GanjaGrandaddy Grows Great Ganja, Sometimes!

Day 54 from seed: So far there are no dramas to speak of except one pump had spat its pipe out and wasn't sending water to the tray !!!. thankfully these big Hugo cubes hold a lot of water so besides a lack of grub temporarily, no harm done. The NFT ladies are not showing any issues with the MC at all with the mix strength, no signs of ph issues , burn , drop, Nadal. feels too smooth !!!. I have been supercropping them to avoid letting them get too natural structure wise and they are all now quadlined . I have begun stripping out the 2nd tips on the interior sites to avoid overcrowding once the buds get busy. Aside from the ghost og and the fruity Gorilla, they have all been punished with the bends and crushing but I am giving them a little recovery time too. The lid on the nft is a pain to tie down too so a few good 90° knuckles should keep them in place for the flip and stretch i hope. The Los ladies are steaming ahead at the moment and show no signs of slowing down either. I have topped , supercropped , bent , crushed and uses "The Force " to keep them where they are but I plan on using ties for these beasts before the flip. They could get silly big and they are not even directly under light now either. The nft will catch them up soon enough and I can then plan flipping. I am going toned some.mulch to the pots and also my waste from the hash making of last crops trim ( still to do ....) They ate still moist in the pots so dont need another water yet. I hope to nail this water cycle this run as the coco feeding had me treating the los the same time and I thinknthey needed their own cycle.
They have all settled into the NFT well and i can get on with them now there are clear leaders among the 6 in the tanks and looking at the ghost OG , a clear underdog too.
My special girl is doing well and has 6 nodes to work with so hopefully she will have 2 weeks to grow them out a little before I flip her with her neighbours.

Original Sensible Seed Company Crew

Zamnesia Seeds Cartel and GGD seed envoy.

Fast Buds Fast Flowering #1(Front) , #5(Middle) , #7 (Back)

Monster Zkittelz

C Banana

Fruity Gorilla Sorbet ( My girl)

Gorilla Glue #4

Ghost O.G

Wedding cake

So there we have it for an update folks. Keep healthy and well.

Gonna be a fantastic run

Gonna be a fantastic run
Thanks P. looking promising so far. The testers are very appealing so far and by far the quickest photos I have done at this age. wish they would release the strains so i knew what i was actually growing out. !. lol
Still need to sort air-flow side of things but with a 2 week lockdown possibly coming , I think in will get time!!!!. bloody sheeple begging their governments to be imprisoned in their own homes is insane silliness. World has gone mad . hope Q is not a scam !.
be safe mate
World has gone mad . hope Q is not a scam !.
be safe mate
My wife & I are both CHL holders (concealed handgun license)... we've started carrying anytime were out of the house now. Sad, this is the first time in years where we have felt it was necessary.

We don't worry so much about the virus. We worry about the hysteria... Both Mrs. Milly & I have served many years in the Navy. We've done humanitarian missions to places like Venezuela, Cuba, and Somalia. People here are just as capable...

The hype surrounding this shit is actually what's gonna set us back
My wife & I are both CHL holders (concealed handgun license)... we've started carrying anytime were out of the house now. Sad, this is the first time in years where we have felt it was necessary.

We don't worry so much about the virus. We worry about the hysteria... Both Mrs. Milly & I have served many years in the Navy. We've done humanitarian missions to places like Venezuela, Cuba, and Somalia. People here are just as capable...

The hype surrounding this shit is actually what's gonna set us back
remind me to not upset you !!!. heehee would love the licence to carry here. Woukd give decent folk a chance . Kids can rob you with kitchen knives in your own home here. Seeing how they react to black Friday is bad enough now. Reckon our lockdown is imminent now , schools closed from tomorrow until possibly September. shops limiting opening times Empty shelves everywhere and even the Army now being dispatched to keep order.!!. Tory party wet dream now. They tried to do it with the false flag bombings and shootings but got no joy with martial law orders. This is a globalists wet dream with us all happily closing the doors with misshapen belief it is for our own good. 5g rollout ? , blaming 10 years of financial mismanagement and blatant corrupt dealings, the collapse of the monetary system already happening globally to the west and now being blamed on this "fairytale" . Thank fuck I am a stoner !!.
Be safe mate.
Morning all. Just thought I would share the end result of the Bluedreamatic Grow/Cure.
I am more than chuffed with the result. It stinks like blueberry real strong!!!!. . No way of sneaking a j in when in public. The colours are still all so blatant and appealing but nowhere near the taste and smoke. I cant sing the praises of this enough . I am having to watch when and how much I use of it which is a welcome situation this decade !!!. lol
Morning all. Just thought I would share the end result of the Bluedreamatic Grow/Cure.
I am more than chuffed with the result. It stinks like blueberry real strong!!!!. . No way of sneaking a j in when in public. The colours are still all so blatant and appealing but nowhere near the taste and smoke. I cant sing the praises of this enough . I am having to watch when and how much I use of it which is a welcome situation this decade !!!. lol
Day 55: (Yesterday). I spent a bit of time cleaning up the ladies all round.
The NFT tanks are running merrily along with no issues to speak of . The roots below decks are thickening nicely and hitting the matting all round the cubes so nice anchors being laid. As expected, trying to find a practical tie down place on the makeshift lids is a pain so more bending and pain has been applied to keep them over at an angle. I am hoping they will knuckle well at these points so I can eventually tie the developing limbs out on the edges of the tanks.
The Los pots have had a top dress of 30ml ecothrive charge each and a covering of mulch.( animal bedding) . They are so happy and productive it was easy to find pot edges to use for their training ties. They are rammed with sites to grow out to flower potentially and keeping them lower may be an issue with how well they are doing. I still have so many of these testers and different strains in them that I cannot wait to pop more of them !!!!. Go fast buds. hoping they flower like they grow . #7 is still the biggest of the 3 so far and i expect that to bare out in final yield. They are so much bigger and healthier looking than the other plants now .
Had to girl Fruity Gorilla Sorbet. she is doing very well and not too far behind the others now. working in a 6 way


