Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Hey B , your soil should be just about done right? Why don't ya use some right now , and transplant your fav. ones into bigger pots with DBHBB soil? Sound good? How many days it bin cookin?
It went cold over there about 3 weeks ago. When we moved the tent in the main house, we shut down the studio trailer for the winter. I've a drum set in town I play and don't do any recording in the winter. Plans were to get it warmed up over there around February. But, I believe , I will be bringing in a small bin in here, we'll do a proper 30 day cook just fir reassurance, then I believe next month we may introduce a pot of it into the mix. Then each month transition another until we are pure DBHBB. Plus, I don't wanna mix some bad soil into a batch of PRIMO DBHBB. I'd rather go 100% DBHBB. I'll pull it in the house tonight. 5gal tub. Get it cooking. I'm at 85 in the house most of the time.

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
Came over to the studio trailer and grabbed a 5gal bucket of some DBHBB.
Set the bucket by the door and you know we gotta jam a little! Some blues for ya..
Got some DBHBB
Put it in the pot.
Threw in my beans
Then you know what.
It started growing
Was nice and green.
With big ol colas
And so Frosty!
I chopped it down, I chopped it down,
I rolled it up, I rolled it up, it lit me up, it lit me up, it lit me up. Baked so baked.

Lol! That last line don't rhyme, but, what does anymore? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
A Behringer E-kit? Now that's something you don't see everyday.
A Behringer E-kit? Now that's something you don't see everyday.
Yeah, it's been a great lil set. Was on sale for $420! No shiz! So, you know it was meant to be. Plus, I run Ableton Live 9 as my main production /recording software and it midi's right on in! Small enough for the trailer yet has a big sound on digital! Plus Behringer, those dudes are phenomenal!

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
And, we have an issue. Seems like my soil is not allowing the roots to stretch? Maybe. I've got healthy but stunted plants. No leaf over 3 inches in diameter. So we are going to run a straight RO water flush and drench. My photos are not to big a deal, win or lose, I've a ton of seeds. My focus is on the autos. I've 2 preemies coming up so we will try to get our issue solved. They are looking normal so far, but, I'm going on newbie experience so...
We will be transitioning to DBHBB by the end of the January. I'm bringing in more today to cook in the tent. Hopefully we will be completely DBHBB by March. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
Got some DBHBB
Put it in the pot.
Threw in my beans
Then you know what.
It started growing
Was nice and green.
With big ol colas
And so Frosty!
I chopped it down, I chopped it down,
I rolled it up, I rolled it up, it lit me up, it lit me up...

Then I woke up
And I was f*cked
My primo soil
Wasn't even cooked!
I checked my tent
My plants were small
That crappie soil
Had choked em all!
You freaking newbie
You should've known
Don't cook the soil
After the plant has grown...

The blues...

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
Sooo, we have 4, 4 gallon bags of DBHBB cooking. It's 75° at ground zero of the tent. Hits 85ish halfway up. So I think we are good.
And, here's our only burnt leaf from each photo.
Now that we've added some veg nutes, our plants are green and seem to be reaching a bit.
and no burnt tips.
and our Tri leafed NLauto is still going.
and NYC Diesel auto #2 is doing well! She's a low flyer.
And our NYC Diesel auto #1 is showing a nice display of flowers!
But, if I'm correct about the soil being rich in bloom nutes still, then it stunted it a bit during its veg stage,which, since it's auto, isn't a long veg stage. Then again, I'm only giving an incapacitated guess.
Which I might add,
is nothing but the whole truth!
He he...

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
They dont look too bad.
Soil might not give enough space due to being packed?

Hope they will make it, dont make me sad

backtrack and see what lacked...
Thanks for the encouragement, but, truthfully it's an issue that I'm not sure if I want to engage more energy into.
1. They are my own seeds, and I've lots more.
2. I'm pretty sure that I have over-nuted soil.
3. I'm cooking and transitioning over to DBHBB. Why work at keeping something in the mix that isn't DBHBB?
4. Autos seem to be reaching out and doing fine.
So, that's eliminating 3 out of 6 pots already, leaving me a slot for the DBHBB to slide into next month. I'm not wanting to overload myself, I'm newish still and need all the attention to be focused on a grow, not a group of grows. So I think we are thinning the herd...

