Death with flower cycle?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone wasn’t sure what title to give this but was wondering how fast the plant dies off toward end of flower. Mainly asking because I have some not doing the best and some that are fine. Same schedule, same nutes and same strain but maturing at different rates. The one closest to harvest is the worst and then in order from most mature to least. I would like to point out that there is a big difference between the less mature ones than the mature ones big difference. Which is making think it has something to do with its life ending soon but I could be completely wrong and likely am but it’s not making sense otherwise. For those learning like myself I figured it would help harvest time. Like if it’s dying to a certain point is it a problem of nutes or pests or is it ready or past ready and maybe not as strong as some? If anyone can give better insight on how fast they die when getting close to done? Also I assume they are prone to more problems later in flower than they are in veg. Like being able to handle heat. Is it harder on flowering plants when it’s hot? Ect?
It will chance to be different phenos in there bud, for every strain there can be up to a 1000 different combinations on what it could turn out like, I have 9 Green Gelato and there all different and there's one that's got near to no buds what do ever.

Post some pics up bud.
It will chance to be different phenos in there bud, for every strain there can be up to a 1000 different combinations on what it could turn out like, I have 9 Green Gelato and there all different and there's one that's got near to no buds what do ever.

Post some pics up bud.
It will chance to be different phenos in there bud, for every strain there can be up to a 1000 different combinations on what it could turn out like, I have 9 Green Gelato and there all different and there's one that's got near to no buds what do ever.

Post some pics up bud.
More concerned as to how fast they die once harvest is close not so much why they are different just why the mature is having problems and dying off where the less mature ones are doing good? I was thinking it was dying off because of harvest rather than there being a problem like pests or nutrient lockout because why wouldn’t they all show signs of a problem but if it’s because harvest window has opened on the mature ones then that makes sense to me. There is slight damage to lower leaves on least mature and the most mature has damage everywhere and has lost a lot of leaves. If you have any idea what’s wrong that would be great I just can’t make sense of what’s wrong


