hey! I've been browsing this site for a little while looking for information on various stuff. The people here seemed very nice, so I decided to join! I quite recently got into marijuana, and all in all it's been a nice trip so far. I feel more open minded and relaxed, and it helps me try out new ideas when I create music, as I get rid of some of that creativity-killing self consciousness. Besides, being high is pretty nice, and healthier than being drunk. I bought a vaporizer a while back, and am totally loving it!
I'm considering getting into growing, as it seems like a more reasonable way of doing things, and besides, I'm having a bit of a hard time finding anyone who sells good stuff. I'm a little hesitant though, as I don't really have a good spot for it. I'm also a little overwhelmed by all the information, but I haven't looked into it that much yet, so I guess it'll make more sense once I start reading. I found this Superbox/Supercloset thing, which seems perfect for my needs, but sadly, I can't find anyone who sells it outside of the US, and I live all the way up in Norway.
I have some questions, but I'll post them in the right places eventually.
I'm considering getting into growing, as it seems like a more reasonable way of doing things, and besides, I'm having a bit of a hard time finding anyone who sells good stuff. I'm a little hesitant though, as I don't really have a good spot for it. I'm also a little overwhelmed by all the information, but I haven't looked into it that much yet, so I guess it'll make more sense once I start reading. I found this Superbox/Supercloset thing, which seems perfect for my needs, but sadly, I can't find anyone who sells it outside of the US, and I live all the way up in Norway.
I have some questions, but I'll post them in the right places eventually.