Does my plant look pale?

Dani smoke

Well-Known Member
2nd week of flower, feeding 2ml Cana A and B, calmag 1ml, moonshine and moonshine foiliar, she's also had 2 feedings with added mycorrhizae last one was over 2 week ago however some say once is enough others don't, I'm just not too sure if she's too pale lemon zkittle is the strain my first time growing this in Coco 60/40 with extra perlite EC is around 1.6 in and in run off pH 6.0, under 600hps around 18 inch away temps around 26°


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You don't need to add any more of the fungus.

The pale part I think you are noticing is not so much an issue. That is the new growth stuff I think you are concerned with which looks very nice.

Do you manage the humidity in there? What are the daytime and night time temps getting to?

A very deep dark green is a sign of over dose. After a while it can get to toxic levels and stunt growth. You want a bright vibrant green not a dark green.

The nutes are not what make the buds more potent or fatter or smell and taste better.
Actually nutes are what make your buds fatter,smell taste better and effect potency.. excessively they will also negatively impact on size smell taste and effect...
She had a defoliation


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She looks a little light on those big upper fan leaves. Can't quite tell if nitrogen deficiency or magnesium, possible a little of both.

If she were mine, I'd up the calmag 1-0-0 1 tsp per gallon and see if it helps put on a healthier green. That lower growth looks perfectly healthy however so thats why its a little confusing lol.

As they did say above, dark green borderline purplish means too much, plus it takes longer to flush before harvest. If you continue to do what you are doing and they continue to get lighter, either try the calmag or up the nutes a tad.
Unless you trained the plant to be short and wide then it looks to me like you got light to close or a water issue or both. Leaves are yellowing out and drooping.
Why don't you run the full Canna line? You're running A&B, but not the rest? I know it's pricey, but solid, solid gear. Well worth it though.

Why the mix or is it something other than Canna Nutes?
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