GiGaBaNE's 3rd & Final Journal - At Least Until I Change Country

Ooh, this is a fascinating question Giga... be good to see how it develops ;)

I have to say, I love the lateral randomness of your mind!
its all good. im switching over to DWC for a while. right now i need mass production more than i need the finest homegrown herb, grown in the smartest of airpots and basted to the perfection of hi-brix. i will continue the persuit of perfect soil growing at a later date, what matters now is lots of bud and lots of leaves.
speaking on this comment, i just picked up some air pots and I had a great idea reveal itself to me in a dream. since the bottom of the airpots is more "open concept" as opposed to other giga containers, or planting pots. Do you figure i can have the best of both worlds by turning my soil pot into a DWC by placing my airpot inside of a dwc and after the roots have grown through the soil to the bottom of the pot they might continue to grow into water? Does this sound doable? Almost have a soil DWC combination going on, what do you think there Giga man of frivolous and unconstitutional ideas?
Or how about just putting it in a blender so that it will be a carb smoothy for the plants........:hmmmm:

Palatinose, great carb source...

Oops...sorry, throw back to the days where I had to watch my diet and I thought I was back there! OH PHEW :phew:
That would probably help it dissolve better.
You be thinking of the only ideas that no one else would probably think of. IDK maybe maybe not. But its the rice that would hold most of the carbs so why not just soak the rice after boiling and feed it all to your plants. Most of the rice may or not be soft enough to break up threw the soil. Anythings a possibility
its doable. the main reason i say about rice water is that when you boil rice, a huge proportion of the soluable starch goes into the fact, decent rice water looks as cloudy as our trich's should be =D

speaking on this comment, i just picked up some air pots and I had a great idea reveal itself to me in a dream. since the bottom of the airpots is more "open concept" as opposed to other giga containers, or planting pots. Do you figure i can have the best of both worlds by turning my soil pot into a DWC by placing my airpot inside of a dwc and after the roots have grown through the soil to the bottom of the pot they might continue to grow into water? Does this sound doable? Almost have a soil DWC combination going on, what do you think there Giga man of frivolous and unconstitutional ideas?
yes its perfectly doable, i believe donpaul combines the two all the time, tho i have been advised that the roots coming out of the bottom need to be super clean of soil and thats near impossible =/

here is one i made earlier =D

Hey Gigabane I have a quick question please if you do not mind. I went to go and grab my starting mix that I like which is light warrior, they were out of it and I bought a mix called Tupur based on the clerks recommendation. It appears that this is a coco coir mix and I am unsure if this wpuld be a good idea to start in, if I start in this can I xplant to Ocean Forest? Is it really necessary to water this type of mix several times per day? And is coco really more susceptible to mites and other pathogens than soil? Sorry for the bombardment, I am not knowledgable at all in this field and I needed to make a quick decision. Thank you in advance!!

hi all, my 2ltr dwc hempies are soil in the top part with the plant in then the roots grow down and out of a hole into the res in the bottom, now i plant my plants in the top part when they are seedlings, and then the roots grow out the bottom, these roots are clean and free from soil as they are now growing away from the soil. so all my 2ltr dwc hempies have about 2 to 3 inches of soil in the top part where the seedling is, then about 3 or 4 days later a little white shoot starts growing out the bottom, then when this hits the liquid in the res it grows like crazy, now i make sure their is a gap between the hole in the top pot and the liquid in the res, this stop the air in the res moving the soil and making it fall in the res, all my roots are bright white, check my jounal and the latest pics and you will see what i mean, you may need to go back a page or to find the pics,

with the air pots this means the plant has to grow longer in the pot before the roots come out the bottom, but i could see this giving the plants a huge boost, they would be growing as normal in the soil in the pots, but when the roots grow out the bottom they will hit the res and give the plants a huge boost of constant nutes, now it is possible to clean the roots using a fine spray bottle and fine mist,

but the way i think is best is to let the roots grow out the bottom of the pot, if they have some soil on them this will soon wash off with the bubbles in the res, mine seem to work great using this method, i only used the soil in the top as i had no net pots, so i used a couple of inches of soil then transplant the seedling into the top part and after a few days the roots grow out the bottom, then the plants explodes with growth
do you mean Royal Gold Tupur?
if so then its specifically designed for drip to waste systems, meaning it loses hydration pretty damn quickly as does coco in general.
you can use it like soil if you want, i would reccomend trying to ignore the usual watering systems and get a nice big drip tray and bottom feed once per day (you will have to get the timing down yourself depending on absortion rates and moisture level of the medium)

you might want to make an empty plant pot of the stuff and soak it and see how long it takes to dry.

