Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos: Take 1

What do you plan on using for your top dreesIng on your Auto's Fuzz?

That is a very good question. My current plan is:

  • 1 quart earth worm castings
  • 2 tsp gypsum
  • 2 tsp azomite
  • 1-1/2 tsp kelp meal
  • 1 tsp neem meal
  • 1 tsp fish bone meal
  • 1 tsp diatomaceous earth

How much of this I'll use will depend on the pot size. I'm aiming for between 1/2" to 1" thick. Then I'll water this in with some molasses added to the water.

I keep wavering back and forth on whether to add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon alfalfa meal to this while in veg. I'm not sure how hot it would make the mix. Right now I think I'm going to error on the side of caution and leave it out. I can always make a tea with it later if needed. I'm also not certain if I should use more fish bone meal. I suspect it won't be broken down until the plants are closer to flowering when they'll need the extra phosphorus, so maybe I should add extra now. However, I have some Jobe's organic granular fertilizer that's high in phosphorus that I could add then. I'm currently undecided on this. :hmmmm:

If anyone has suggestions on the mix, I'd love to hear them. Frankly, my brain hurts from trying to figure this out. :loopy:
I would start with your worm castings since your still in veg.
A great way to apply worm castings as a top dressing and to get immediate benefits is to make a slurry with it.
Take the castings your going to use and barely cover them with water in a covered container.
Shake vigorously for a minute or two then apply the mixture to each pot.
You can play around with adding the mills you have but I would start them auto's out lite
Untill you find what they like. I agree with you on the alfalfa as a top dressing, would make for a great tea now though!
That is a very good question. My current plan is:

  • 1 quart earth worm castings
  • 2 tsp gypsum
  • 2 tsp azomite
  • 1-1/2 tsp kelp meal
  • 1 tsp neem meal
  • 1 tsp fish bone meal
  • 1 tsp diatomaceous earth

How much of this I'll use will depend on the pot size. I'm aiming for between 1/2" to 1" thick. Then I'll water this in with some molasses added to the water.

I keep wavering back and forth on whether to add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon alfalfa meal to this while in veg. I'm not sure how hot it would make the mix. Right now I think I'm going to error on the side of caution and leave it out. I can always make a tea with it later if needed. I'm also not certain if I should use more fish bone meal. I suspect it won't be broken down until the plants are closer to flowering when they'll need the extra phosphorus, so maybe I should add extra now. However, I have some Jobe's organic granular fertilizer that's high in phosphorus that I could add then. I'm currently undecided on this. :hmmmm:

If anyone has suggestions on the mix, I'd love to hear them. Frankly, my brain hurts from trying to figure this out. :loopy:

Everything is looking good Fuzz :) Im glad Im following along for this ride, as Ill be learning a lot! I have no clue what adding any of that does! :) :) haha. Always anxious to learn!! Ive got some reading to do!!
I would start with your worm castings since your still in veg.
A great way to apply worm castings as a top dressing and to get immediate benefits is to make a slurry with it.
Take the castings your going to use and barely cover them with water in a covered container.
Shake vigorously for a minute or two then apply the mixture to each pot.
You can play around with adding the mills you have but I would start them auto's out lite
Untill you find what they like. I agree with you on the alfalfa as a top dressing, would make for a great tea now though!

Thanks for the advice. I took it into consideration and changed the top dress recipe. I sifted a bunch of my own earth worm castings last night but I still needed to supplement it with the stuff I previously bought. It will probably be 2/3 my castings and 1/3 store bought. I haven't been impressed with the store bought stuff yet and am hoping mine will be more nutritious. Anyway, I decided on the following:

* 1 quart earth worm castings
* 1 tsp kelp meal
* 1 tsp gypsum
* 1 tsp azomite

Simple. Hopefully effective.

Everything is looking good Fuzz :) Im glad Im following along for this ride, as Ill be learning a lot! I have no clue what adding any of that does! :) :) haha. Always anxious to learn!! Ive got some reading to do!!

