end up ! You keep setting the bar higher !!

Re: FN mix for RO water, guess you could just explain how to back out your Ca and Mg in your water in the spreadsheet and I could try to work up myself . Either way would be great !

At least in my way of thinking, it's a bit more than adding more Ca and Mg to make up for the use of RO. It also involves the changing of the Nitrate Nitrogen to Ammoniacal Nitrogen ratios to help maintain a more stable pH of your growing medium.
At least in my way of thinking, it's a bit more than adding more Ca and Mg to make up for the use of RO. It also involves the changing of the Nitrate Nitrogen to Ammoniacal Nitrogen ratios to help maintain a more stable pH of your growing medium.
Yes per the article by Argo the percent ammoniacal would need to be down around 15% of the total nitrogen. My RO is only 10 to 15 ppm TDS. Where can I find your best spreadsheet to try and make a run at it.
Yes per the article by Argo the percent ammoniacal would need to be down around 15% of the total nitrogen. My RO is only 10 to 15 ppm TDS. Where can I find your best spreadsheet to try and make a run at it.

3 posts and into Argo? You're on the right track my friend. Unfortunately, you have less than 50 posts so you can't private message, and me posting links to my spreadsheet in my thread is highly frowned upon. I don't know how I can get you the information you desire at this point other than me computing it and posting a screenshot.
Yes per the article by Argo the percent ammoniacal would need to be down around 15% of the total nitrogen. My RO is only 10 to 15 ppm TDS. Where can I find your best spreadsheet to try and make a run at it.
Hello Farside. So before i try to make an RO mix, i first made a run at trying to duplicate the FN ratios using the elemental tab on your spreadsheet. Coming close but I must have a few ratios off. Can you check the proportions in the 2 screen shot and see where I'm off ? Specifically the Mg, sulfur, and NH4.


FN Micros.jpg

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