First Grow: 2 white widows

I can't rep you again Roor, but know the love is there. It's great to have you guys around. Tomorrow, I water with nutes. I'll be sure to cut the nitrogen to half, maybe a quarter dose.

Thanks to you too Kick. But since this is my first grow, I'm not gonna go crazy choppin off leaves. I am however going to cut off a couple of lower bud sights that obviously aren't going to produce much. There's only like 2 of them.

On a different note, I have a pretty bad cold right now and decided to stay off the drugs (advil,nyquil,etc), and just smoke. First thing I noticed, I'm getting ALOT higher! I'm thinking it's because my sinuses are so congested.
I can't rep you again Roor, but know the love is there. It's great to have you guys around. Tomorrow, I water with nutes. I'll be sure to cut the nitrogen to half, maybe a quarter dose.

Consider your appreciation...well...appreciated. :cheesygrinsmiley:

If you do cut back on Nitrogen, I advise cutting it to only half. Plants need Nitrogen for all stages of growth including flowering, just not as much as if they were in veg. Monitor the plants reaction closely, and if you see any yellowing whatsoever bring the Nitrogen levels back up to their current level.

Your doing really good and you don't want to ruin a good thing. :peace:
Just finished watering.

Flora series feed chart for week 3 of flowering:

FloraGro (2-1-5): 3ml
FloraMicro (5-0-1): 8ml
FloraBloom (0-5-4): 14ml

I only added 2ml of FloraGro and 6ml of FloraMicro. Hopefully this curbs the stretching a bit without screwing the girls up. Let's see how it goes!
Day 22. The beginning of week 4. My smaller plant's bottom fan leaves have really started to yellow. Other than that, I think everything's turning out ok.







Right!! I hadn't even factored in the hps.

Man I'm glad we have so many current journals going. It's especially helpful to me to have a few whitewidow grows going. I'm sure we're all learning from each other.

Hey Boss, I know you've been keeping up with the NoMercy grows too. Did you see Atmoshpere's grow? Where do you think he got a tray big enough to put all that soil in?

I'm thinkin, if I harvest before April, I can start a 10 week NoMercy grow. I'm trying to avoid growing during the hot months of summer.
I am sure they just made it. How, I could only guess. My next grow is a SOG on 12/12 from the start, and i am hoping to get better results then the 3 I have now. I am sure I will be doing 12/12 from now on though, it just makes sence to me. I am just afraid that the current ladies won't get done in time to get the mesh up for the little ones. I may have germ'd too early. But, I have more seeds, so no big deal.

You got some good lookin girls there though, great job. :)
For the first 12/12 grow, I would expect to go 12 weeks depending on the strain. For me anyways. Until I get nute strength down, the lights all correct, I am sure it will add time. I think 3 gallon would be fine, but I don't think I would go smaller due to limited yield anyway.
I had pretty good germination as well. I folded about 3 paper towels in half and poured water over them. Then put the seeds in the center and fold the towels over them. Then throw the whole thing in a zip lock bag. They were ready in a day.
The plant on the right has about 4 fan leaves that have turned really yellow and will surely die. I would have cut them of sooner, but the plant doesn't have that many leaves too begin with. Should I cut them off? Or wait until they wither on their own and die?

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