just remember that its inert so your gonna have to take care of every single nutrient in your feed every time.

its not that coco is MORE susceptible to gnats. if a gnat finds your plant its gonna make a home whether its soil or coco, its just that they love it. having the top inch of the coco dry is suppose to help a lot in prevention. open yeast co2 bottles will attract and trap adults, so you may want to have one perma running near your plants as bait.

transplant should be easy enough, just try to be carefull of snapping roots when you try to seperate from a few rebel coco strands, lol.

actually, you can mix your mix with perlite or vermiculite to change the watering frequency, but i dont know what tupur has in it already, im thinking pure coco mixes well with perlite and vermi
hi all, my 2ltr dwc hempies are soil in the top part with the plant in then the roots grow down and out of a hole into the res in the bottom, now i plant my plants in the top part when they are seedlings, and then the roots grow out the bottom, these roots are clean and free from soil as they are now growing away from the soil. so all my 2ltr dwc hempies have about 2 to 3 inches of soil in the top part where the seedling is, then about 3 or 4 days later a little white shoot starts growing out the bottom, then when this hits the liquid in the res it grows like crazy, now i make sure their is a gap between the hole in the top pot and the liquid in the res, this stop the air in the res moving the soil and making it fall in the res, all my roots are bright white, check my jounal and the latest pics and you will see what i mean, you may need to go back a page or to find the pics,

with the air pots this means the plant has to grow longer in the pot before the roots come out the bottom, but i could see this giving the plants a huge boost, they would be growing as normal in the soil in the pots, but when the roots grow out the bottom they will hit the res and give the plants a huge boost of constant nutes, now it is possible to clean the roots using a fine spray bottle and fine mist,

but the way i think is best is to let the roots grow out the bottom of the pot, if they have some soil on them this will soon wash off with the bubbles in the res, mine seem to work great using this method, i only used the soil in the top as i had no net pots, so i used a couple of inches of soil then transplant the seedling into the top part and after a few days the roots grow out the bottom, then the plants explodes with growth

indeed. i have never grown through the soil into the res before. i transplanted a soil grown plant into new soil, but with the roots dangling down. so mine was not healthy. roots were covered in old soil and were SOIL roots. i notice my current dwc'c seem to have 3 layers of roots, you can see them as soil roots poking out the bottom of the perlite, then they get all fuzzy, almost as if they are covered in white mold, i now call these AIR roots as im sure they are designed to catch micro droplets in the air, then they transform again into WATER roots, which basically have the same structure as the veins in a leaf. its beautiful to behold.
just a quick update. my autos are doing their thing.
they are short, ranging from about 6 inches to maybe 14 and all are in the early flowering bit.
my NL auto is not looking healthy, pale lower leaves and a few rust spots on other leaves. i have seen 1 or 2 gnats in my grow room and i just splat them so i dont think i have an infestation.
i think my soil is just done for, it was that 4 month+ lightweight soil from westlands mixed with old used up soil to dilute it down (it was way too hot and nealry ended my operation in one go.). i dont really care too much about that plant as its timing is way off from any of my other crops.

i will try to get pictures as soon as i can, my camera is broken and doesnt focus any more =(. i have a usb to micro sd somewhere so when i find that i can use my phone (normal SD plugs direct into my floppy drive =D)

i now officially have ONLY autos in soil and that should only be for a few more weeks then soil is history for now =D

i have now cloned my indica to death..litterally, it is no more, my monster haze is no more and my back up haze is now in dwc but will be killed as soon as these last 2 stalks are big enough to cut for clones.

wasnt so long ago i had 3 plants.

