Hash Fart Trying The White Tahoe Cookie

Well do you think she will be ready for the chop next weekend
I had no idea!! I would of assumed the yellow flower is the watermelon plant in bloom, then the flowers turn to a watermelon. Just like my crab apple tree in the back... early spring it blooms with beautiful white flowers all over the tree, then they turn into apples... where in the hell would a person get male watermelon pollen jizz maker stuff (shit idk) lol
Pumpkins squash and cucumbers all need to be pollinated probably lots of other vegetables as well. If that was outside it might get pollinated from a bee. Probably not going to happen in your tent. You would have to have another plant.
It's a sugar baby watermelon so Its not a real watermelon
Glad it helped brother!!!

I saw a trailer on qe2 on thursday... thought it was you for a second, but the mural on the trailer was Pilsner not lucky.
Im out of commission for a bit brother , the lucky trailer is as well , my family camper is still going , any way im hoping to chop next week my cookies are only showing amber on sugar leaves
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