Camper2016's First Grow - Candy Cane Auto

wow...things you think you know but you really don't...I grew up in the 70's and lots kids I knew listen to Alice but I never got past Schools Out and No More Mr Nice Guy...I was Sabbath, Priest and AC/DC...I didn't think I had time for Alice. Sorry, Mr Cooper.
still have seeds in wet paper towels...the seeds all have tap roots but they're still little just would like the root to grow out to a 1/2" right now I'd say the roots are in the 1/8" in range...expect to plant within the next day or two.

I will never understand why people germinate in paper towels and plastic bags .

Outdoors organics
umm....because the the place where I got the seeds recommended it...and it worked 100%. 100% is good. Not trying to reinvent the wheel....happy to learn and try out new things just want to have a successful grow. Please come back tell me your opinions and what you may do different or better
Starting in paper towel requires you to touch the tap root in some way because they grow and pretty much attach themselves to the paper towel. That is how I started mine and it worked 100% after I tried starting 8 seeds in soil which 100% did not work but I don't think I gave those enough warmth. The paper towel ones were on a heating pad. Next time I think I will try a cup of warm water....?

Hope all is going well Camper and Canna!

Rock on!
.....and the survey says
K.I.S.S. I guess I am one of those oldy but a goody mom didn't need paper towels and jugs of chemicals to grow and she has kept her plants alive for thousands of years just in soil with some occasional rain so. I'm not gonna go outta my way to eat organic and healthy and then smoke a bunch of chemicals it kinda defeats the purpose of holistic healing don't it?

Outdoors organics
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