Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Should work fine if it's green and ur lights are led. I dunno.

Next question...watering schedule. Everyone says something different. Feed feed water etc.

If I'm doing feed feed water for example. For the whole day today whatever I give will be feed. Same as tomorrow then the whole 3rd day is just water ?
Unfortunately swag I found the same thing to be true. I added maybe a half of a ml of my AN grow a and b To my spray bottle more for the Ph perfect effect than to supply nutes... the bottle recommended a full ml but most of the good folks around here suggested I start with half. I think feed feed waters a great place to start. When my next set of leaves pop up I will likely up nutes to the full ml.

They look great in they're new home for Sure! And already under the LED?! I'm jealous. Hopefully mine ships today. Keep up the good work!
Unfortunately swag I found the same thing to be true. I added maybe a half of a ml of my AN grow a and b To my spray bottle more for the Ph perfect effect than to supply nutes... the bottle recommended a full ml but most of the good folks around here suggested I start with half. I think feed feed waters a great place to start. When my next set of leaves pop up I will likely up nutes to the full ml.

They look great in they're new home for Sure! And already under the LED?! I'm jealous. Hopefully mine ships today. Keep up the good work!
Yes. Set my timer for 18/6. So I was bored and decided to go ahead and mix my first nutes for them. I mixed 0.5 ml/gal of the stuff according to my nutes schedule and variety that I have (REMO nutes) at a ph of 5.9 ish at 270 ppm. Normal dose calls for 5ml/gal. This being my first attempt I went extreme on the light side of dosing. I will work my way up to full just gradually and monitor them
That was past night btw. "First feed" If u wanna call it that. Just did the math....that was 10% of recommended that I fed them. So next time I'll bump it up to 25 then 50. Or maybe just up to 50 n see how the girls like it
Great stuff. If you ask me your doing everything textbook! Everyone keeps saying less is more for the nutes. I love where your head is at with giving the nutes a little bump after every "water day".
I dunno if I just missed my babies today but it looks like they're beefing up. Must be the REMO nutes lol.

My phone takes better pics then my cheesy mini dslr. Aside from them growing there's not much to report. Started light at 4 ' it's down to 3' now on a 18/6. And as mentioned in previous posts I will keep upping their nutes gradually. Any other feedback, input, ideas and suggestions always welcome around these parts.
I've never used a humidifier, nor has any of my friends. After I water my girls my room jumps to @60-65% RH. More than enough for me. If you have it at 40 your fine. Way more to worry about than RH. Plus if it's too high you'll get mold issues.
Worry about 1st PH PH PH!!!
I can't stress that enough. NEVER water without checking PH!!!
2nd light and temps.
After that it gets easy. Well, kinda.
I've never used a humidifier, nor has any of my friends. After I water my girls my room jumps to @60-65% RH. More than enough for me. If you have it at 40 your fine. Way more to worry about than RH. Plus if it's too high you'll get mold issues.
Worry about 1st PH PH PH!!!
I can't stress that enough. NEVER water without checking PH!!!
2nd light and temps.
After that it gets easy. Well, kinda.
Last night for my first concoction you guys shoulda seen me. Lmao. Slow motion n being so careful. Over thinking n things of that nature.
Cut the bottom off a soda bottle and take the cap off. Put it over your seedlings. It'll trap a lot of moisture and you won't need the humidifier!! K.I.S.S.
That should help. You can flip it over too smaller hole above if you need to lower it further basically the smaller the vent up top the higher the rh will go. You are close tho shouldn't need too much coverage

Like the top of one of these... simply cut off bottom and place over baby. It does restrict airflow a bit so a few small holes near the bottom can help with that
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