First plant ready to harvest after doing everything wrong


420 Member
i dont know if this is the right forum but since i dont have a grow journal it will have to do. move it or delete it if you need to.

i dont have any decent photos because after trying a ton of apps (android) i still cant get a decent picture.

if you know of an android app that will take decent closeups please let me know. it may be just my cheap phone.

i am 69 years young and didn't know anything about growing cannabis. i don't know much more now but i know exactly what not to do :)

i germinated 5 blueberry auto fem's and planted them on july 14 , 2020. this is an indoor grow using a small room in my cabin and three 1200, 600, 600 watt led grow lights.

i planted in the wrong soil, buckets way too small and used far too little nutrients until it was too late. the plants started to pre-flower when they were only about 8" tall.

a friend came over that has been growing for years and told me my soil was worthless and the buckets were too small.

so, with nothing to lose i filled some 3 gallon buckets with the same crap soil and transplanted all 5 plants.

my friend said to use 4x as much nutrients and i did. 2 of the plants took off like a rocket. the other 3 almost died. in fact i gave upon them.

they looked so bad that i decided to just move them outside into an area that gets 12 hrs of sun per day. i live in the mountains so the temps ranged from 50-82 most every day. all i did was water(with nutes) these outside plants when the top soil got dry and ck the ph.

ph on all my plants has stayed fine the whole time.

anyhow, the 2 inside plants (24 hour light cycle from day 1) shot up to 18" in just a few days and started to for real flower on day 38. i kept the nutes (mixed in the water) very high due to the crap soil. stayed on 24 hr light, kept a fan going 24/7 because inside temps got up to 92 some days.

these 2 indoor plants turned to flowers all over.

today is day 72 and indoor plant # 2 is about 24" tall. it has 70% or so amber trichomes and the main cola is about 8-9" long and very filled out. the other buds are thick and healthy looking also. the plant is covered with buds. this one plant will make enough bud for me to smoke for months :)

indoor plant #1 is , for some reason, at least 2 weeks behind #2 but it is also covered in bud.

i will harvest #2 tomorrow.

the other 3 plants :

left basically to their own devices, outside 24/7 (including one hail storm) the other 3 plants slowly came to life. i kept the nutes 4x what i was doing. the plants are now (day 72) from 16" to about 24" tall and covered in bud. they are 2-3 weeks away from harvest. we moved into fall weather about 10 days ago so i moved all 3 plants into a grow tent in my cabin with one 600 watt led grow light and a 3" exhaust fan. outside temps range from 40-65 every day.

the plants are doing very well.

the moral of the story is that "they don't call it weed for no reason :)"

when they tell you blueberry auto is easy to's the truth.

you can do every possible thing wrong and most likely still get lots of bud :)

i took a sample of #2 four days ago and brown bagged it. i did a test smoke today and it is really good stuff. smooth as silk and STRONG.

i have 13 other plants and they are a story for another day :)
With my android phone i don't use any apps. I make sure my lens is wiped clean, make sure my flash is on (takes sharper pictures for some reason), then before taking picture i tap on the screen so the phone can focus BEFORE taking picture. That is how i get my best. Then i go through my gallery of pictures and i zoom in and take a screen shot (volume down + power at the same time) and wham. Pretty decent pics on my end.
Hey otter, nice to hear. The next step is drying and curing. have you put much thought in how you're going to get it done? We had some talk a short time ago, check it out. Maybe something new in there. You don't want a good grow go to a poor or worse dry and cure. They're a lot of different ways folks use to get it done.
Congratulations making it to harvest!

If you have the time to journal the trials that you have overcome this season others will find your efforts informative and valuable.

And :welcome:
Like @Patient puffer I do not use any apps on the android. I just copy the photo over to the computer and use a basic program to do any cropping or resizing. I have found that if I crop the part of the image I want and then blow it up a bit it is just like a closeup photo.

Took a photo of one plant early last year. Looked at the photo on the computer, did an enlargement and noticed some mite webs on one of the buds. Back downstairs and started working on that problem right away. Same thing happened last week but this time I noticed some bananas that I had missed pinching off.
Hey otter, nice to hear. The next step is drying and curing. have you put much thought in how you're going to get it done? We had some talk a short time ago, check it out. Maybe something new in there. You don't want a good grow go to a poor or worse dry and cure. They're a lot of different ways folks use to get it done.

my friend ,mentioned above has been doing the "brown paper bag" drying and curing for years. his smoke is fantastic so i tried it on a sample several days ago. my smoke was fantastic also. sooooo, i will be "brown bagging" my first plant also. i'll let you know if it's as good as the sample. just smoked more of the bagged sample and it is smooth as silk and exactly the effect i want.
my friend ,mentioned above has been doing the "brown paper bag" drying and curing for years. his smoke is fantastic so i tried it on a sample several days ago. my smoke was fantastic also. sooooo, i will be "brown bagging" my first plant also. i'll let you know if it's as good as the sample. just smoked more of the bagged sample and it is smooth as silk and exactly the effect i want.
update: harvested 2 more plants this morning.

i've been checking the trichomes every day and this morning
trichomes were 50-70% amber on these 2 plants.
i am amazed at the toughness of these plants. i did everything wrong, screwed up
every possible way and they just turned into buds when i was told my soil was so poor and added 4x the nutes
i thought would do it.

i have had such good luck with the brown paper bag
method that i see no reason to change.

