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420 Member
I'm a first token grower this year and am having a little problem with one of my plants, i believe master kush started from seed may 20th.
The smaller leaves have been turning yellow Andy dying off but the rest of plant seems healthy, should be going into flower in about 3 weeks or so.
Any thoughts on what it could be?


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I'm a first token grower this year and am having a little problem with one of my plants, i believe master kush started from seed may 20th.
The smaller leaves have been turning yellow Andy dying off but the rest of plant seems healthy, should be going into flower in about 3 weeks or so.
Any thoughts on what it could be?

:welcome: to :420: Kyle:passitleft: ...Well that old rotten termite eaten fence may be part of it...rot attracts bugs...bugs that eat wood need moisture and you watering your girl gives them plenty...I would treat all the area around her (move her first) and maybe feed her :popcorn:
I'm a first token grower this year and am having a little problem with one of my plants, i believe master kush started from seed may 20th.
The smaller leaves have been turning yellow Andy dying off but the rest of plant seems healthy, should be going into flower in about 3 weeks or so.
Any thoughts on what it could be?
:welcome: to :420: Kyle:passitleft: ...Well that old rotten termite eaten fence may be part of it...rot attracts bugs...bugs that eat wood need moisture and you watering your girl gives them plenty...I would treat all the area around her (move her first) and maybe feed her :popcorn:
I should have also recommended a product that I have used personally and have had no bugs at all since :thumb:
What Are Beneficial Nematodes and How Do They Work?
Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic, non-segmented roundworms that occur naturally in soil throughout the world. Inside the nematode's gut is the real weapon — beneficial bacteria that when released inside an insect kill it within 24 to 48 hours. The nematodes enter the larvae via the mouth, anus, respiratory openings, or directly through the body wall of the pest. Next, nematodes eject their bacteria inside the pest's body. These bacteria multiply and cause blood poisoning of the pest, leading to death. They also convert host tissue into nutrition for the nematodes to feed on and multiply. As the food resources within the dead pest become scarce, nematodes exit the pest and immediately start searching for a new host.

NOTE: These will kill predatory mites and lady bugs as well...and I sprayed my yard with the excess and have a noticeable reduction in flies and mosquitos when outside. :snowboating:
I do see a couple bugs but nothing terrible, I sprayed with neem oil a cpl times now and it's already shown improvement I think.
I haven't given it anything but the organic fertilizer. Which I did give it some meant for the flower stage while it's been in veg.
Other plant stocks are doing good.
I also moved the rotten wood and moved them
The only thing besides the organic fertilizer I've given it is ph down in the water and a tbsp or 2 in about 3 L of water once in a while


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When you are giving your neem treatments? Early morning or at dusk?
What are you using to pH your feeds? Drop kit or pen?
Looks like bugs.
She has decent lift to her leaves yet so I don't think it's a root problem root or being rootbound as the pot seems large enough.. If she's getting proper pH liquids my guess would be a virus possibly brought on by insect damage.
When you are giving your neem treatments? Early morning or at dusk?
What are you using to pH your feeds? Drop kit or pen?
Looks like bugs.
She has decent lift to her leaves yet so I don't think it's a root problem root or being rootbound as the pot seems large enough.. If she's getting proper pH liquids my guess would be a virus possibly brought on by insect damage.
Thanks, thought it might be the genetic thing going on.
Thanks, thought it might be the genetic thing going on.
It could be. I usually see more of a marbled appearance for those and the leaves on the second pic look almost blistered.
I'm doing the treatments at dusk,
I just had some test strips. I actually forgot to mention that at the same time I started the neem oil I stopped putting ph down in the water.
Could the blistering be from it being too hot? It was like 38c here for like a week. The plant has been that odd colour and kinda wavy since the beginning , just recently started with those other problems.
There is a plant right beside it that is looking beautiful, different strain tho I believe
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