High from England


Well-Known Member
Howdy all,

I'm in my fifties but just getting started on my first domestic grow. The public housing estate where I live in London is perfect - south facing balcony on the top floor - and because I believe in the power of landrace I'm cultivating some southerly latitude 100% sativas. A bit like Pinot Noir can deal with cold climate and northerly latitudes, Ive found that Kwazulu and other Saffer varieties can veg quite nicely during a hot English summer. I'm finishing them indoors under HPS right now. Together with an Afghan, and an F1 hybrid, which sadly has developed mould or mildew, not sure, but I'm going to post for advice in the diseases and pests section because Im only a week or so from harvest!

Anyway, would welcome advice and tips from more experienced growers, and I will look forward to meeting y'all in the discussion forums.
Hi Landracey. Welcome to the internet's best and friendliest cannabis information forum! I'm a landrace fan too, I've got some Colombian Gold going now.

If you want to share your experience with others, and get great advice, starting a grow journal is a good way. Lots of great tips here.

Look forward to seeing your landraces!

Howdy all,

I'm in my fifties but just getting started on my first domestic grow. The public housing estate where I live in London is perfect - south facing balcony on the top floor - and because I believe in the power of landrace I'm cultivating some southerly latitude 100% sativas. A bit like Pinot Noir can deal with cold climate and northerly latitudes, Ive found that Kwazulu and other Saffer varieties can veg quite nicely during a hot English summer. I'm finishing them indoors under HPS right now. Together with an Afghan, and an F1 hybrid, which sadly has developed mould or mildew, not sure, but I'm going to post for advice in the diseases and pests section because Im only a week or so from harvest!

Anyway, would welcome advice and tips from more experienced growers, and I will look forward to meeting y'all in the discussion forums.
Welcome to 420 magazine Landracey. I think you will find 420 the best cannabis site on the net.
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Landracey

It sound like you have been doing this for a while.
How big of an indoor area do you have to grow?

Here's some helpful info.

Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

Journals in Progress

Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests
Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Hi Landracey. Welcome to the internet's best and friendliest cannabis information forum! I'm a landrace fan too, I've got some Colombian Gold going now.

If you want to share your experience with others, and get great advice, starting a grow journal is a good way. Lots of great tips here.

Look forward to seeing your landraces!

Hi Mike, I remember smoking a lot of Colombian back in the 90s, and I may give one a go next year! Thanks for the welcome, and I will post pics of the landraces, although I'm at day 60 of flip so I may be cheating if I start a grow journal now 😊
Welcome to 420 Magazine @Landracey

It sound like you have been doing this for a while.
How big of an indoor area do you have to grow?

Here's some helpful info.

Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

Journals in Progress

Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests
Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Hi Tokin, thanks for your generous welccome. I have a small domestic grow of about a metre square in my living room and I move the plants between there and my bedroom at night. I will check out how the other growers are doing in their journals and get one going!!
Welcome to 420mag :welcome: looking forward to seeing how your growing goes down! I tried a grow with CMH in a tent but switched to led as the heat was trouble for me 🤣 don't know how you guys do it!
I work down your ways every day just never south but don't live there i moved out to the country now.
I recently picked up some exodus cheese clones which I'm trying my hand at DWC with but January I will also be pheno hunting some Afghani to cross both with a filipino landrace in the summer 🤙
Howdy all,

I'm in my fifties but just getting started on my first domestic grow. The public housing estate where I live in London is perfect - south facing balcony on the top floor - and because I believe in the power of landrace I'm cultivating some southerly latitude 100% sativas. A bit like Pinot Noir can deal with cold climate and northerly latitudes, Ive found that Kwazulu and other Saffer varieties can veg quite nicely during a hot English summer. I'm finishing them indoors under HPS right now. Together with an Afghan, and an F1 hybrid, which sadly has developed mould or mildew, not sure, but I'm going to post for advice in the diseases and pests section because Im only a week or so from harvest!

Anyway, would welcome advice and tips from more experienced growers, and I will look forward to meeting y'all in the discussion forums.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome::ciao::thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you to everyone for the warm welcome to the site. Some real friendly people here! I really wanted to respond with pictures of my plants, but I had to cut away some mould and so on first. Anyway, after some first time grower panicking, I think they are pretty much ready for harvest at day 64 of flipping, what do you think?






Welcome to 420mag :welcome: looking forward to seeing how your growing goes down! I tried a grow with CMH in a tent but switched to led as the heat was trouble for me 🤣 don't know how you guys do it!
I work down your ways every day just never south but don't live there i moved out to the country now.
I recently picked up some exodus cheese clones which I'm trying my hand at DWC with but January I will also be pheno hunting some Afghani to cross both with a filipino landrace in the summer 🤙
Filipino landrace - wow. I never knew they had a type. Must have missed it when I was in Palawan!
Filipino landrace - wow. I never knew they had a type. Must have missed it when I was in Palawan!
Yes they have a few over there from what I've seen but this one is called kalinga but was given to me by a friend who visited there and they called it Dutertes or Dutertes nightmare. I bet Palawan was nice!

As for you lady I'd give her another week or two.. landraces are know to go 10+ weeks sometimes. But your orange hairs (stigmas) should be laying down on the bud instead of spikey. That's the soonest I'd harvest but could be a week or so after that for the Trichomes to full mature depending on high you prefer 👍
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