Custard Cream Fem & Free White Widow Seed Budget Grow

Be very careful black bagging. For a start you'll need three not one if they are bin liners and I'll tell you now the plant will sweat under it. Now that's not a problem now but when the bud starts forming and swells up you are risking very high humidity under that black bag cover and in turn attracting mould to grow. What I'd recommend is some cheap chicken wire fence rolls and make a cylinder around it, then buy some cheap weed control fabric which is a quid a roll in poundland or B & M and then cover the chicken wire fencing with the black weed fabric, several layers around the outside and across the top and you have a perfectly breathable blackout cap that will flower your plant and much less risk of mould. It's cheap and easy for random plants you need to force. Once we hit late July early august you can stop using it as the plant will continue naturally by then.
Yeah if you clip any main growing shoot whether the main stem or side branches you create 2 new tops so it will encourage another bud site branch but you need to make sure she has enough time to grow out those branches before flower. I've seen bonsai style cannabis plants that were topped, topped and topped again and grown out like bushes. They were great but the colas overall were smaller but lots more of them. It's personal choice I guess but done right it'll give you more yield for sure. Just experiment with it a bit, it's all experience for next time.
I'm just gonna leave them now no more messing about I've started to build the blackout cover and in about 2 weeks will start flowering
auto northern lights is doing good

I'm not sure what up with the white widow she looks healthy just really small and quit a pale yellow

Does this cutting look normal?
I'm just gonna leave them now no more messing about I've started to build the blackout cover and in about 2 weeks will start flowering
auto northern lights is doing good

I'm not sure what up with the white widow she looks healthy just really small and quit a pale yellow

Does this cutting look normal?

Lack of nitrogen from rooting mate, light nutes should sort it I reckon but go easy and work up the nutes with clones just taking. Quarter strength do you don't fry it lol
Not sure about the widow. Again it could be a lack of nutrients due to the all over paleness and almost stunted/very slow growth. Have you tried giving her a good dose of grow nutes? If there's no necrosis or real leaf damage it's unlikely a ph issue or there'd be more tell tale signs so my money is on a nutrient deficiency and the all over paleness and the more pale being lower down it strikes me as nitrogen being needed. If the auto has kicked to flower it's gizzling N in its stretch period so may need a touch more. Just be careful not to give too much and burn her
Not sure about the widow. Again it could be a lack of nutrients due to the all over paleness and almost stunted/very slow growth. Have you tried giving her a good dose of grow nutes? If there's no necrosis or real leaf damage it's unlikely a ph issue or there'd be more tell tale signs so my money is on a nutrient deficiency and the all over paleness and the more pale being lower down it strikes me as nitrogen being needed. If the auto has kicked to flower it's gizzling N in its stretch period so may need a touch more. Just be careful not to give too much and burn her

For me the autos doing perfectly and I will water them all today with nutes it's 2ml per litre so I will make up like 4 litre and water them all
I keep getting them mixed up lol. But yeah I'd the overall health is good and it's just a bit pale it's most likely either a watering issue like too damp too often meaning a lack of oxygen to the roots or the plant in just hungry. The general health looks good so I can only assume it's N. don't forget the plant still needs grow nutes for the first 2-3 week stretch as the plant uses up so much nitrogen during it. Nitrogen is less important after that first 3 weeks but you'll still need a little during flower. I let my plants become N deficient in the last few weeks for a better flavour.
Just to get this cleared up . I have the big custard cream the I have the whites white widow(small orange pot) I have one cutting of the custard cream in the red cup and I have one cutting in the diy bubbler thingy. And in the other red cup is the auto northern lights so I'm total I have 5
I will feed them all tonight when this loverly weather has cooled down I'm going to start flowering my big custard in about a week maybe sooner
Yeah sorry mate I'm usually always stoned so forget which are which but I do know which you are discussing at any given time. Lol.
I had to give my 4 plants in 12/12 (11th day) extra nitrogen yesterday as they are all so bloody hungry, I'll run light gro nutes for another week and then I'll hit them with PK 13/14 and switch to bloom nutrients only on feed days and molasses on plain water days. I've done a test on some younger plants feeding molasses through their entire life not just in very late veg and flower and they are soooooo bloody healthy. I genuinely believe the molasses is making a difference to the younger plants overall health in early veg. The leaves all look so perfect and lush green and the branching is so uniform and compact. I think these later 3 Master Kush will be phenomenal when finished.
cropped the auto northen lights an have had many cuttuing off the custard cream i have two monster plants out back that have just started flowering so i think that harvest is going to be fucked as the weather here is so shit atm
Had mares with the weather myself but my rain protection protected most of my buds. I had a couple of smaller buds with a touch of mould but I managed to get to harvest ok as I started earlier with light dep. I chopped the last 3 Master Kush plants this last Friday and did very well in the end. Trichombes weren't quite as if have liked but most are milky. I couldn't risk letting them get to amber because of all the rainfall and humidity sadly. My light goes up this week for my indoor grow .I'm sure if you get a canopy over the top of the plants you can get to harvest but shelter is key now. How golfs away are they?

Hope all is well in your world.

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