12 more plants to go :)
just an update: i have harvested 14 of my 18 plants that i planted july 14.

as i said earlier, i did everything wrong that can be done wrong and still got a decent harvest.

the last 4 are almost ready. they have about 20% amber and i have been shooting for around 50% amber.

another 2-3 days and they will be there. every day is a visible difference. 14 of the original plants were blueberry auto. 2 were northern lights auto. the last 2 are a 1:1 auto's (7% cdb and 7% thc) i cant find the card or remember the name.

i have 2 moby dick auto's that are 24 days old and are already 20" tall and BEAUTIFUL ! i am waiting on more coco loco to get here wednesday. i will sprout 2 more moby dick seeds before UPS gets here with the soil.

i never want to have 18 plants at one time again :)

i have 2 grow tents now (1200 watt led and 2 fans in each) and all i want are 2 in each. done right, 4 plants every 3 months ought to keep my family in medicine (i hope).

i have to make a trip in april 2021 but i have time to make 2 more crops before then.

as i have mentioned i am 69 years young (and run my online store 7 days a week). my wife and i had years of bad sleep and various pains. this medicine cured it all.

my 43 year old son suffered with back and arm pain and horrible sleep for years. no more. sleeps like a baby and zero pain.

my dad is 89 and takes this medicine daily. he is strong, works 8 hrs a day (ranching), clear headed and pain free. my mom is 87 and is 4 years into dementia. we have her on this medicine and she now sleeps all night, eats well, has a much better mental attitude and is pretty much pain free. she is also not getting any worse.

i know i am preaching to the choir but all of us take no bought meds at all.

we are all amazed at how good we feel.

i know this was long winded but the world needs this medicine.
i dont know if this is the right forum but since i dont have a grow journal it will have to do. move it or delete it if you need to.

i dont have any decent photos because after trying a ton of apps (android) i still cant get a decent picture.

if you know of an android app that will take decent closeups please let me know. it may be just my cheap phone.

i am 69 years young and didn't know anything about growing cannabis. i don't know much more now but i know exactly what not to do :)

i germinated 5 blueberry auto fem's and planted them on july 14 , 2020. this is an indoor grow using a small room in my cabin and three 1200, 600, 600 watt led grow lights.

i planted in the wrong soil, buckets way too small and used far too little nutrients until it was too late. the plants started to pre-flower when they were only about 8" tall.

a friend came over that has been growing for years and told me my soil was worthless and the buckets were too small.

so, with nothing to lose i filled some 3 gallon buckets with the same crap soil and transplanted all 5 plants.

my friend said to use 4x as much nutrients and i did. 2 of the plants took off like a rocket. the other 3 almost died. in fact i gave upon them.

they looked so bad that i decided to just move them outside into an area that gets 12 hrs of sun per day. i live in the mountains so the temps ranged from 50-82 most every day. all i did was water(with nutes) these outside plants when the top soil got dry and ck the ph.

ph on all my plants has stayed fine the whole time.

anyhow, the 2 inside plants (24 hour light cycle from day 1) shot up to 18" in just a few days and started to for real flower on day 38. i kept the nutes (mixed in the water) very high due to the crap soil. stayed on 24 hr light, kept a fan going 24/7 because inside temps got up to 92 some days.

these 2 indoor plants turned to flowers all over.

today is day 72 and indoor plant # 2 is about 24" tall. it has 70% or so amber trichomes and the main cola is about 8-9" long and very filled out. the other buds are thick and healthy looking also. the plant is covered with buds. this one plant will make enough bud for me to smoke for months :)

indoor plant #1 is , for some reason, at least 2 weeks behind #2 but it is also covered in bud.

i will harvest #2 tomorrow.

the other 3 plants :

left basically to their own devices, outside 24/7 (including one hail storm) the other 3 plants slowly came to life. i kept the nutes 4x what i was doing. the plants are now (day 72) from 16" to about 24" tall and covered in bud. they are 2-3 weeks away from harvest. we moved into fall weather about 10 days ago so i moved all 3 plants into a grow tent in my cabin with one 600 watt led grow light and a 3" exhaust fan. outside temps range from 40-65 every day.

the plants are doing very well.

the moral of the story is that "they don't call it weed for no reason :)"

when they tell you blueberry auto is easy to's the truth.

you can do every possible thing wrong and most likely still get lots of bud :)

i took a sample of #2 four days ago and brown bagged it. i did a test smoke today and it is really good stuff. smooth as silk and STRONG.

i have 13 other plants and they are a story for another day :)
Thanks for sharing I’ve struggled many times with dust mites to white mold along with pesty bugs. At times I wanted to toss the towel and give up but I kept on going we all learn from others and our own mistakes.
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