Curing problem


Active Member
Buds are higher than favorable 60-65% RH in the Mason jars. I tested the Mason jars with no buds inside over 24 hrs and the RH was at 70% how am I supposed to get a Lower reading with buds in if its so high with nothing inside? I understand that boveda packs could help this situation but also know they taint the taste of the buds
Buds are higher than favorable 60-65% RH in the Mason jars. I tested the Mason jars with no buds inside over 24 hrs and the RH was at 70% how am I supposed to get a Lower reading with buds in if its so high with nothing inside? I understand that boveda packs could help this situation but also know they taint the taste of the buds
Hi Ff.. hope your well.
A lot of people use the boveda packs here..I don’t think that I used them right as my erb lost some terps..
There are other similar products that do a decent job I believe. Interfere boost packs are ok.
Anyways..? Best wait for the experts to chip in as I’m pretty new to it all.
Peace an buds to ya
Hi Ff.. hope your well.
A lot of people use the boveda packs here..I don’t think that I used them right as my erb lost some terps..
There are other similar products that do a decent job I believe. Interfere boost packs are ok.
Anyways..? Best wait for the experts to chip in as I’m pretty new to it all.
Peace an buds to ya
Integer? Not interfere.. doh:)
Buds are higher than favorable 60-65% RH in the Mason jars. I tested the Mason jars with no buds inside over 24 hrs and the RH was at 70% how am I supposed to get a Lower reading with buds in if its so high with nothing inside? I understand that boveda packs could help this situation but also know they taint the taste of the buds
Hello @Florushingflowers congrats on your harvest.
If the rh in you jars is too high you can do a couple things.
Leave lids off for an hour a day.
Take buds out for an hour or so a day, setting them on cardboard or paper towel.
Bodeva packs are for storage.
They infuse moisture into air in jars for storage.
They will not dry your buds.
Imo they have zero effect on the flavor/ taste or smoke from your buds.
How high is rh in jars?
Whats rh of your room/house?
What temp are they stored at?
60/60 is your goal.
But slightly higher rh isn't terrible.
A few things can help.
Dr.Ziggy's Slow and low drying in the fridge. It comes highly recommended for preserving terpenes and giving a more flavorful product.

Rice balls to lower the rH in the jar.

Adding a dehumidifier to the room you burp your jars in. Lower rh in the air will absorb the higher rh in the jar. Leave the jars open for an hour or two.
You may have to repeat this process.

Bovedas shouldn't be used for anything over 65-70% rh.

They do add a light covering to the outside of the bud. This encapsulates the trichomes and protects them from degrading as fast and also protects against dehydration of oils. It may seem like the scents are muted but there is a vapor barrier surrounding the flower. Once you grind up the flower the scent returns fully.

I did a side by side comparison for Bovedas. They sent me a C-vault and some Bovedas packs. I put equal amounts of the same plant in their C-vault with Bovedas and kept the other half in a jar with no Bovedas for a month. Then I had to grind ,consume and report my findings.

I'm still using Bovedas today.
A few things can help.
Dr.Ziggy's Slow and low drying in the fridge. It comes highly recommended for preserving terpenes and giving a more flavorful product.

Rice balls to lower the rH in the jar.

Adding a dehumidifier to the room you burp your jars in. Lower rh in the air will absorb the higher rh in the jar. Leave the jars open for an hour or two.
You may have to repeat this process.

Bovedas shouldn't be used for anything over 65-70% rh.

They do add a light covering to the outside of the bud. This encapsulates the trichomes and protects them from degrading as fast and also protects against dehydration of oils. It may seem like the scents are muted but there is a vapor barrier surrounding the flower. Once you grind up the flower the scent returns fully.

I did a side by side comparison for Bovedas. They sent me a C-vault and some Bovedas packs. I put equal amounts of the same plant in their C-vault with Bovedas and kept the other half in a jar with no Bovedas for a month. Then I had to grind ,consume and report my findings.

