Gloman's First Journal A-Z

Happy Twist it up Tuesday!:thumb:

It's 3:30am & I'm stuck awake again. I used to pay good money to be awake like this. Now I'm doing everything I can to try to sleep & it don't come easy. :lot-o-toke: :)

Since I'm not doing any work on the project today, I thought I'd share a few of last years harvest buds with ya!


Have a GREAT DAY!:peace: :Namaste:
Green thumb glo,
Your pictures prove your growing skills. Appears like you had a bountiful harvest. Congrats, now do again, bro. Have a great Tokeday, while you`re at it.
Well, Thanks for the kind words. I need a LOT more practice, but I have EVERY intention of getting it. :)

I DID have a bountiful harvest last year, (THANKYOU) This is only a small sample just to take pic's of. The Good LORD saw fit to bless me with more than I needed, so I try to do the right thing & spread the wealth around. It's a little touchy still around here even though they voted in MMJ this year, so I have a hard time getting people to listen to the truth, but one here & one there. It WILL be done!


Forgot I have an appointment with the Pain Clinic in a few. This DR. is against Medical Marijuana, so I don't see this going anywhere.
I gave up the methadone, but he just refuses to see the medical value of Lady Jane.
Pray I don't strangle the ol shit. NOTHING pisses me off more than someone who REFUSES to learn.
Wish me Luck! :)
Nice lady you got there seems like a sativa to me :green_heart:

Thank You very much! To tell the truth, all I know for sure, is it came from med. bud I got in a dispensary. Most likely, only because my general preference I usually got Indica dominate strains. However, this girls name was Big Betty for a reason. She was pretty big. :)
Next year I'll do better!
Good luck. With the doc Glo. Your box should work fine. I started out growing in cardboard boxes lined with Mylar :)

Thanks Mick, The doc, ,,well, ,,he's the doctor, but OMG! The propaganda & lies have been so far imbedded in some folks it just gets infuriating!
Anyway, he upped my Neurontin & said see ya in 3 months. Maybe I will. :)

I've been working on my box & I think it's gonna be pretty good for what I need.
I'll get pic's up soon
Neurontin ? Doc had me on that a few years back. All it did was make me fart and fart and fart. Deer camp was a blast that year.
Waiting for the construction crew to get started on your box.
Sounds like it should work just fine.
Neurontin ? Doc had me on that a few years back. All it did was make me fart and fart and fart. Deer camp was a blast that year.
Waiting for the construction crew to get started on your box.
Sounds like it should work just fine.

Yeah, like I said before, he just has a problem with weed, & I don't give a french toot. The weed with the Neurontin does help more than weed alone, but if I had to be honest & choose which gives me more relief for my Diabetic Neuropothy it would be the weed hands down. However I'm not ready to give up the combo yet.

Here's a couple pics of the box, LMAO! If you read this thread from the start, you'll see what happens when I get an oil cap & a few pot caps in me before I begin lmao!
I just gotta laugh. Would have been lots easier if I had put my vent holes & the such in Before, I glued it together! lol

:peace: :Namaste:
Hey man. You could always buy a "big ass" Rubbermaid box. Mine is 2 x 2 x 4 and I have 8 plants in there vegging. You can see it in my Journal. Don't know how much they are worth tho.
I have seen people make "cellars" out of these in Florida to keep wine beer and mead temperate in year round. A guy made one that kept everything below 58 degrees. I think if you seal it right and vent it well that will make a wonderful space!
Welcome to wasted Wednesday @ the glo ranch! Nothing going on today since we got dumped on again last night. :(

Gonna try to brave the roads & see if I can get to the arthritis pool this morn. My "rice crispies" are crunching again, & the warm water in the arthritis pool feels AMAZING!
I'm So thankful I have this available to me. The fitness club I go to is run by my hospital. It's very well equipt. & I get special rates cuz I'm an old fart. lol
Have a Great day everybody & try to stay warm!:circle-of-love:
:peace: :Namaste:
OK Then,,,,back to work.

I have my box all done, & now I'm getting a pan to put in the bottom to catch water n stuff, then I'll pick up the light fixtures.
I'm just going to use hanging light sockets with 2 lights in each of 3. That will be lite enough to suspend them from the top of the box, and I think there will be plenty of reflection in there as it is without reflectors on the lights themselves.

I need to get the darn thing in its place, which means I'll have to move the TV, but only once.
Well, I'll bring some more pics soon.
Peace out! :peace: :circle-of-love: :Namaste:

Here's the box in place

Box be lookin` good, should work just great. Getting` antsy to see it in operation.
Good FRY day everyone!
Well, a trip to Lowes & it will be done.
Next step, I'm going to start checking my seeds to make sure they all have the female charicteristics.
I'm pretty sure ALL the seeds I have from last years crops are female.
Well, have a great day!
Well it's Sunday, & I've been checking my seeds for signs of their sex.
Today I've been checking Big Betty seeds.
I believe Big Betty is an Indica dominate Hybrid.
She has a pretty good high to her. good pain relief and muscle relaxing, mind expanding, that lasts about 1 1/2 hrs. when smoked.
When eaten, She has a POWERFUL stone that can be overwhelming if you're not ready for it.
She was grown outside in the ground with cow manure & miricale grow potting soil blended with the native ground dirt.
Betty was topped twice producing 4 main cola's & still grew to over 6' & produced over 1 1/2 pounds of buds. She was BIG.
There were no males anywhere near my girls, so the seeds ,I'm pretty sure are all female.

Five more varieties to sex out & then it's time to bust open the beans!
Box is coming together and looking good. Bet you can't wait until you have it done. Waiting for pictures of girls.
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