Heck, a couple months ago I didn't know what most of it was for either. Now I'm slowly learning the benefits that each supplement has for the plants by researching one at a time and then how they work together. I'm still learning and have a long way to go. A looooong way. :blalol:

Just checking in on you Fuzz! Loving the results from the topping and excited to see those babies out grow their nests. Keep up the great work! ..

Thank you! The plants are starting to get to the point where they're really taking off now. Training will be just a couple days away. So exciting!

HI fuzz, all well? My PC might be working now !!
Babies look super good!:bravo:

YAY!!!! :woohoo: What was wrong with it?


My daily update is going to be a bit late today. I have to go to the stupid DMV this morning. *pouts*
Each time I have to get my driver's license picture taken I hope it will be better than the one before. Somehow they just keep getting worse. My chin was lifted too high. I didn't smile enough. I look like a thug. Seriously, if you saw this picture you would not want to meet me on a dark street alone. I pity the fool! :laughtwo:

Anyway, on to the plants. I took all the pictures before doing anything to the ladies, but tomorrow you're in for a surprise. The nests are gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. I fed them to my worms. The mulch may be a good idea, but it's less practical if you need to lift it and spread top dressing. My poor girls looked like I was trying to a pull a turtle neck over them. :laughtwo: Reason #2: It's so messy. I have bits of hay everywhere and it's driving me nuts. I wonder if maybe I could just make the ladies a nice felt skirt instead. Hehe. We could make it P-R-E-T-T-Y! :dreamy: Though probably not because I'm too lazy for that. :rofl:

I did top dress these ladies since I had all the stuff out, but I didn't actually water it in. I'll probably do that tomorrow. I'm concerned with overwatering them, but they always start looking rougher 3 to 4 days out even though the bottom of the pot is still slightly moist. Again, I think it's that damn coir. I tried to be environmentally friendly but I'm regretting the decision immensely.

Special Queen #1. After taking the pictures I noticed her and Skunk Haze (1) had arms that were just long enough to start LST so I strapped them down. You'll see that tomorrow.

CBD Skunk Haze (1)

CBD Skunk Haze (2). This little lady seems to be liking the new light bulbs. Her leaves are getting huge! She's definitely a different pheno than SH1.

These ladies received a quart of top dressing each which was watered in with 1/4 tsp aloe powder, 1/4 tsp Espom salt, 1 tbsp sprouted seed tea, and a small touch of molasses using fish tank water. I forgot the molasses in the first pitcher of water but remembered to add some for the second 1/2 pitcher I filled. Oopsy.

Quick One - Day 13

Bubble Gum - Day 14

Dark Devil (1) - Day 14

Dark Devil (2) - Day 12

Everybody needs mo' nutes! :morenutes: If this top dressing with my super awesome vermicompost doesn't help, I guess I'll be making teas next. Actually, I might be doing that anyway for the photos since I forgot to leave enough space at the top when I first planted. :bigblush:
Looking all nice there! I bet they will love the worm's poo. The tea is an easy boost for your plant, mine loves it even though I did not use air pump, just stir nicely once or twice a day. You can do foliar feeding with it. It is best to make it out of thriving weeds you find, just take bit here, bit there chop finely if possible put into stocking and brew for a week. Add whenever you feel like and watch your plants go nutes! Or make it from the castings. You can utilize the non-diluted matter to feed your worms if you like. The reason tea works is that you boost microbial life that cooperates with the plant to provide nutrients for her as she provides sugars and other stuff. Half of the energy and CO2 your plant stores during the day she gives back to the soil. Inspiring. My compost is well aged and worm filled. Egg shells were composted there too. Good luck and keep it happy! :love: :Namaste:
Looking all nice there! I bet they will love the worm's poo. The tea is an easy boost for your plant, mine loves it even though I did not use air pump, just stir nicely once or twice a day. You can do foliar feeding with it. It is best to make it out of thriving weeds you find, just take bit here, bit there chop finely if possible put into stocking and brew for a week. Add whenever you feel like and watch your plants go nutes! Or make it from the castings. You can utilize the non-diluted matter to feed your worms if you like. The reason tea works is that you boost microbial life that cooperates with the plant to provide nutrients for her as she provides sugars and other stuff. Half of the energy and CO2 your plant stores during the day she gives back to the soil. Inspiring. My compost is well aged and worm filled. Egg shells were composted there too. Good luck and keep it happy! :love: :Namaste:

