hello all


New Member
hey! I've been browsing this site for a little while looking for information on various stuff. The people here seemed very nice, so I decided to join! I quite recently got into marijuana, and all in all it's been a nice trip so far. I feel more open minded and relaxed, and it helps me try out new ideas when I create music, as I get rid of some of that creativity-killing self consciousness. Besides, being high is pretty nice, and healthier than being drunk. I bought a vaporizer a while back, and am totally loving it!

I'm considering getting into growing, as it seems like a more reasonable way of doing things, and besides, I'm having a bit of a hard time finding anyone who sells good stuff. I'm a little hesitant though, as I don't really have a good spot for it. I'm also a little overwhelmed by all the information, but I haven't looked into it that much yet, so I guess it'll make more sense once I start reading. I found this Superbox/Supercloset thing, which seems perfect for my needs, but sadly, I can't find anyone who sells it outside of the US, and I live all the way up in Norway.

I have some questions, but I'll post them in the right places eventually.


you can always build your own growbox!

yes! funny thing you said that, because I actually thought of that myself just before falling asleep last night! It's probably the best way of doing it for me, so I'll definitely look into it. Probably a bit cheaper too
indeed! besides, I can hopefully get higher quality ganja. most of the stuff people around here sell, is low quality and way expensive
Hi gippy!

Just wanted to drop by and add another voice of welcoming. Yes, there is a lot to learn about growing but it can also be about as basic as growing a houseplant under a decent artificial light source.

I'm pretty new to the site as well and have found the community of folks that gathers here to be knowledgable and very generous in sharing that knowledge. I hope you will find that to be the case as well!

I found tremendous benefit from some of the info contained in the "Grow Room" tab at the top of the screen and started with the "How to Grow Marijuana" in particular. Another feature of the site I find indispensable is the search feature under the "Forums" tab at the top. I've been reading a post, or in a journal and come across a word or description about which I would like to learn more and the search has proven to be a life saver.

Be well and enjoy your journey!
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