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More concerned as to how fast they die once harvest is close not so much why they are different just why the mature is having problems and dying off where the less mature ones are doing good? I was thinking it was dying off because of harvest rather than there being a problem like pests or nutrient lockout because why wouldn’t they all show signs of a problem but if it’s because harvest window has opened on the mature ones then that makes sense to me. There is slight damage to lower leaves on least mature and the most mature has damage everywhere and has lost a lot of leaves. If you have any idea what’s wrong that would be great I just can’t make sense of what’s wrong
both grown indoors just had one outside in better light to inspect
Okay as mentioned I have really bad eyesight. With that being said I think spider mites might be my problem. I was looking at trichomes and noticed a small webbing or at least I think it is. What can I do for it this late in flower? I have neem oil and soap will they be safe on my flowers this close to harvest?
I don't see anything dying off here. I see a potassium deficiency that seems to now be in check and I see buds not yet finished. I don't see spider mite damage either, and would hold off on the neem... you don't want to have to smoke that stuff. How long do you think you have until harvest?
A week at least 2 at max I’m just concerned about what I saw a couple spots. It looked like a white hair going across the bud on couple different buds and webbing is the only thing I could think it would be since I have dark hair.
Hair can appear from practically anywhere. I have a little spider web in the corner of my tent right now... no biggie. Spider mites will cause multiple pinprick holes in the leaves they start draining... it is a huge problem. I don't see a huge problem... I am betting it was just a random hair that came in on the wind.
Since everything is cumulative in a grow, towards the end, minor deficiencies show up as leaf damage at the end because instead of having whatever it is stored away, it was lacking all along. People who tend to pH everytime to the middle of the range tend to have this problem, giving themselves a minor pH lockout all grow long on certain heavy elements that are only available at the low end of the range... and eventually it bites them at the end.
Your damage in the lower growth and not yet extending up into the upper growth and the buds is a good sign that things were not as bad as they could be, and mostly you have done well getting to the end without problems. Next time, try to vary that pH a bit during the grow, and pay a little more attention to your potassium supply, and you can probably avoid this last bit of cannibalization. Soon you are going to see the fade... the actual dying at the end, and you will see... they way it takes leaves will look different than this. You should be fine... I have seen much much worse, even in my own tents before I figured out what I was doing wrong.
Hair can appear from practically anywhere. I have a little spider web in the corner of my tent right now... no biggie. Spider mites will cause multiple pinprick holes in the leaves they start draining... it is a huge problem. I don't see a huge problem... I am betting it was just a random hair that came in on the wind.
Since everything is cumulative in a grow, towards the end, minor deficiencies show up as leaf damage at the end because instead of having whatever it is stored away, it was lacking all along. People who tend to pH everytime to the middle of the range tend to have this problem, giving themselves a minor pH lockout all grow long on certain heavy elements that are only available at the low end of the range... and eventually it bites them at the end.
Your damage in the lower growth and not yet extending up into the upper growth and the buds is a good sign that things were not as bad as they could be, and mostly you have done well getting to the end without problems. Next time, try to vary that pH a bit during the grow, and pay a little more attention to your potassium supply, and you can probably avoid this last bit of cannibalization. Soon you are going to see the fade... the actual dying at the end, and you will see... they way it takes leaves will look different than this. You should be fine... I have seen much much worse, even in my own tents before I figured out what I was doing wrong.
Had my husband look when he woke and says that web thing I see is nothing of concern. I am a little confused about damage at bottom comment. The first picture has it all over top and bottom. Second picture bottom leaves only ate affected. That’s what is throwing me off is the one closest to harvest has way more damage
That’s what is throwing me off is the one closest to harvest has way more damage
it is because the specific things that the now very complicated buds now need to complete the process have run out in the storehouses that should be in the leaves. Some things are needed in such large amounts that these are mobile in the plant (can be moved around at will) and some are semi-mobile but some are not mobile at all, and if the plant needs them, it has to take it from a storehouse on the plant if it is not in the available nutes. This is what is happening in the top leaves that are now being cannibalized. The damage down below was another cause, and I would think a while ago.
The good news is that the plant is doing what it needs to do so as to build those buds. That is the prime directive, the buds. The plant is finding what it needs and using it, and this is the way the end is supposed to go... just not this dramatically. :) All is fine... no one is dying here.
it is because the specific things that the now very complicated buds now need to complete the process have run out in the storehouses that should be in the leaves. Some things are needed in such large amounts that these are mobile in the plant (can be moved around at will) and some are semi-mobile but some are not mobile at all, and if the plant needs them, it has to take it from a storehouse on the plant if it is not in the available nutes. This is what is happening in the top leaves that are now being cannibalized. The damage down below was another cause, and I would think a while ago.
The good news is that the plant is doing what it needs to do so as to build those buds. That is the prime directive, the buds. The plant is finding what it needs and using it, and this is the way the end is supposed to go... just not this dramatically. :) All is fine... no one is dying here.
Between you and someone else that mentioned similar I feel better. It’s just so bad on the one it’s hard for me to tell what’s new or old damage. I was thinking potassium at first but wasn’t sure so waited a day or two before adding nutes. I was planning to not give more and let flushing begin but with it getting bad so quickly I needed one more feeding at least. So I guess my question now is how long can she hold out with so much damage already? I guess as long as it doesn’t get worse but as nute levels go down that’s expected. She doesn’t have much to use once that starts
Between you and someone else that mentioned similar I feel better. It’s just so bad on the one it’s hard for me to tell what’s new or old damage. I was thinking potassium at first but wasn’t sure so waited a day or two before adding nutes. I was planning to not give more and let flushing begin but with it getting bad so quickly I needed one more feeding at least. So I guess my question now is how long can she hold out with so much damage already? I guess as long as it doesn’t get worse but as nute levels go down that’s expected. She doesn’t have much to use once that starts

Also on second picture bottom leaves what does that damage look like to you?
early magnesium deficiency maybe?
Idk It seems different than how others started. The other girls i believed the potassium was low but idk. I do use well water from tap which contains amounts of calcium and magnesium plus I fed them calmag supplement a couple weeks ago but the damage has been there over a week so possibly. I had very few problems overall up until this last week and now it’s crazy bad. I’m still trying to learn the controversy between removing leaves or leaving them for backup? There seems to be a lot of disagreement on that subject. Whether the leaves are taking away from buds or adding to. I probably should start a topic on just that
Idk It seems different than how others started. The other girls i believed the potassium was low but idk. I do use well water from tap which contains amounts of calcium and magnesium plus I fed them calmag supplement a couple weeks ago but the damage has been there over a week so possibly. I had very few problems overall up until this last week and now it’s crazy bad. I’m still trying to learn the controversy between removing leaves or leaving them for backup? There seems to be a lot of disagreement on that subject. Whether the leaves are taking away from buds or adding to. I probably should start a topic on just that
I am not a fan of chopping on a plant just because something is going on to make them a bit ugly, and I noticed that you kept yours on there, maybe cleaning off the dead parts. The plant is perfectly capable of taking off a leaf if it offends the plant, and except for trimming for air and light flow, I tend to leave the plant alone. Besides, if the plant is cannibalizing, if I remove that leaf the plant will just move nutrient relocation services to the next leaf up on the stalk... removing leaves can oftentimes make the problem even worse.
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