i now have 9 autos, 4 in DWC and 25 clones!!!
i also have 6 seeds i will be planting when convenient and im sure they will bring forth a multitude more clones.

once i get the hang of it the plan is to have a perpetual where a clone has a 3 month lifespan, thats nice and even and if i did it in waves rather than perpetual i could get 4 crops to a year.

my growing conditions mean i have much more vertical space than horizontal for my plants so im thinking of combining total defoliation with vertical LST (forcing all the stalks upwards in a tight bundle rather than branching out) if i do this right, i think i can have a 1sqft footprint per plant using my chosen DWC pots. this means i could probably have a comfortable capacity of 300 plants at once next year...but i shall work up to that, lol.

so my current plan is to grow out these auto's buy my new type of autos, grow them out (including an adam and eve for seeds). all the while in the background im just gonna build up my clone collection, clones upon clones. then i will flower the bulk of these straight after my 2nd auto batch. by this point i should have new HPS lights and not be short of funds any more and will proceed with strain breeding and crossing regs with autos e.t.c.

but for now im just mainly focusing on going full DWC. i do have a plan in place using a giant drip tray and irrigation pipes to make it run similar to A1s new grow, but just diy'd on a micro budget, lol.

while writing this i been bombarded with moans from the kids in the bedroom and the missus in my ear, so i may have lost the pont a little...ahh well. a propper update soon when i find my usb converter =)
Awesome GiGa! You are my hero! You are also a mad scientist and I love it!
thats exactly why im experimenting with breeding autos, i had one of the blueberry seeds sprout today, this is one of the 2 seeds that im not sure how they came about as this plant was never near a male, so i cant say what its crossed with, it may turn out auto or it may not, but if it turns out an auto then its a huge step up from the mother plant it came from, this thing has grown 3 inches in 24 hours, put it this way when i checked it last night it was poking its head out the soil, now when i checked it about an hour ago, its 3 inches high and the leaves are all ready developing, so if it is auto its the fastest growing auto ive had so far, the only problem is im not sure what pollen it got pollenated with, it had 2 seeds in the middle of the main bud, no more seeds where found, i planted 2 and only 1 has sprouted so far.

you know the dwc mate, are you sure the res temp is ok, mine only tend to go slimy towards the end of flower when the roots turn a light brown colour, i did have slimey roots a while back but tesmp told me it was ok as long as the res temps are ok, then it sort of cleared up and my roots slowly turned brown towards the end of flower, but my res was full of roots and it was drinking a litre of water in 24 hours, at the moment the roots in my dwc are bright white, but their new roots but all ready they have reached the bottom of the res, the roots go crazy when they hit the res, so check your res temp and if its ok then the slime is ok, just make sure you empty and refill the res, when i had the slime i cleaned it out more often say every other day, but then it settled down and i didnt need to change the res after that as the plant was drinking it all very quick.

the other way to get a quick turn around is with the 2ltr hempies, 12-12 from seed takes about 8 weeks from day 1 till harvest, but i give mine a week of veg either under glr or 24-0, so mine is around a 9 week turn around, so say you do 10 x 2ltr dwc and got 20g dry per plant, that works out to 200g of dry bud every 9 weeks, now these 2ltr grows dont take up much space, so you could easily do 50 of these in the same space as 4 plants in 3 gallon pots, so now thats 50 x 20g of dry bud which is 1000g every 9 weeks, plus you could say start 10 then start another 10 4 weeks later, and this gives you 10 plants to harvest every 4 weeks, this is what i was planning a while back, i was going to do a small room full, but its means high plant numbers, and where i am a plant is still a plant and having that many is not good. but damn if i could grow and not have to worry then id start 10 plants ever 2 weeks, but that would be more bud than 1 person needs,
thats exactly why im experimenting with breeding autos, i had one of the blueberry seeds sprout today, this is one of the 2 seeds that im not sure how they came about as this plant was never near a male, so i cant say what its crossed with, it may turn out auto or it may not, but if it turns out an auto then its a huge step up from the mother plant it came from, this thing has grown 3 inches in 24 hours, put it this way when i checked it last night it was poking its head out the soil, now when i checked it about an hour ago, its 3 inches high and the leaves are all ready developing, so if it is auto its the fastest growing auto ive had so far, the only problem is im not sure what pollen it got pollenated with, it had 2 seeds in the middle of the main bud, no more seeds where found, i planted 2 and only 1 has sprouted so far.