I'm still using Bovedas today.
Rice balls? I'm curious.
I have used Boveda packs and the Boost packs. Both work as intended to either raise the humidity level in the container or to lower the level. This causes the product to become a bit moister or a bid drier. It is why they are called Two-Way.

Boveda does have some links through their web site which explain why and how the packs work.

Do a search with a favorite search engine and try the key words of:
how do humidity packs work
and browse through several links.

Dr.Ziggy's Slow and low drying in the fridge. It comes highly recommended for preserving terpenes and giving a more flavorful product.
This is the way to go. If it is really humid like here in Michigan with several heavy rain storms over the last couple weeks and hot & humid weather in between when it is not raining the fridge method will still work great; it just takes a bit longer.

Once the buds have dried to the level I want they are placed in jars. The next day I check them and add the appropriate pack. If to dry then I add a pack with a higher humidity number to bring it up slowly. I do this just for a few days at the start of the cure. Occasionally I will put a pack back in months later if the humidity is not where I want it but will remove the pack as soon as the level is reached.

Every time the jar is opened an exchange of air takes place until the lid is put back on. There can be a brief time when the humidity level is to high or low until the humidity pack does its job and brings the level back to 68% or whatever the rating on the pack is. Once I get the level where I want it I take the pack out and put it away. I still continue the daily opening of the jar until the curing is at the desired level.

The original humidity packs were designed for maintaining a specific but higher level for cigars. What I have read is that some of the growers contacted the company about lower percentages for weed. Since medical marijuana was being legalized by one state after another the company decided to see what they could do. The rest is history as the popular saying goes.
Agreed, we have way too much water (*knock on wood*) at the moment in Mi. Just lost a very large top to mold because of it :rip:
Just wanted to chime in to say I love my Boveda's, wouldn't ever be without 'em now that I know about them. (pretty in love with my c-vaults too actually). I like to use my old depleted/dried out Boveda's in the jar when, like right now, things are crazy wet and I have a recently cut plant I am defending from mold.
Agreed, we have way too much water (*knock on wood*) at the moment in Mi.
Might be hard to believe but there are areas that still are in 'drought' or 'extreme drought' conditions. Here in the lower half of Macomb county we have finally been getting some nice moist soil but the deeper soil must still be a bit dry. The back yard had several inches of water yesterday morning and that is gone with just one area still a bit soggy. Makes me think that the soil down several feet below the clay layer is still not as moist as it should be.

Just lost a very large top to mold because of it
Powdery Mildew? Was it not worth saving?

I have some Powdery Mildew on the marijuana plants but it is slowly being knocked back by spraying with a mild vinegar & water mix. Today I start treating some of the plants in the vegetable and flower gardens before the stuff starts to show up there.
Buds are higher than favorable 60-65% RH in the Mason jars. I tested the Mason jars with no buds inside over 24 hrs and the RH was at 70% how am I supposed to get a Lower reading with buds in if its so high with nothing inside?

is your ambient rh at 70% ?
that's the rh of the room.

burping for a longer period in a room with a fan can help.
a fridge dry or partial dry would go a long way to helping as well. @Virgin Ground has replied with the link

storing the jars in the fridge lids off can also help but takes longer, and you still have to take them out from time to time.

i have done this with bovedas in the jars as well. i also will rotate the bud in the jars top to bottom if i do this a couple times. once the rh is in reason i'll take them out, put the lids on, and continue burping as normal. i've burped jars for as long as a couple months or more to get them stable for long term storage.

time is your friend.

I understand that boveda packs could help this situation but also know they taint the taste of the buds

you don't really lose as much as is mythologized.

i use bovedas from the get go when i jar, i literally bury a pack in the jar about half way down. i've used them both to bring rh up and down in the jars. they only really work if your bud is within a certain parameter though. bovedas can't actually rescue stuff too far dry or too far wet.

i never used to cure with them, but i am getting older and effective and easy have a lot more appeal now.

you can cure without bovedas for sure, and i still do every once in a while, but i find they are essential for longer term storage. i have stuff a couple yrs or more old jarred and curing. it gets better with age up to a couple yrs or so.

in your instance i would probably bring the jars down a bit before using them if you are inclined. then i would continue monitoring and burp as normal for a longer period.

