Catch-Up Journal So I Don't Forget By Next Spring


Well-Known Member
By next Spring, I will be 65, so I thought I'd better document what I remember about my ever first grow. By the time we get back from the South in the Spring, I won't remember squat - lol.

Dim the lights and here we go...

Only did two seeds - one OG Cali and one CBD Dream. 100% success.

I germinated the seeds on May 6, using the paper towel method. Planted them in tiny wee clay pots after they both germinated. They sprouted within the week. I put them in a west facing window as that is the best for sunshine. They got pretty long but I kept turning them twice a day. By the end of May, I transplanted them into bigger clay pots - 4" in diameter (using only potting soil) and buried part of the stem cause they were getting too long.

We had to leave for 11 days on June 6 to put my Mom to rest in the Rockies and I didn't know what to do with these darned plants. Its not like I could ask the neighbour to look after them. I put them outside, up right in clear plastic strawberry containers, so they would be protected from the hard rain, but still get some moisture through the slats. (Ok - don't judge me - LOL, its my first grow). Got home, and the cbd I thought was a goner! The Cali was doing just fine.

Transplanted into 10 in pots, saving the CBD just in case as it only had one leaf left. This was good, since I could leave them in full sun all day and hide them if necessary. They both thrived, I gave them nutes once they got big enough. I did one trim to get more tops just to experiment and it worked seamlessly.

Figured they needed more space, so I put them into 5 gallon pails, with rocks and holes in the bottom. Ran out of potting soil, so (big mistake) used some of our crappy top soil from around here mixed in with the good stuff. They did ok for a while, kept giving them nutes every other day, around the out side of the pail, but I could tell they were not happy. The cbd started to get yellow leaves on the bottom and the cali wasn't looking much better.

Told my husband to dig me some big holes behind the trailer, out of sight. Wasn't the sunniest of spots, but, heck, thats all I've got. Bought another bag of pro-mix top soil with white stuff (vermiculite?) in it, and we cut the bottoms out of the pails, wrapped up the plant in netting and slipped them through into the holes and filled in the blanks with the pro mix stuff. I surrounded them with Chicken wire so the Jacks didn't eat them off.

So, the poor weeds have been transplanted 5 times, and manage to survive my first grow, way up in northern Ontario. Both have turned out girls, so I'm thrilled. The first three photos were back on August 20, when they both started to pre-bloom.

They are doing good, over 4 feet tall but the weather is starting to turn cold. It has rained for about a week straight too. Last night it was 7 degrees C.

I ordered the joints to build a pvc frame 6' x 6' x 4' and found some cheap pipe on Kijiji (Canada's version of Craigslist - only better IMHO) and will pick it up next week. Once I get the frame built I can cover them up properly at night since it will start to turn frosty soon - hope the only frost I get is on my girls buds - lol.

So, thats it for now Folks. Will update this regularly now and I can utilize this in the Spring when the Florida heat has baked out all thoughts over the harsh Canadian Winter.

Consider myself pretty lucky that I've got this far. Plan to plant a Northern Lights Auto Flower, I have one Train Wreck seed, a blueberry, cbd dream and a OG cali in the spring when we get back and see which one does best, smokes best, and produces the best medicine.

Thanks for listening!


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It has been raining cats and dogs here for over a week. It rained so hard last night I though we were going to flood.

Finally got my pvc green house frame built with the help of my husband. Have a little over $100 into it and it looks great. it is 6' x 6' by over 4' in depth. Just have to plunk it over my plants, then I can cover them when we get these horrible down pours. Plus it is going down to 7c again tonight. Fall is here. Don't want my buds to rot as they are coming along great. I think I will wrap the bottom in chicken wire to keep out the jacks.

Will update with photos later today once we get the frame in place. The good thing is, I can use this next spring to start my plants earlier outside, and with the 6' height, don't have to worry once they take off. I think I can fit 5 plants comfortably.
Frame without any tarping and buds on my Cali. We are going to adjust the roof a bit and put a "shed" roof slope to the back on it so the tarp drains. Too busy working on siding our house, so it will do for now.


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Hi Virgin Ground back at ya! Just in the nic of time too for my shelter. It was 2c last night and only 8c right now! BRRRR. The netting I will save for next springs grow.

Are you in a warm climate and any chance for you to grow outside? I think growing indoors must be a lot harder than outdoor. So many things to control. Based upon your journal, looks like your are doing fantastic. You are right too about getting amazing help here. I know I've learned a ton and am very appreciative.

Carpe diem!
A bit warmer than where you are at. Snow for half the year though

Hope you can keep your girls warm enough.

I'm still trying to figure out my lights. But harvest is just around the corner.:yahoo:
My question is... If I planted these suckers on May 6, why are they so late to flower - looks like harvest is still a ways off. They went outside early June.

Once they get the flowers, is it shorter time to harvest? They look like they could do with another month, but that will be October. When you look at the seed packets, it says 8 weeks - is that to flower or to harvest. or for indoor growing? Maybe due to my northern location, but we had a real HOT summer? I'm confused.
The girls have on their long underwear. Its been 1 degree at night now for a while. The frame and tarp has been great, but one night I didn't cover them and they were fine. most of the leaves are off now except the ones on the cola. I did a couple of last ditch bloom nutes and figure we are about two weeks out from harvest so I won't do any more. They are filling out nicely, and starting to turn a little brown. Patience is a virtue, but a pain in the arse.

I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out so far for a first ever grow. Next year should be a lot of fun! Hoping the harvest and curing goes well. I'll be back here learning all about that, for sure!
Opinions please - here are some photos from today. The OG kush is brown on the top flowers and partially brown on the underneath ones. Should I let it go a few more weeks (weather permitting) ie is it better to let them keep growing? The flowers are getting a bit bigger but the weather is so cold and wet, I don't know when to harvest as this is my first grow.

And the CBD is just starting to turn a bit, but I read you should harvest it earlier to get the max cbd?



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Well - the inevitable happened. Checked the girls this morning and found what I believe to be mold. It has been raining and raining and humid. Have posted a help thread. I've had them covered up for the most part, but the humidex was 28 yesterday. It is suppose to plummet and be minus 1 cel. tonight with chance of frost. Hoping this will help.

Going to start the new gals WAY earlier this spring. Crap. Less than a week away from legalization here.
So, its October 16, day before legalization. Tomorrow night the temp is dropping to -6 c so I think I will be harvesting today or tomorrow regardless of whether they are ready or not. Going to trim and hang in cardboard boxes to help with humidity as we are heating with a wood stove right now and its very dry in here. 40% humidity only.

Wish me luck. First harvest and cure. I think I need a smoke to relax before I do this. ARRGGGG!
Wah Wah - Girls are gone gone gone. Wow - its a lot of work to harvest. Trimming and getting everything set up and I only had two plants that were not that bushy. It looks good and healthy though. That mold did not manifest after I cut out the two spots.

The CBD has the most amazing odor - it smells just like lemons. It was so fragrant I wanted to eat it. The OG Kush had a nice skunky smell. So, all thats left is to cure then bottle. Can't wait to try it out. I plan on drying for 5 to 15 days depending on the humidity levels etc.

I hung them in boxes, partially open right now for air flow. We have an HRV in the house that runs every 40 minutes too. The trim, I suck between lots of newspaper and will check it tomorrow to see how its doing.

You know you are a grower when... A skunk sprays in the hood and it smells great, like your weed.
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