Max9750's Outdoor Amnesia Haze Grow


420 Member
Hi all. Was looking for something to do after work and kids are gone to bed so I thought I'd give growing a shot. I can't say thanks to everyone else that's been posting. There are a lot of great ideas on here and a lot of knowledgeable people that have a great deal more experience than I do. I welcome your comments, ideas, and questions on what I'm doing.

So I ventured into a local retailer where it was recommended that because I was going to do an outdoor grow and it was my first time, I should try some CKS Amnesia Haze Feminized Autoflower seeds.


After a quick soak, The Highway Men (I realize that I should have should have named them for a female music group but I thought Waylon, Willie, and the boys with guest star Tom Petty would be a better fit.) went onto paper towel and in between some plates in the cupboard above the fridge.


After 24 hours, the boys were starting to come out of their shells.


The boys were then planted into some starter pots with a little bit soil. Is anyone familiar with this stuff? I picked it up at Lowe's. Anything I've read said to avoid anything that says Miracle Grow or Scotts. The bag says organic, compost, and peat so I thought I'd go with it.


After three days, Waylon & Willie showed up.



Now I'm not sure if I was keeping them too dry but it seemed like they stalled in these small pots. I was also wondering if they were stretching too much. I then transferred them to some beer cups with holes for draining and it was as though they shot up within a day or so. I also have to say that I am doing this inside with a window facing east and if the temp outside is ok, I'm moving them outside before work. Here they are in cups:


Johnny and Kris have since showed up, stretched, and are in cups now. Funny thing with Johnny is that I had originally soaked this seed and planted him but it didn't take off. I then went digging through the starter pot and found him. I re-soaked him for 24 hours and did the in between the plates thing and then Johnny popped. He's been a little yellow since he popped up but otherwise he's ok.



Tom, my last seed which took the longest out of this batch to pop up seems a little lazy. This one took the longest to split and show a tap root. Even when she popped out, it was just above the dirt and only one leaf on the cotyledon really showed up. This seed didn't show the vigour of the others.


I realize that this starter is looking a little wet but I'd like to get this one moved over to a beer cup so I need to get it wet to keep the dirt stuck together.

Meanwhile, I moved Waylon and Willie over to their big pots. These are 5 gallon pails that I've drilled holes in the bottom of and put inside another pail. There's enough room between the two pails to hold a gallon of water. I filled these pails a couple of days ago and threw in a gallon of water to settle the soil. Also in the pails are some marigold seeds that I planted to keep pests away as this is an outdoor grow.




I've got the pails ready for Johnny, Kris, and Tom ready as well.

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

So here I am with an update on my outdoor grow project after a month.

Here is a group photo of the ladies.

Everyone is looking really well. Not sure if I can attribute that to the weather and ideal sunlight for the last couple weeks...there was a cold snap in the middle of May where I brought them all inside the garage for the week which considering that these are Autos, likely set everything back by at least three or four days. I am really happy with growing in 5 gallon pails with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage...even with hot weather, I can get away with watering every 4 or 5 days as I only water when the top inch of soil is dry.

As far as nutes go, I started with MG All Purpose Plant Food, I realize that there might be better products out there but considering this is my first go at growing, I can always try something different next time. I've been feeding since the plants were two weeks old. I started by mixing MG All Purpose 3/4 tsp per gallon of water (1/4 Recommended Rate for Outdoor Plants) and then measuring one cup of that solution into each 5 gallon pail once a week for two weeks. After that I doubled it to 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of water (Half the Recommended Rate) and fed that once a week for two weeks. Just this last week, I've increased it to the same half rate solution but feed twice a week, so I'm feeding it at full rate now. Going forward, I think I would be safe with skipping the 1/4 quarter rate and going straight to half rate, which I've done with new Tom. I fed her a cup of half rate this week and there are no signs of nitrogen toxicity. I'm going to bump her up to half rate but twice a week as I feel that a weaker solution but twice as often is safer than full strength once a week as the nutes are more available to the plants.

Looking at Waylon and Willie last night I saw that there are white hairs at nodes and I'm sure I saw some in the colas so I gave them one cup of MG Bloom Booster which is mixed at a 50% solution as well. I'm going to switch them from All Purpose to Blooming right away, feeding them twice a week.

After reading some other Auto flower journals I decided to try topping one of my plants just after the third node emerged. At first I thought I destroyed my plant but looking at the plants now, I think that topping is the way to go. Waylon was my best plant when I topped her and there is a definite size difference between her and the other plants. Johnny and Kris started a week behind her and have surpassed her in size but there are four strong colas on Waylon versus the ones on the other three plants.

My original Tom never had the vigour of the other four plants so I gave up on her. After some awesome customer service from CKS, I planted a Candy Cane and in no time, a new Tom emerged. Here she is, emerged on May 21st. A week later she was moved to her bucket. Here she is at two weeks old.

Until next time 420 Forum, keep the good things growing!!
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Sorry 420 Forum...for taking so long to give you an update but it looks like it's going to be harvest time soon!

Here are photos of one of my ladies. Can anyone tell me if they look ready to go? I've tried a hand held magnifier and I can see cloudy trichromes but I'm wondering if it's the LED light that's causing them to look cloudy...

Does this girl look ready to harvest?

Sorry for the delay...July was a busy month. I cut down the four highway men on July 18th. Because it was so humid for that week, I cut the plants into smaller pieces to speed up the process. Eventually got the plants dry enough to put in jars. Can't believe the change in the smell of the stuff in the jar after being in there for a week. Had a fresh cut grass like smell which has been replaced with almost a sweet smell.

Had the opportunity to sample the wares and I must say that I'm very excited about the result!



Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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