First Time Grow: White Widow


Well-Known Member
Hi, I’ve already had interactions with a few members and have my plants off to a “reasonable start”. I am one week into my grow, germinated my seeds in a glass of water for around 12hrs before transferring to paper towel.

I now have 5/5 seeds sprout and have just transplanted my seedlings from a propagation tray into solo cups. I think I may have transplanted them too early and potentially damaged a couple of the plants. I’m optimistic though as I was as delicate as I could be throughout the transplant.

I have started the seedlings with Promix Seed Starting Mix. I have Ph’d my water to around 6. Unfortunately I don’t have a probe to be more exact. I used lemon juice to adjust the Ph of my filtered tap water.

The plants are now living under a 19w, 2ft LED grow light from Home Depot. They’re receiving 18hrs of light per day and I’m using a spray bottle regularly to keep the soil moist. I didn’t take any pictures this morning after the transplant but here is an image of roughly where I am at.

I have some nutrients that I will be using once the plant has developed a couple sets of true leaves.

Here is a picture of the whole setup:

These plants will eventually be going out to grow in my garden, I’m hoping that this light will get them through the first couple months until the weather is better here in Ontario.

I hope I’m doing this journal correctly, I’ll continue to update as I go along.
Hi, I’ve already had interactions with a few members and have my plants off to a “reasonable start”. I am one week into my grow, germinated my seeds in a glass of water for around 12hrs before transferring to paper towel.

I now have 5/5 seeds sprout and have just transplanted my seedlings from a propagation tray into solo cups. I think I may have transplanted them too early and potentially damaged a couple of the plants. I’m optimistic though as I was as delicate as I could be throughout the transplant.

I have started the seedlings with Promix Seed Starting Mix. I have Ph’d my water to around 6. Unfortunately I don’t have a probe to be more exact. I used lemon juice to adjust the Ph of my filtered tap water.

The plants are now living under a 19w, 2ft LED grow light from Home Depot. They’re receiving 18hrs of light per day and I’m using a spray bottle regularly to keep the soil moist. I didn’t take any pictures this morning after the transplant but here is an image of roughly where I am at.

I have some nutrients that I will be using once the plant has developed a couple sets of true leaves.

Here is a picture of the whole setup:

These plants will eventually be going out to grow in my garden, I’m hoping that this light will get them through the first couple months until the weather is better here in Ontario.

I hope I’m doing this journal correctly, I’ll continue to update as I go along.
Looking good!

I'm actually excited to see how they do under that Home Depot light. I've seen those on the shelf and thought of picking one up for early seedlings.

I'd expect it will keep them babies jammin' along, just fine, until you can get them out to the garden

Hi Ollylake :ciao: I had transplanted a few White Widows too early also. They kept on falling over during their watering, but to my surprise they are doing very well with no signs of stress. Very resilient plants thank goodness LOL.

Mine are a little flimsy, especially two of them that sprouted REALLY tall. I’m propping one up with a cocktail stick at the moment.

Looking good!

I'm actually excited to see how they do under that Home Depot light. I've seen those on the shelf and thought of picking one up for early seedlings.

I'd expect it will keep them babies jammin' along, just fine, until you can get them out to the garden


I’ll keep you guys up to date with the progress
Transplant has gone well today, all plants appear to have grown well today. Looking forward to what the next week has in store for me.

Today marks one week since I begun germination and this is the most recent progress picture.

Some of the stems have grown longer than anticipated so I may have to use some sort of cage system to prevent sagging.
Transplant has gone well today, all plants appear to have grown well today. Looking forward to what the next week has in store for me.

Today marks one week since I begun germination and this is the most recent progress picture.

Some of the stems have grown longer than anticipated so I may have to use some sort of cage system to prevent sagging.
Just plant them a bit deeper when you up-pot them into their bigger pots if they get a bit stretchy as seedlings.
I meant to do that but didn’t leave myself enough of a hole to bury them and I’m not messing with them again for risk of damaging them. Hopefully a cage will do the job
It can always be managed.
Nearly a week has passed since the transplant to the solo cups. All plants are making nice progress and look very healthy. The second set of leaves are beginning to develop now. I am continuing to feed them using my Ph balanced water and they’re receiving 18hrs of light per day.

