Golfer420 - Continuous Grow

Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans:party: I'm happy to be free to 420 (well, not legally yet - but I do it anyway!)

Day 54. She looked great today. Vibrant lime green at the bud sites and alert leaves:high-five:

The flush was the right thing. She's responded well by growing very quickly since the last watering. I had pushed all the hangers deeper to keep the canopy the same. Today was the first day of 12/12. I've resigned myself to her being a photo, not an auto. Now I'm not really sure if she is a she or if she's Early Miss. Eventually we'll find out if she's female. I'm hoping now the flower isn't as long as the Sour Jack was.

Thanks for stopping by :Namaste:









Day 56. She's looking good. I watered yesterday and upped it to 1L from 500ml. I may alternate the feedings instead of every time.

No pistils yet. Only day 2 since the flip. Still frustrates me that she isn't an auto and that I can't start another plant until I finish this one. I am happy with the topping and the canopy I've got going. The growth is crazy in the middle with some of the smaller internal branches shooting through to form that canopy. I wonder what the right balance is with trimming leaves. I've seen people trim off all the smaller growth beneath the colas. Others leave it to help generate the energy for other parts of the plant. I just want to trim leaves that cover the colas. Overall I think she's going to yield pretty well once the flowering begins.

Thanks for stopping by :Namaste:


IMG 7580 - YouTube


She continues to grow well at day 60 and 7 days into 12/12. Unfortunately, no signs of pistils yet - and trust me - I'm looking very closely. Since I thought this seed was an auto and it's not, who knows if it is feminized. Let's knock wood :wood:

Pretty sure we'll see a pistil in the next 4 or 5 days. I changed from the hangers to the string for LST. I'm happy with how low I've kept the canopy. The main colas are all pulled down around the outside of the pot. I don't have too much room in this tent potential growth spurt so I need to keep them as low as possible. Quite a bit of growth in the center and some lower smaller colas are coming up pretty strong in the middle. I'm crossing my fingers I can get nice big buds like I got from my Northern Lights or White Widow (and I use "big" comparatively to my own grows).

Not surprisingly but we've moved up to a liter of water every two days. The pictures below are two days apart but the growth in two days show how quickly they're responding. Yesterday she was all tied down again with the string but tonight all the colas are back up straight. I am using as much of the tent as possible, keeping her low and round.

Thanks for stopping by :Namaste:











Dude your plants are looking awesome!!!

I noticed a couple leafs got spots on the edges...and idea what this is from? Reason I asked is cause I notice one of mine with the same thing.

I 2laughed so hard when I read that you thought it was an auto...i been there haha took my girl about 10 to 12 days to show sex after the switch.

Very well done my friend!

You going to remove fan leaves to open her up for more light and growth?
Thanks, Indy:high-five:

I believe the spots are from where nute water has landed on the leaves. It leaves spots or burns a bit of the leaf. I've been removing fan leaves all along, though I'm not that aggressive. I feel (not sure) that they help provide energy so I only try to trim the fan leaves that block other areas or look like they screw up air flow. The big ones around the edges - I'll let those stay.

Thanks for stopping by :Namaste:
Dude they look awesome!!!!! Seriously lots of life happening there!

If it were me, I would remove a shit ton of those leaves in the middle. There is so much growth being covered up by those leaves.

Let me show been following my journal and thanks for that...but here is my cheese plant before I removed leaves, after I removed leaves and the results

Before leaf removal


After Removal




2 Days after removal


All those smaller areas that were covered are now up to the top and are getting light and are even with the canopy now.

I cut that many leaves off I made it look like a stick man. Leaves were heavily removed in the middle, and I lept the leaves on the edge until they start blocking light and air.

Just a tip, when I was speaking with Advanced Nutrients Support they asked to see my plants, I showed them and they said I had to remove leaves...I was not sure about their call, they basically said "What you see is what you get" and by removing leaves I will see more and get more....they were right! Cheese will produce a hell of a lot more now, and I bet if you removed the leaves off your plant as much as possible and really opened her up, you will be very happy with the results.

If not then thats fine too, your plants look amazing! Keep it up my friend :)

Day 74 and almost a week since seeing the first pistil. Definitely not in full flower mode. Seems like a growth spurt since yesterday.

I went away Thur-Sun and last watered on Wed night. She was bone dry by Sunday afternoon and completely wilted. Kinda scary but these ladies are so resilient. Water/fed last night and 2 hours later she already looked better. The pics here are from tonight.

I did some trimming and took the before and after shot. I wasn't that aggressive. I am pretty sure I will try super cropping tomorrow night. While I'm seeing more pistils, it's just the very beginning and she seems to be stretching. I'm also have difficulty getting her in and out of the tent! She's really filling out.;) Could be tough keeping her under the lights later as she continues to develop.

Enjoy the pics and thanks for stopping by :Namaste:









Day 82. Two weeks of flowering (first pistil) and 4 weeks since flipping the lights.

Finally starting to see buds forming. Tried my hand at super cropping and may have gone a bit too far. I almost nipped off two main colas. Taped one back together. :thedoubletake:

Overall she's looking like the PH is off again. Watered the last two times with no nutes. If she doesn't look much better by the next watering, I'll do another flush.

Enjoy the pics and thanks for stopping by :Namaste:






Here we are flowering away! I over LST'd and split the main stem. Hopefully it doesn't cause an issue. The cola's I super cropped have all healed well. So far so good, though it still feels like it's taking for ever.

Thanks for stopping by :Namaste:







Day 96. Came home and was very excited to see how she looked. Fed her 2 liters of water with 8ml of grow/micro/bloom, 4ml of bud candy and big bud, 2 ml of cal mag. Leaves were all pointing up and she looked bright green :slide:

She does not look like Early Miss. She looks more sativa than indica. I'm not seeing much trichome production yet. Hoping that picks up shortly.

Thanks for stopping by :Namaste:








It's day 104, just about 5 weeks of flower. Happy with how she's doing. She looked very alert today and the colas are starting to fill in. Always want more, but I'm happy with how she's doing.

Got a new camera and here are some pics and vids. Thanks for stopping by :Namaste:


MVI 0101 - YouTube

MVI 0098 - YouTube







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