First Grow - CFL - Bag Seed - Hempy Coco

Re: First grow, CFL/Bag seed, Hempy coco

NO Smokz I need to post 50 times I believe to be allowed to sent PMs' out. This will make 48. After I get these darn mid terms out of the way so I can get back to reading and posting my two cents else where on this site while avoiding my homework. Got to stick to electrical advice for now till I know what the heck I'm doing. LOL. Hooked up my timer, damn thing is older than me had to be made in the 50's but it works. The circulation fan is in the closet to only 4-5" square but moves some serious air in that little closet. The last of new seeds popped and will go into the tray tonight. :peace:
Re: First grow, CFL/Bag seed, Hempy coco

LOL,Well Smokz I am a little slow on the uptake right now, Going to JWU for a CAD degree competing with 19 yr old kids and just 3 classes left, but I have to do real work to pass these two classes I'm in now for the first time, all my last courses came kind of easy and gave me a 4.0 GPA 90% of the way through. It has me with a kind of tunnel vision trying to complete a portfolio with drawings I threw away after each class. Now I am scrambling to redo class work for 6 courses while I do the work for the two I am in now. I'll just blase up and work my butt off next 4 days and it'll be smooth sailing for the last couple weeks.

Ok back to why we're really here. woke up to the sound of the fan so the timer is working. If I tip the cup to the side a little water comes out of the hole so no water today. she looks happy and next set of leaves is showing themselves. will hold off on pics til later or tomorrow. One of yesterdays and one from day before are showing in the top of the pucks. weird since I planted yesterdays deeper than the other and it is further out. Love it when they want to grow maybe a star in the making. Entered data for each of them into Herb I.Q. and it will track each individual plants height/water/nutes/lights/pot sizes/dates/dry weight/ect... Nice little program. One of the three in paper towel is cracked but no root yet. It's a race between them for the last two tray slots. :peace:
Re: First grow, CFL/Bag seed, Hempy coco

Good morning all,
Beth is looking much happier;

The seeded pucks are amazing me. The first ones took 3-7 days to break the surface and these are from left to right: first 4 in a square day 3 (1/4" deep), middle two last night, and the four on the right are @ day two (1/2" deep).

The first batch took a week to show anything other than the sucker leaves but these are coming up with a vigor I never seen.


The fan is on circulation the room air and it is making the coco need water sooner I think. but all in all I'd say we're off to a better start this time around. :peace:
Re: First grow, CFL/Bag seed, Hempy coco

At lights on two of the last three were showing in the tray, One more to go for a 10 for 10. I did start with 11 seeds but when #ten popped I tossed it. Gonna need a much bigger tray with a larger dome to do more at a time and when for I start to clone.
Thinking back on the first attempt, I used un-Ph'd tap water , no SuperThrive, tighter name brand of puck and 5yr old beans. And one or all of these factors may be why this time it seems so much faster and healthier.:peace:
Re: First grow, CFL/Bag seed, Hempy coco

That's a good point, back in my first grow I didn't ph when germing and it cost me 15 white widow seeds haha... I've been very lucky to not lose any strains since then. Last time I did a seed order I bought 12 seeds and all sprouted and I got a female out of every strain :).

Ps I have a ton of seeds from my Buddha, hammerhead, and agent orange that I just keep in a jar so if you ever find yourself in desperate need and have no funds, I can probably help you out. But it looks like you got it under control:bravo:
Re: First grow, CFL/Bag seed, Hempy coco

Not much growth on Beth but a little. Got the MG+Cal to substitute for OC+. Gave 1/4 strength treatment to cup may be week for cup size but easier to add more than try take it out.

Total Nitrogen 9%
Avail. Phosphate 4%
Soluble Potash 12%
calcium 3.5%
Magnesium 1.4%
Sulfur 7%
Copper 0.05%
Iron 0.9%
Maganese 0.35%
Zinc 0.1%



I am not sure how this measures up to the OC+ but being from same company hoping the package is the biggest difference.

7 of batch 2 are above ground #5 is being stubborn but the rest seem good to go. well one was laying on it side uprooted almost so I tucked it back in and will keep an Eye on it (#8 in tray). the plant numbers in tray are as follows: Left to right- top row 1,3,5,7,9, Bottom row 2,4,6,8,10




Re: First grow, CFL/Bag seed, Hempy coco

I came home last night and found some of the babies turning brown around the edges and one curled in on itself. A couple had no signs yet of it.




I think I spaced changing the water in the spray bottle and it still had the hi Ph (7+) and to much SuperThrive. Is nute burn what it looks like or heat stress? I used good water to start and then used the spray bottle to water the pucks since then. I flushed the pucks last night and emptied the run off. Should I move them to the Solo cups now so any water they get will help drain out the overdose of ph/ST?

Will I ever get through the seedling stage with out abusing my plants??? LOL.

Well Beth made it through, god only knows how. She is showing her 2nd set of 5 blade leaves popping out. Is that the second or third set of true leaves? Or better put is the three blade leaf set the first true set or the first five blade the first? Now that she is actually growing I want to let her get good and happy before I try to move her to a larger bucket. There should be ample space so roots should not get bound anytime soon.

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