i love that you got 2 virgin mary seeds. i will be following their progress carefully =D

you know the dwc mate, are you sure the res temp is ok, mine only tend to go slimy towards the end of flower when the roots turn a light brown colour, i did have slimey roots a while back but tesmp told me it was ok as long as the res temps are ok, then it sort of cleared up and my roots slowly turned brown towards the end of flower, but my res was full of roots and it was drinking a litre of water in 24 hours, at the moment the roots in my dwc are bright white, but their new roots but all ready they have reached the bottom of the res, the roots go crazy when they hit the res, so check your res temp and if its ok then the slime is ok, just make sure you empty and refill the res, when i had the slime i cleaned it out more often say every other day, but then it settled down and i didnt need to change the res after that as the plant was drinking it all very quick.

temps are ok i hope. i dont really test them. i use straight cold water with my mix, let it sit for 3 days and then change it out regardless of how much they drink, when i change my rez i move the plant into a drip catcher and flood the perlite so any old stuff flushes down the roots and away before placing in new solution. once i get a bit more money going i intend to centralise the liquid so i can control it a lot better and just pipe it to the dwc's and let it flood back out with alittle pump to catch it and put it back in the rez. when i can do that i can start looking at EC,ppm water temps o2 levels and all that jazz ;)

the other way to get a quick turn around is with the 2ltr hempies, 12-12 from seed takes about 8 weeks from day 1 till harvest, but i give mine a week of veg either under glr or 24-0, so mine is around a 9 week turn around, so say you do 10 x 2ltr dwc and got 20g dry per plant, that works out to 200g of dry bud every 9 weeks, now these 2ltr grows dont take up much space, so you could easily do 50 of these in the same space as 4 plants in 3 gallon pots, so now thats 50 x 20g of dry bud which is 1000g every 9 weeks, plus you could say start 10 then start another 10 4 weeks later, and this gives you 10 plants to harvest every 4 weeks, this is what i was planning a while back, i was going to do a small room full, but its means high plant numbers, and where i am a plant is still a plant and having that many is not good. but damn if i could grow and not have to worry then id start 10 plants ever 2 weeks, but that would be more bud than 1 person needs,

whats different about a 2l hempie to a 2l DWC?
apart from that difference, what your saying is exactly what i plan..if my crop takes 8 weeks from seed to flower on 12 12, them im just gonna make it up to 12 weeks with veg and rooting time (from clones) or just veg from seed.

i still prefer the seed method...its physically impossible to produce as many clones in 1 season from 2 plants than you can produce seeds from a male and female imho in the same time frame. and a fresh seed will hit 12 inches long before a small clone will when freshly cut.

my pots are the same thing as 2l dwc its just 1.5l instead and in a short and slimmer container.

my ultimate goal as far as perpetual goes is to work out a 25 hour working week (5 per day mon-fri) and work out how many seedlings/clones to start and veg plants to defoliate and flowered plants to harvest in that 5 hour day. at this point in time, i believe 2 plants per day will see me very comfortable at your 20g estimate.
basted to the perfection of hi-brix,and im still convinced that hi-brix theory can be applied to hydro through mineralised water...i guess time will tell

For sure :thumb:

After some more thought


I'm thinking a mineralised medium in a pot watered by whatever hydro mechanism available with the Tea? Haven't been able to source all ingredients at a sensible cost, yet, even with this global economy!
Already adding available minerals to my fruit and vegetable garden :thumb:first Strawberry Eat report in the spring!
lmao, i wonder if you can hibrix rice, then boil the rice to pure mush and add that to the mix ;)

The real shocker, to me is, why isn't all the food available for sale high Brix? All the meat/poultry/dairy should By Law be fed on high Brix feed:thumb:

We might then, 'collectively' Act in a High Brix manner.
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