Ed's 12/12 Tent Version 3

LilWil5 Wappa Harvest :yummy:

09  18 2021 LilWil5 Harvest.jpg

Now occupying LilWil5 Wappa's vacant space, Bruce Banner @ day 2 flowering:
09 19 2021 Bruce 2 days.jpg

:hmmmm: still working on this yellowing and discoloration. On my to do list, get a pH meter for soil, get genuine cal mag nutrient and switch from Dollar Store Epsom salts. Buy 5 gallon fabric bags and 14 inch catch trays. Never ever reuse grow medium again :thedoubletake: :sorry: Meanwhile, the jury is still out on the one clone I took off her that hasn't keeled over yet. Dropped another Fem Bruce Banner bean this morning, hopefully we'll have better luck cloning #2.

Here is LilWil6 Wappa at 25 days flowering. Another never ever again is reusing fabric bags. I let LilWil6 get nice and dry then cut her crusted fabric bag away and put her in a 5 gallon bucket. So far, so good. She has a comparatively high number of bud positions so I hope they can all fill out 'Wappa style' and not wind up puny.
09 19 2021 LilWil6 25 days.jpg
:hmmmm: continuing and even worsening yellowing and spotty discoloration on Bruce Banner :hmmmm:

I finally got my sorry ass up to the plant supply for some official Cal Mag supplement and walked away with FF Gringo.

I also asked about a pH meter for soil and was advised the way I am already measuring via runoff is a better way to go. I then inquired about adjusting pH up in my existing medium, and was recommended an Organic Lime. This is rich in Cal Mag, so I used it instead to treat Bruce Banner adding two teaspoons when I up potted her again today into a new 6 gallon grow bag.

:lot-o-toke:keeping a close eye out
Bruce Banner Fem @ 7 days - I noticed she's a little droopy after lights out. Same yesterday. Once the lights are back on the droop goes away. Aside from that, color is improving and she continues to stretch. No pistils yet.
09 24 2021 Bruce 7 days.jpg

LilWil6 Wappa @ 30 days - halfway home :yummy:
09 24 2021 LilWil6 30 days.jpg

:cheesygrinsmiley: :high-five:

Wappa Update:

My Wappa consumption inventory was exhausted about 3 days ago. :oops: :thedoubletake:
It is now restored :cheesygrinsmiley: with 160 grams of LilWil5 :yummy::ganjamon:
LilWil6 is humming along with about 12-16 days to go
LilWil7 is topped and awaiting up potting and open space in the 12/12 tent in those same 12-16 days
LilWil8 now day 3 under the big light, so far so good.
Bruce Banner update at 25 days flowering.
It looks like the pH problem is better, she is no longer pulling runoff way down. Very healthy green and growing like mad, She's been topped, and further LST'ed in an attempt to keep her from reaching too high and having her buds burn. That tall one by the carbon filter exhaust vent has me worried. :oops: No yellowing or spotting on her leaves and she's producing pistils at a good rate now. :cheesygrinsmiley: She switched to FF Beastie Bloomz last feeding and is doing very well.
Orange bucket beside her is LilWil6 Wappa at 48 days flowering. What a delightful strain to foster. Can't wait to get more in April (God willing). Wappa, the most underrated strain in our beautiful cannabis world.
Wappa, I love you.
10 12 2021 BB.jpg

And here is a close up of one of the developing buds.
10 12 2021 BB bud.jpg
Yesterday was flush day for Bruce Banner. Also trimmed off dead growth and reoriented her for her final week or so. Here on flower day 54. She's been spun around 180 degrees so her most developed buds are now in the rear corner. These look to be harvested first. When it's their time, I may leave these newly light exposed (formerly rear buds) ripen up further.

11 10 2021 BB day 54 post flush.jpg

Here is LilWil7 Wappa at flower day 22, coming on strong'
11 10 2021 LilWil7 Wappa day 22.jpg

:cheesygrinsmiley: Bruce Banner flower day 56
A majority of her trics are now cloudy white, with some of her more mature top buds also starting to amber over.

Will be looking for some more ambers to harvest, projected right on time at 1-2 more weeks.

Glad I bought that magnifier

:cheesygrinsmiley: Bruce Banner flower day 56
A majority of her trics are now cloudy white, with some of her more mature top buds also starting to amber over.

Will be looking for some more ambers to harvest, projected right on time at 1-2 more weeks.

Glad I bought that magnifier

:cheesygrinsmiley: ... one day later ... about 30% amber trics :cheesygrinsmiley:

:yahoo: Early girl!! :yummy: 3 tops harvested @ day 57

11 13 2021 BB Top 3 early at day 57.jpg

:yummy: :high-five: :yummy: :yahoo:
Bruce Banner Fem 23 days under the veg light

I see this yellowing and spotting coming back :hmmmm:

My first line of response is now flushing. Today I flushed this 1 gallon container with 2 gallons of water. Also being careful not to overwater and to allow the pots to fully dry out.

My water going in was 6.4 and measured run off in the tray was 6.2.

To reiterate, she is in FF Ocean Forrest soil and sits beneath a Mars TSL 2000 in a 2 x 4 tent.

11 15 2021 BB2.jpg
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