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I’ve just gone to pot up my plant and dropped it the soil snapped in half leaving on bottem of the pot with roots in and the other half with the plant in please some one help have I killed my plant?????
Pretty much snapped all the bottem roots off ???????
U know that stuff they use on mythbusters all the time very strong cloth tape. Join the 2 busted bits together and put tape around it so it holds together.maybe have to splint it.think like a doctor. Save this patient lol.i think it may heal and grow again.i have done it with broken branches before. An u can get plants grafted onto rootstock in nurseries. So this may work.
Hey hate to be a debbie downer but you only stand a 50/50 chance she will regrow , may as well start over with a new plant - lesson learned we have all made mistakes , try some clonex on the stem and put it in a small -1 gallon pot see what happens but dont hold your breath just keep it moist -not soaked .
Hey hate to be a debbie downer but you only stand a 50/50 chance she will regrow , may as well start over with a new plant - lesson learned we have all made mistakes , try some clonex on the stem and put it in a small -1 gallon pot see what happens but dont hold your breath just keep it moist -not soaked .
So she’s pretty much gunner die is there anything at all I can do with out getting root stimulation as will have to order and will take a week or so to come
well short of using the rooting jell -clonex your are now way above my pay grade , maybe some one else can help out here .ask emilya or dutchman 1990 , they are experienced growers also , i don't waste time on plants that aren't healthy but i have a shit ton of seeds ,sorry Matty wish i could be more help , i know how you feel but we can only change what we can control , give it a try to save but i would start another seed in this case you may wind up with 2 plants , i would still order the clonex , it is handy to have on hand , if you run into a great plant you like growing and then can take cuttings from it , saves using another seed plus you know what it tastes like and how it grows , good luck !!!
I have 3 plants altogether 2 baby and one is 3 week old what I snapped the root ball on I have removed a light from my tent 600 watt led out put 150 and kept my 180watt out put 180 watt in there for my baby they need warmth I have tiled my light so she’s not in direct light but has got at least some light for re growth next 48hrs is crucial

this is my set up for now till shes feeling better if she falls ill that is I’ve been reading and hear some people cut there root ball in half for better root growth dunno tho before and after pic here with one light removed
You have torn the roots that were making their way to the bottom part of your pot. I presume the ends will cauterise, but others will move down to take their place. Yes, it was a stupid thing to do, and yes it’s going to have side effects, but I seriously doubt it will die. My guess is that it will stunt or delay growth. You may not even notice.
I’ve just gone to pot up my plant and dropped it the soil snapped in half leaving on bottem of the pot with roots in and the other half with the plant in please some one help have I killed my plant?????
Pretty much snapped all the bottem roots off ???????
Looks like it has some roots still just repot and low light for a bit and she will grow new roots
Been growing plants for 30+ years and have been rough on transplants , some with very few roots and the plants always recover with a little care
Be patient
I’ve just gone to pot up my plant and dropped it the soil snapped in half leaving on bottem of the pot with roots in and the other half with the plant in please some one help have I killed my plant?????
Pretty much snapped all the bottem roots off ???????
:rofl: She'll be alright :thumb: plenty of roots in your hand there :passitleft:
i've sliced off 2/3 of my roots on the plants before on purpose.... :cheesygrinsmiley:

was ridding myself of a root rot issue. subsequent plants were up potted, and wound up producing one my best harvests to date.
Hi mattys how is your plant going.i m guessing its getting over its stress and about to thrive.i mentioned gaffa tape surgery. This is what i meant. I broke a branch training a black cherry punch. 2 days ago plant still growing. I know very different from your problem but just showing incase this happens to anyone.
Peace and buds be with you.


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