Sound great! However, finding thriving weeds here this late in the year is not going to be an option. I do have some alfalfa meal, kelp and a bunch of other stuff that I can add though. Do you dilute your tea when you feed it to your plants? Also, how often do you feed it?


Oh and I forgot to say in my update today, my pots will definitely have worms in them soon. When I sifted the castings I tried to remove any large worms I saw, but I definitely noticed some egg casings in there that I didn't bother removing.
Sound great! However, finding thriving weeds here this late in the year is not going to be an option. I do have some alfalfa meal, kelp and a bunch of other stuff that I can add though. Do you dilute your tea when you feed it to your plants? Also, how often do you feed it?


Oh and I forgot to say in my update today, my pots will definitely have worms in them soon. When I sifted the castings I tried to remove any large worms I saw, but I definitely noticed some egg casings in there that I didn't bother removing.

Yes I dilute it some like 1:1 and then add it every watering 1 1/2 cup to gallon, roughly. You can experiment with that as I think it is quite hard to burn your plants with it. Yours might be tad stronger so you can gradually increase the uptake. Congrats on the worms, they will aerate the soil for your plant nicely. Happy growing! :love: :Namaste:
Yes I dilute it some like 1:1 and then add it every watering 1 1/2 cup to gallon, roughly. You can experiment with that as I think it is quite hard to burn your plants with it. Yours might be tad stronger so you can gradually increase the uptake. Congrats on the worms, they will aerate the soil for your plant nicely. Happy growing! :love: :Namaste:

Thank you! I went ahead and bought one of those nut milk bags to use when I try this. Hopefully it will make cleanup a tad easier.

All the ladies look in need of :morenutes:. I'm just going to start throwing everything but the kitchen sink at them until they cry mercy and show me the even green I seek.

Photos - Day 32
I watered the top dressing into these ladies today. I used 1/4 tsp aloe powder, 1/4 tsp Epsom salt, 1 tbsp sprouted seed tea, and 1 tbsp molasses per gallon water. They have since perked up significantly.

Special Queen #1

CBD Skunk Haze (1)

CBD Skunk Haze (2). This lady is in it to win it. Her main branches were strapped down today.

Skunk Haze (1) on the left and Skunk Haze (2) on the right. SH2 was a slower out of the gate, but she's more than making up for that now.


Quick One - Day 14

Bubble Gum - Day 15

Dark Devil (1) - Day 15

Dark Devil (2) - Day 13

There are still a few wrinkles to iron out, but so far I don't they're doing too bad for my first organic soil grow.

Have a great day everyone!
From my perspective they have excellent color. This tint of green says to me that they're growing roots fast and furious. What does their color suggest to you? You're seeing it in real time, which changes the perspective significantly.
From my perspective they have excellent color. This tint of green says to me that they're growing roots fast and furious. What does their color suggest to you? You're seeing it in real time, which changes the perspective significantly.

The camera is definitely altering the color a tad. The inner fading between the leaf veins is my biggest concern. It's faint and hard to see clearly in the pictures, but it is definitely an issue I'd like to nip in the bud before it becomes more evident. I also wouldn't mind seeing them just a shade darker overall.
What we need are those cool transport pads they tempted us with on Star Trek. Lol! Then we could zip in and out of each other's gardens.
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