How late can you transpot?

Doctor Trevor

Well-Known Member
My two plants (Dark Angel strain) started to flower a week ago. One of them, Velma, is in a three gallon pot. Her sister Daphne is in a five gallon pot.

When it's time to feed/feed them, Velma is very light; her soil is pretty dry. Daphne's soil is still a little moist.

Can I transpot this late in the game?
Once the plants flip I wouldn’t transplant unless absolutely necessary. Either pot will take you to finish, you just might be watering every two to three days. This summer I grew a 6 foot tree in a 5 gallon grow bag.


I do it regularly and transplant whenever. During the stretch period they are growing vigorously and they put out lots of roots and growth and have very little lag time after transplant. The plants grow roots throughout flowering although in the last few weeks it’s pretty minimal. I’ve transplanted at all stages of flowering up to a few weeks from harvest and never had problems with it.

How often are you watering? Usually if I have to water more frequently than every three days I consider transplanting.

But the plants can handle small containers if you are there to water all the time.
Right now I water every five days, with nutes every other watering. I'll probably have to go every four days with Velma; she takes about a gallon of water/water with nutes each time before there is runoff.

She's about the same size as Daphne.
I'd repot no problem. Roots are always growing and even more so during the stretch. If they are wound around in there just cut some off so they branch out even more.

3 or 5 gal of soil is going to dry out pretty quick in flower. I water every day in VEG in 3 gal containers. You dont want to let the plants get dry feet in flower. That will tell then there's a drought coming and that's a bad thing.
Follow up question:

If I increase the amounts of watering, would I do the same with the feeding? Or would that cause a nute burn? Should water twice and then feed one? Or still alternate?
Follow up question:

If I increase the amounts of watering, would I do the same with the feeding? Or would that cause a nute burn? Should water twice and then feed one? Or still alternate?
As long as your mixture isn't too strong you can feed every time with out issues.
Do you know the ppm of your mixture?
I just follow the Foxfarm feeding schedule. Measure everything in teaspoons.
Do you feed her at full strength or do you add water to make it weaker.?
Follow up question:

If I increase the amounts of watering, would I do the same with the feeding? Or would that cause a nute burn? Should water twice and then feed one? Or still alternate?
You can do it either way. Usually if I am feeding every time and it’s quite frequent I will tend to feed a bit lighter. Keep an eye on the plants. If you’re feeding every time then make sure to get a decent amount of runoff.
Usually whenever the plants are looking too richly fed I’ll alternate with a water-only round, or just a light feeding
I follow the directions; not diluting the nutes at all.

My concern is overfeeding them if I start watering/feeding every other day.

The two plants I had before these two were going well. But once they started blooming, one stopped eating and died.
If it just up and died that would normally indicate root issues.
Just keep an eye on the plants. If they’re looking overfed then lighten up or reduce frequency. Plenty of people feed both/either way including myself.
The theory is that I screwed up the soil pH. She just stopped growing and slowly withered away. I tossed her out about three weeks before I harvested her sister.
I doubt it was PH. Although I suppose PH issues could have weakened the plant enough that it helped invite root problems. Mostly with bad pH you are going to see a lot of deficiencies- leaf problems. But that isn’t likely to ever kill a plant outright.
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