GardeningGnome's Gorilla Glue, Jack Herer, Critical & Northern Lights: Coco & LED, 2020

Hola mi amigo! I hope all is well. Happy Friday!!! I wanted to share a quick pic of my blackberry kush seedling with you as it is showing some nice color very early on. Hopefully she grows up big and strong like yours but produces a ton of seeds as well. Enjoy the weekend!!!!!

Hello all,

Grow is abandoned last week.

After recent talks with my lawyer, unfortunately, my case will not be treated as lenient as first said by the police.
I'm going to court.

Here, the system sees growing cannabis as a pretense to selling cannabis, period. That, as most of you following this journal know, was not the case with me. I grew for personal medicinal use. Jail time is actually on the table for me, even if it is an extremely small chance. Fucked up system simply.

Very few cases have gone before our "highest court/supreme court" with the defense of "growing for own medicinal use". Mine will be one of the first ones to go into the lower courts with extremely good evidence to back it up. 5 years of fucked up medications from the healthcare system and 100% proof of the grow was for my own purpose. I hope it stays in the lower courts, but I might be needing to fight this for some time in the future.

Court-date is in about two months, and I'm getting home-visits by then by some segments of the court and correctional services. Growing at this time and risking any sort of fuckup is just stupid.

Thanks for all your help. We'll see when the next grow gets underway. Thanks again.
Hello all,

Grow is abandoned last week.

After recent talks with my lawyer, unfortunately, my case will not be treated as lenient as first said by the police.
I'm going to court.

Here, the system sees growing cannabis as a pretense to selling cannabis, period. That, as most of you following this journal know, was not the case with me. I grew for personal medicinal use. Jail time is actually on the table for me, even if it is an extremely small chance. Fucked up system simply.

Very few cases have gone before our "highest court/supreme court" with the defense of "growing for own medicinal use". Mine will be one of the first ones to go into the lower courts with extremely good evidence to back it up. 5 years of fucked up medications from the healthcare system and 100% proof of the grow was for my own purpose. I hope it stays in the lower courts, but I might be needing to fight this for some time in the future.

Court-date is in about two months, and I'm getting home-visits by then by some segments of the court and correctional services. Growing at this time and risking any sort of fuckup is just stupid.

Thanks for all your help. We'll see when the next grow gets underway. Thanks again.

This is not the news I wanted to hear but I’m happy your ok. Was thinking about ya daily GG.
This is not the news I wanted to hear but I’m happy your ok. Was thinking about ya daily GG.
Stop in and give us updates, we’ll be praying for you brother.

I feel like a complete bag of dicks for not talking to you guys during the last couple of days. Sorry about that. I'm not used to having people giving a fuck. My bad.
Thanks @Pennywise . I'm just not used to writing down "my story" and this whole circus with police, courts, lawyer, correctional-services is new to me. And at the same time I'm going to court -> the fuckers that threatened my life and kicked my door in goes free due to "lack of evidence". I'm used to bottling up this kinda things happening to me.... I need to remember the friends I got here....
To be clear, I'm thinking several years ahead of myself. Stopping growing completely is not an option. I just need to get rid of all this mess first.
I hear you, it’s a fear I’ve lived with for years. Cultivation here isn’t taken lightly by the system,
Yeah, I've had no problem with it before, it is just the "now" of the situation.

Already had the police coming home here to update me on the cases about two weeks ago. Nice guy, but he was standing about 2meters from the grow. Luckily nothing was far gone into bloom. And in two weeks is the first meeting with the correctional services, and the meetings keep rolling on, some will be here at home. One meeting will even be for "evaluating the living situation". So, growing right now would just be shooting myself in the dick and foot.
edited post, look a bit down the thread for the update
Man I hate to hear about all your troubles. I hope things work out for you :(
Thanks for your support PC. One of the reasons I've decided to halt/postpone the grow, is that I need to focus on clearing all this troubles, and work on them. They will work out. Thanks for your support again.
Hello all,

Grow is abandoned last week.

After recent talks with my lawyer, unfortunately, my case will not be treated as lenient as first said by the police.
I'm going to court.

Here, the system sees growing cannabis as a pretense to selling cannabis, period. That, as most of you following this journal know, was not the case with me. I grew for personal medicinal use. Jail time is actually on the table for me, even if it is an extremely small chance. Fucked up system simply.

Very few cases have gone before our "highest court/supreme court" with the defense of "growing for own medicinal use". Mine will be one of the first ones to go into the lower courts with extremely good evidence to back it up. 5 years of fucked up medications from the healthcare system and 100% proof of the grow was for my own purpose. I hope it stays in the lower courts, but I might be needing to fight this for some time in the future.

Court-date is in about two months, and I'm getting home-visits by then by some segments of the court and correctional services. Growing at this time and risking any sort of fuckup is just stupid.

Thanks for all your help. We'll see when the next grow gets underway. Thanks again.
Sorry to hear bro! That's crazy too, I men it's not like you have an entire room full.. Sending good thoughts and vibe to you brother.
I should also mention... that I found a nugget last weekend. And it was a well-deserved nugget, after months without smoke. Damn it was good. Medicine simply, especially now with the high-stress situations all over the place. Again people, kick me in the balls for not writing to you at that time.

It was soo good, that I'm simply not going to risk never ever being able to grow again, by growing now, if that makes sense... I'll work this problems out, both with the justice system and healthcare system. Then get back to doing what is best for me. Right now I need (actually) to put pressure on the healthcare system for leaving me "up to my own" to produce medicine... That isn't right, and my lawyer actually pointed this out as a part of the defense. I've had over 25 different fucking medicines prescribed, but still they will not give me anything that makes me sleep a whole night. A lot of paperwork and ish will be needed, one meeting today and one tomorrow, and that is just the start of it all.

Two tracks from that weekend, one blaze track and another that reflects my situation:

Sorry to hear bro! That's crazy too, I men it's not like you have an entire room full.. Sending good thoughts and vibe to you brother.
You know how they measure it here? They dry up all of the plants, and they weight it. So stems, leaves etc etc etc in a big scale, then they weight it. And still, the total weight was only 22grams.
But they (the system) don't care if it is one plant or one hundred.
Growing = preparation of narcotics for the purpose of selling.
It the eyes of the long arm of the law, growing is just as bad as finding 1000baggies at my home, with 10k in small bills. It is fucking insane how outdated the system is here. Sorry for my language Jose, and thanks for dropping by.
They still measure that way here as well.
What does the law say in Ohio Penny. What I found on the web is that it is a misdemeanor and up to a $500 fine but I don't know if that is right or not which is why I will not be growing outdoors until it is legal in Ohio. If you have any info please share it here or on my journal
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