I got the filter moved up above the light pushing the top of the tent up thus losing some airflow but it's still working better then when it was on the floor. With the FC-6500 set at about 93% of full power and with the tent zipped up tight the temp sits around 78-81 degrees. I think that is acceptable right? I can't imagine what the temperature would be if the driver was inside the tent. Just one of several features of the @Mars Hydro FC series of lights that I love.

All three plants received their final trim jobs yesterday. The Granddaddy Purple has already set her bud sites and has started flowering. Same thing with the IHG Divinity Remix plant. The Golden Tiger is getting set to start real soon. I think I have a before and after photo of the Granddaddy Purple trim. And some other pictures.

Here is a group shot.

The Before and after GDP shots.

And an up skirt pic.
For those of you who enjoy autos here is a Creme de la Chem that started flowering over the weekend.
I think she's going to be a beauty.
Great, now I want a lollipop!

Nice work in there beez. :thumb:
Now we just need to see some boy parts. I've been real diligent treating the GT. Most days twice a day but at least once the other days. A fairly fresh bottle of CS so no reason not to get pollen sacks.
Hey Beez!

Sorry ive been MIA a lot lately, and have so much reading to catch up on :reading420magazine:. Though I was happy when I saw you had a new journal up and running!

saying I very much appreciate my one follower and hope you stick with me till the end.
Ahh geez Beez now you're just making me feel bad there :laugh:. I wouldn't be surprised if you had many lurkers watching and following, as its an interesting topic, and you explain things very well.
Good to see you Amadeus, I have not seen you in awhile.
Hey Rexer, well think of it this way my number of followers has doubled in a day!! Good to see you. Feel free to add pics and share anything you want as long as it's not religious or political. HA HA HA
I measured the Golden Tiger this morning and she is at 50 inches above the soil. I think she has about a foot to go and she'll be in the light.
I have faith in your growing skills and it won't be a problem!
I have a hell of a lot more faith in your growing skills then mine. I've only ever had one plant get near the lights and it stopped 4 inches short of reaching them. I think this GT is headed to the top of the tent.
Well, if nothing else it was a colorful plant.

After 29 days of treating the Golden Tiger plant with colloidal silver we have been rewarded with the start of boy parts showing up. As is almost always the case the first pollen sacks show up down towards the bottom of the branch because that part of the branch has been receiving treatment the longest. I can now skip treating the bottom section where I see the pollen sacks and concentrate on treating higher up on the plant hoping to see more and more forming. Then as soon as I see even one opening up to drop pollen I will harvest the branch and segregate it in another part of the house away from the other plants. I will harvest pollen by hand each day and hand pollinate the buds I want to use to make seeds. I will be looking to make about 200 Golden Tiger S1 fems, 200 Golden Tiger X Granddaddy Purple fems, and 200 Golden Tiger X Divinity Remix fem seeds.

But I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch. I still need to see a lot more pollen sacks then this and they need to be viable and produce good pollen. I'm very optimistic at this point but until I see seeds formed on the buds I don't want to celebrate.

Here are a couple pictures of the pollen sacks I spotted this morning.

A peek at the jungle in the tent this morning.
:popcorn: Great start beez. I'll follow along. Interested to see your process and learn a few things. I have some pollen I collected from a Critical Mass I reversed with CS a while ago. Not sure if it will be any good but I might try to get a few seeds on my current grow.
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