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
Thanks for the encouragement, but, truthfully it's an issue that I'm not sure if I want to engage more energy into.
1. They are my own seeds, and I've lots more.
2. I'm pretty sure that I have over-nuted soil.
3. I'm cooking and transitioning over to DBHBB. Why work at keeping something in the mix that isn't DBHBB?
4. Autos seem to be reaching out and doing fine.
So, that's eliminating 3 out of 6 pots already, leaving me a slot for the DBHBB to slide into next month. I'm not wanting to overload myself, I'm newish still and need all the attention to be focused on a grow, not a group of grows. So I think we are thinning the herd...

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing ��

I completely understand Bumble THAT Bee. I am focusing on half the plants now because I want them to become twice the size. I just can't seem to baby more than 4 plants, and that's even pushing it. You already got your groove on, music and green wise, so follow that instinct of yours because it got you this far. I believe you could make an art out of this... ;)

I started another journal and would love to invite the bee's, the tree's and everything in between...;)

(The Lonely Mountain Seeking Great Heights - Indoor Organic Grow - G2HM)
I completely understand Bumble THAT Bee. I am focusing on half the plants now because I want them to become twice the size. I just can't seem to baby more than 4 plants, and that's even pushing it. You already got your groove on, music and green wise, so follow that instinct of yours because it got you this far. I believe you could make an art out of this... ;)

I started another journal and would love to invite the bee's, the tree's and everything in between...;)

(The Lonely Mountain Seeking Great Heights - Indoor Organic Grow - G2HM)
So good to hear from you. Oh my, another grow, Fantastic! I'm In! Your last one was a lovely one, nice harvest and those purple ladies... So majestic this plant we grow!!! Thanks for stopping by. Always good to see your growing!

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
HI :hug: ( here is your daily hug Bumble...saw you wanted one too in Arctic's journal :) )
I will join your grow journal too GtHm :) I have missed your life/grow journey :)
How's things down south B? We just put 6 into kit soil today so now the mega learning curve continues for us. Freaking -27 today up this way, how's that desert weather doing for you?
Never get use to this 20+ hours of dark this time of year up here but love the 23 hrs of daylight in the summer so guess it's a trade off.

Take care our friend and Blessed Buds :passitleft:

Are these those clear wraps. Or rice glucose papers.
Whatever their called.
I had some before. And it really bothers me. Something is just not right about those things. And the ones I had smelled like burning plastic or something.

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
How's things down south B? We just put 6 into kit soil today so now the mega learning curve continues for us. Freaking -27 today up this way, how's that desert weather doing for you?
Never get use to this 20+ hours of dark this time of year up here but love the 23 hrs of daylight in the summer so guess it's a trade off.

Take care our friend and Blessed Buds :passitleft:
Hey there AB! Wow, talk about bizarre, that's too much dark for me! But, I'm sure I'd adjust, the landscape up there is phenomenal!! Seems like a more than even trade, eh! I've a cousin who is a retired forest Ranger up in Fairbanks. I believe she's dressing caribou as we speak! They are living the life up there. Always doing something outdoors. Always bundled up! Lol.
As far as the kit, I believe it's gonna be easy peasy. Just follow the schedule, keep the environment stable, and let the kit do the rest. I've got mine cooking as we speak. I'm ready to get the ball rolling. No more wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. We want HEFTY BABY! Thanks for stopping by. I'll be buzzing around yours as well...

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing

Are these those clear wraps. Or rice glucose papers.
Whatever their called.
I had some before. And it really bothers me. Something is just not right about those things. And the ones I had smelled like burning plastic or something.

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Hey there brother. These are a little different than the others.
I enjoy them. Very mild, vaguely sweet, no paper burn smell or taste, no plastic burn smell or taste, no gum. Purely organic Asiatic Cotton Mallow(cellulose)
. Love watching the resin running down the inside of the joint! I recommend em. High quality bud deserves a high quality paper. What a difference...

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing
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