I'm tagging along because it's been 70%+ humidity here in Michigan all week and my drying is going longer than normal. So frustrating and uncomfortable.

hi @copperrein ... are you in jars or hanging ?

if hanging there are a couple things you can still do if you have high ambient rh. hanging in the tent with an extractor going helps. a small fan or two under the plants for movement can help, run them on a lower setting if you do, no hurricanes.

I have some Powdery Mildew on the marijuana plants but it is slowly being knocked back by spraying with a mild vinegar & water mix. Today I start treating some of the plants in the vegetable and flower gardens before the stuff starts to show up there.

a milk and water spray is the gardener's home brew for PM. spray, leave a bit then wipe. for the plants. not to be confused with bathroom behavior ..
Might be hard to believe but there are areas that still are in 'drought' or 'extreme drought' conditions. Here in the lower half of Macomb county we have finally been getting some nice moist soil but the deeper soil must still be a bit dry. The back yard had several inches of water yesterday morning and that is gone with just one area still a bit soggy. Makes me think that the soil down several feet below the clay layer is still not as moist as it should be.

Powdery Mildew? Was it not worth saving?

I have some Powdery Mildew on the marijuana plants but it is slowly being knocked back by spraying with a mild vinegar & water mix. Today I start treating some of the plants in the vegetable and flower gardens before the stuff starts to show up there.
Nothing like drought in my backyard here in Oakland county, mushrooms popping up everywhere! All different ones, it is pretty cool, but its also pretty darn weird! Been living in this house 20 years, never seen anything like this level of wetness.
The mold in my top was botrytis, the inside of the whole durn thing got black and nasty - the outside still looked perfect, made me very sad.
Nothing like drought in my backyard here in Oakland county, mushrooms popping up everywhere! All different ones, it is pretty cool, but its also pretty darn weird! Been living in this house 20 years, never seen anything like this level of wetness.
The mold in my top was botrytis, the inside of the whole durn thing got black and nasty - the outside still looked perfect, made me very sad.
It is further up the thumb that it gets dry. Further north the drier the ground soil. Here in this area of Macomb county we got soaked pretty well each of those rains. This whole side of the county is a clay soil so it can take weeks for the backyard turn from a pond to a lawn in the spring. Most summers it used to soak into the soil in a day or two. Last week's rain took till today before I could walk out to visit the various garden beds wearing my slippers.
a milk and water spray is the gardener's home brew for PM. spray, leave a bit then wipe. for the plants. not to be confused with bathroom behavior ..
I have used the milk and water spray several times last year and did not find it to be as effective as the vinegar and water mix. They both work but I felt the vinegar mix to be better. Tried both of them on my indoor and outdoor "weed" plants last summer and on cucumbers and on zucchini. Personal preference but either one will help to control a powdery mildew problem.

The vinegar and water mix that I mention is not to be confused with the straight vinegar and soap mix that is being hyped of some of the 'news' sites as being the greatest thing for killing lawn weeds.
It is further up the thumb that it gets dry. Further north the drier the ground soil. Here in this area of Macomb county we got soaked pretty well each of those rains. This whole side of the county is a clay soil so it can take weeks for the backyard turn from a pond to a lawn in the spring. Most summers it used to soak into the soil in a day or two. Last week's rain took till today before I could walk out to visit the various garden beds wearing my slippers.
Ahaha my hubby laughs at me for going out in the yard in my slippers, glad to know I'm not the only one :D
Hey guys you ever use these cvault? My wife got me one and apparently its a easy way to cure , my cannabis is definitely dry ,,,,, I'm just wondering do you still burp the container as normal ? I did not want to start a thread so I'm posting here ,,,, it popped up when I search c vault ,,,, thanks in advance sir hash fart

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