Could this be calcium? Coco grow


Well-Known Member
To keep it short I have 2 plants in 2x4 tent
Medium is coco, and I currently water 2-3 times per day on a timer with calmag, GH floramicro and florabloom, and liquid koolbloom..
in ppm my numbers are roughly
N 45-50
P 55-60
K 95-105
Mg 35-40
Ca 70-75
EC 0.7 - 0.75
I ph to 5.9-6.1
My starting water is tap with an EC of 0.1
week 6 of 12/12 started today

I just wanted opinions if this is clear sign of calcium deficiency or something else?

Any input appreciated
Have you checked for pests , thrips, mites ? some marks look random can be ph , some bruises moving them or leaves hitting of pots edge with fans , some look like pests , its one of these things that is hard to nail ! those marks don't heal

make sure your adding Cal./mag first to your nutrients , :cheesygrinsmiley: lay of the (N)_ in flower also they don't use, its wasted energy , it builds large cells with weak cell walls , pest can see your plant as food ,and mould can take hold with plants that have large cells and weak cell walls, it also delays root growth and flowering even more

this could be leading to an (N) nitrogen surplus that dark dark green is a very bad sign
Looks like the start of a Mag lock out to me. Probably need to flush because pH is probably off causing the lock out.
When I grew in Coco I added 2 ml. of Cal Mag per gallon to my nutes every time I fed. Never had an issue til the very end of Flower & had to up the Cal Mag to 3 ml. per gal. Coco uses a lot of Cal Mag.
Are you pH-ing your nutes to 5.8 ?
I think try what the nutty professor said. Up calmag. Let us know. I hate it when stuff gets fixed and we never hear about it. So let us know either way... we will figure it out, even if we have to wake up the ganja mamas... lol
If you have a lockout & add Cal Mag without flushing 1st you could make things worse. Doesn't mean it will; but it could.
Just depends on what the issue is. But with a flush & feed right afterward it's like starting fresh. Up to you of course.
If you have a lockout & add Cal Mag without flushing 1st you could make things worse. Doesn't mean it will; but it could.
Just depends rnutreienton what the issue is. But with a flush & feed right afterward it's like starting fresh. Up to you of course.
no sorry lol , , i was saying make sure your adding the cal/mag first when you mix your nutes , it can bind to other nutrients then the plant cant take it up , you always add the cal/ mag FIRST , stir wait 15 mins ph , add the rest stir again , wait ten mins ph before going in :) ,
Looks like beginning of thrips to me. But that could be because I just got out of a battle with them. The reason it was tough was because I diagnosed the damage as calcium def at first, then heat stress, and it kept getting worse . . And then I scoped and realized it was thrips. It might not be thrips but if it is, you need to catch it early. Keep an eye out for silvery patches on the leaves. Again, might not be it but keep observing.
Have you checked for pests , thrips, mites ? some marks look random can be ph , some bruises moving them or leaves hitting of pots edge with fans , some look like pests , its one of these things that is hard to nail ! those marks don't heal

make sure your adding Cal./mag first to your nutrients , :cheesygrinsmiley: lay of the (N)_ in flower also they don't use, its wasted energy , it builds large cells with weak cell walls , pest can see your plant as food ,and mould can take hold with plants that have large cells and weak cell walls, it also delays root growth and flowering even more

this could be leading to an (N) nitrogen surplus that dark dark green is a very bad sign
I have dropped the nitrogen about as low as I can without dropping the calcium any more. That dark leaf that you circle also looks a bit darker because of the shadow.

I saw one mite a few weeks ago, sprayed foliage with green cleaner and did a soil drench. I have been continuously checking since then and have not seen one. I use a microscope that goes up to 60x. I'll keep looking.

Also yes I mix in correct order.
Looks like the start of a Mag lock out to me. Probably need to flush because pH is probably off causing the lock out.
When I grew in Coco I added 2 ml. of Cal Mag per gallon to my nutes every time I fed. Never had an issue til the very end of Flower & had to up the Cal Mag to 3 ml. per gal. Coco uses a lot of Cal Mag.
Are you pH-ing your nutes to 5.8 ?
I'll keep that in mind. I have been hand watering here and there to try and flush it out a bit more. I know build ups can be common with drippers.
For the most part I have ph'd to 5.8-6.0 ... the last few days I raised it to 6.0-6.1 increase it was calcium.

I have florakleen would using that midflower hurt?
How hot are you feeding? Flush once a week if it’s high ppm. And maybe 3x a day is too much water... I water mine twice and sometimes only once cuz my coco like to hold the water.
My inflow is 0.7 to 0.75 EC ppm is around 500
How do you flush your coco?

Do you water with runoff? If you don't, your problem is most likely due to salt build-ups.
Yea I have runoff every watering
Ah just want to make sure the Professor say the part about watering 3 X per day on a timer.... so CWMoore - is your setup RDWC or drain to waste? Looks like recirc would get screwy numbers and ph drift etc etc... but then again I’m soil guy - so yeah!
Its a drip feed from a reservoir so drain to waste. Runoff collects in a bucket and is pumped out.
Looks like beginning of thrips to me. But that could be because I just got out of a battle with them. The reason it was tough was because I diagnosed the damage as calcium def at first, then heat stress, and it kept getting worse . . And then I scoped and realized it was thrips. It might not be thrips but if it is, you need to catch it early. Keep an eye out for silvery patches on the leaves. Again, might not be it but keep observing.
I've had thrips before, haven't seen any this time around yet.
no sorry lol , , i was saying make sure your adding the cal/mag first when you mix your nutes , it can bind to other nutrients then the plant cant take it up , you always add the cal/ mag FIRST , stir wait 15 mins ph , add the rest stir again , wait ten mins ph before going in :) ,
If you are using a silica supplement you would add it first before the cal-mag. Right? Or should he skip the silica til he figures out what’s jacked up? I’m asking. Lol
If you are using a silica supplement you would add it first before the cal-mag. Right? Or should he skip the silica til he figures out what’s jacked up? I’m asking. Lol
yes you add silica before adding anything else. I usually add it and let it dissolve for about 45 minutes to an hour.

nutrient mix order goes

base nutrients
bloom boosters
humic acid
measure adjust ph
rapid start

and I do use stout msa for silica but I stop adding it when flowering starts.

I've decided to flush it and see if salt buildup is the issue as I know it is common with drip stakes..
We will see.
@NuttyProfessor @Enjoil @Buds Buddy
So since this I've flushed with some florakleen last sunday and a half EC solution two days ago. Other than that I've still watered twice daily at 0.75-0.8 EC and 5.9-6.0 pH. Symptoms still progressing.

Next step to up calcium? My problem is that I can't up the calcium without upping the nitrogen. Any ideas or do yall think this would be fine? The plant also has purple petioles and purple streaks on some stems.

Oh and I don't think I mentioned nutty that the calcium symptoms are at the top. I'll try to provide more pictures later today when the lights come on.

edit: I have a daughter on the way but next grow I'll definitely be doing a journal. Would be much easier for people to point out any issues in my process.
I think you were over feeding n. On top of needing calmag. What are you feeding with? My bad if you already mentioned it...
Currently 4ml Calmag, 1.5ml FloraMicro, 6ml FloraBloom and 1.5ml Liquid KoolBloom per gallon in tap water (0.1 EC)

Gives me an EC of 0.75-0.8 and 500-550 ppm

According to Cannastats calc my PPM should be close to
N 47
P 61
K 105
Mg 38
Ca 71
S 19
Fe 1.57

If that's the case which could very well be.. with my nutrients I don't see any way to lower nitrogen without lowering the calcium as well.
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