I expect to see a little recovery and direction changes on todays Farm visit, fingers crossed.


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Day 56 : Quick photo update of rapid recovery and who will be in the final parade !

Gorilla Zkittelz #4

Ghost O.G

Wedding Cake

Fast flowering tester #3

Fast Flowering tester #2

Fast Flowering tester#1

Monster Zkittelz

C Banana

Fruity Gorilla Sorbet

Day 56 ( cont...) :
The height difference between the Los and the Nft is getting smaller and the canopy should be about even when finished with the flip. I need the nft to rapidly build some branches to equal the LOS pots before I can flip them. All told I am happy at where this one is at.
Dam nearly missed this one,
But I did bring a six pack..............

Of toilet rolls
And some wedding cake:passitleft:
hahahah thats all we need for total membership for life Lapid. welcome aboard Mate. never too late to join the fun .just starting to get interesting now they are through the dull seedling hope your safe and well
day 58 : A little.punishment for the ladies last night during lst,hst training but a necessary evil. I am determined to see how well just supercropping on the nft can work with quads for me. The big pots are no issue at all and are having no problem.s with anything I do it seems. A little thin out and stem squishing was in order on them all now and even my Fruity Gorilla Sorbet has gone a little mad for it too. She is not looking far behind now at all. She has some really great looking new growth tips popping up now so I thinned them to avoid wasting time developing what will be took out anyway. nodes are not too distant apart so hopefully she will behave during the stretch. They are all looking nicely splayed out and light rich so far so I am hoping another weeks growth will have me flipping them all. There is no doubt that the Fast buds girls will be dominant at all now so indeed to be mindful.of their future girth.
welcome aboard 780grow. always room for more. make yourself at home buddy , any input is more than welcome.
Hello! I'd like to follow along. Using coco and indoors first time so really watching you guys. I do have journal going so stop by some time and comment if you want. Lovely day to be stoned! :ganjamon:
Hello! I'd like to follow along. Using coco and indoors first time so really watching you guys. I do have journal going so stop by some time and comment if you want. Lovely day to be stoned! :ganjamon:
welcome aboard mate. Coco is a great medium to use. very forgiving and usable. I am a big fan and use it often. Currently going back to my roots of nft to see how it stacks up in a modern world with Megacrop. I am expecting big My L.O.S look set to beat it this run though !!. Sit back and join in anytime.Will come take a seat with you too..
Day 61: I have been a busy training bee and have the scars to prove it. fighting a few mosquitoes too who have decided it is summer early in my room !.
I have now got intake and exhaust both on the go but the overall temp was at 20°c so i need to slow the intake down with a controller and see where that can sit it.
I spent a good bit of time sorting out the ladies , scrubbing the rubbish out that I know will be my regret if I dont. I always put too much hope in the smaller, interior growth tips to watch them get swamped by bullies all the way. The energy they use to stay in the game and I use to keep helping them cheat , is never worth the loss in nutes or time.
The Los girls Fft#1,#2 and #3 are so vigerous growing that they dont stay down for more than 12 hours . I am concerned for their overall size now as the others are still a little small for the flip @#$@#. lol .Way too many Mains in them to top again and I have bent, tied, snapped and wrestled them to their positions , now they want to flower !!!. They are all showing their sex now and feel very hardy stemmed. There is some.bend in them but a good nip would split the flesh too. There size and thickness is way out above the others so I think their ruderalis genetics are still at play without the autoflower gene ?. Next run is going to include some more of these for sure.

Yesterday after their strip out and reset FFT GIRLS

And those ladies today

They are definitely ready to flip already so need the others to play catch up now
The OSS girls have done similar after their training session but their size is so much smaller than the LOS . I need them to get some more size on to make a worthwhile flowering plant. I am kicking myself for taking too long to get them I to the nft now as they should have been on par with the Los at least.


Today OSS ladies

Zamnesia sisters and my girl

I am happy with progress and hopefully the supercropping will avoid getting too crammed in once they finish stretching later. What do peeps think here on flipping. They are around 8" and a few decent growth tips about but they do feel a bit small to flip compared.
Hope your all good and safe/sane. I am loving the family time tbh. reset family connections cant be all bad.
peace and blessings folks
Looks like you’re in for another ripper of a run, GG.
Your known strains are already pretty darn good and, well we have a feeling your mystery strains aren’t going to be terrible.
There size and thickness is way out above the others so I think their ruderalis genetics are still at play without the autoflower gene ?

On flipping: for science, but not for eight inches, not unless my jars are empty. My 2c.
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