CrazyChef Grows Hexlines: 6 Strains, 6 LST Limbs Each

New home today, new pots/scrog netting in 5 more days.

Looks awesome chef! :high-five:

When a person scrogs morethen 4 plants, I would imagine it would be a bit difficult to water all of the plants no?:smokin:

I’ve never grown with one, so I really wouldn’t know!:passitleft:
Yeah, I didn't think of that. Never done it before.
Been about 2 weeks since my last update... So, the girls are healthy. But 6 strains in a single tent makes for quite varying plant height. So I decided to add some trellis netting just to make the flowering a bit more even canapied (is that a word? Spell check says it isn't...). So I guess it's a partial ScrOG? I only had to arrange the limbs on a couple of girls, and also left some additional room for the shorter gals to grow in to. I flipped them into 12/12 four days ago, so putting the netting in now was kinda crucial while they're still quite flexible. Plan on moving the Mega Crop up to 6g/gal. shortly, as well as increasing the nitrogen just a tad bit for the first 3-4 weeks of flowering once the pistils start to show.

I had to take 2 of each photo because there's not enough room to capture both sides of the 4x8 tent in a single photo.

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Netting being positioned, and final position

When a person scrogs morethen 4 plants, I would imagine it would be a bit difficult to water all of the plants no?:smokin:
Yeah, I didn't think of that. Never done it before.
You have been warned! Lol I’m sure there is ways, like auto feeding systems and what not, but yeah, just wanted to give you a heads up before you dived in with both feet! :surf:
So yeah, it's becoming a major PITA to feed/water. I'll be taking the netting off today. Before and after pics coming up shortly...
I bet it was, was looking good though! Where did you get the net? Soccer field? Kidding! I’m gonna follow along if you don’t mind
It's just a basic trellis netting that I prolly paid twice as much as it's worth because I got it at a hydroponics store. Gonna go clip it right now.
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