As some of the stems have grown quite long I’ve used some wire to help prop up plants that are starting to fall over.

Here is the most recent picture of them all:
your soil is always wet and that isn't really a good thing you want to water them good and then let them go until the soil is almost dry. they are older and it will encourage root expansion
I agree with r0am1ngst0ner, dont want to suffocate those roots.:ganjamon: Number 1 mistake beginners make along with with much nutrients to early, but also depends on drainage of soil. Could also try raising plants a little or lowering light to discourage stretching. Ill be following along, White Widow is a wicked strain and also hope to get a few plants outside under the natural sun this year!:hippy:
I also have a white widow that is at her 6th node getting introduced to some sun this weekend as she needs up potting soon. It seems everyone is growing it so will be a good summer all around :lot-o-toke: and I agree with FungiClay you are using a 19w light i'm using 40w fluorescent and I kept them at an inch away maybe don't go that close but try getting as close as you can without any dehydrated looking leaves or curling up edges
I’m watering these plants twice per day and literally only giving them a little spritz from a spray bottle. Is this too much? Generally before work and after work they get some water and I’m not using any nutrients yet.

The cups they’re growing in have holes in the bottom so deainage isn’t a problem. They have also stopped growing so tall now.

Thanks for the advice, I’m always happy to receive feedback
so when a plant is extremly young it enjoys some water from leaves but one she starts putting out a root or two she would prefer to drink from there so you can water it till the soil has absorbed lots of water like a sponge so you will be watering every 2-4 days.
Looks good. Here's some advice...
Put a couple books or something under your cups to raise the plants closer to the light to reduce the stretching.
Stop watering twice per day immediately. I can't believe they look as good as they do with that kind of watering schedule.
Let those cups dry out completely until when you lift it you will feel no weight at all. The cup will feel light as a feather almost.
If you continue with this watering technique you will have major problems in the very near future.
People you see watering twice per day are people who are growing in coco. You are in soil so it's very different.
There are lots of great threads on here talking about the proper way to water a potted plant. Emilya in particular has a great thread on that. Search it up.
Happy growing :ganjamon:
Update: it is now just over two weeks since germination and I’ve just transplanted the biggest of the 5 plants into a new pot. The root structure wasn’t as strong as I’d hoped so I’m a little concerned it may have transplant shock. I’ve decided to leave the others for the time being.

I have adjusted my watering schedule to once every two days or so now and no longer see any leaves curling.

One of the plants is MUCH smaller than the others and seems a little deformed. Can anyone advise me on how to deal with this? Here is a picture:

Here is my most recent picture.
I’ve just transplanted a further three of the plants into larger containers. I am hoping they can grow in these for the next 6-7 weeks until they’re ready to go outside.

Once again I feel that I’ve transplanted too early, however the first plant is doing very well in it’s new home. I found the roots were sticking to the inside of the cups and some ripped off when removing. I’m hoping this doesn’t affect the plants at all. None of the three that I’ve moved look as healthy as their predecessor right now. One is a little saggy, perhaps the consequence of overwatering?

New photo, recent transplants are highlighted:
Progress: It would appear transplants went well. However, are my plants outgrowing my light? I am going to order another anyway.
Have you checked the sponsors, they give discounts and @SmokeSara is with mars for your lighting . And yes it will outgrow the lights but at the moment your okay!
All looks good and healthy!
Have you checked the sponsors, they give discounts and @SmokeSara is with mars for your lighting . And yes it will outgrow the lights but at the moment your okay!
All looks good and healthy!

I have one runt of the litter that I think is a little sad from it’s first transplant. I’m hoping it will recover.

I haven’t check the sponsors, this is the first I’ve heard about them. Could you elaborate for me?
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