How late can you transpot?

After giving it some thought, I've decided not to transpot Velma. I'd rather feed and water her more than risk anything happening. This might be her last month or six weeks so it's no big deal.

I appreciate everyone's comments.
After giving it some thought, I've decided not to transpot Velma. I'd rather feed and water her more than risk anything happening. This might be her last month or six weeks so it's no big deal.

I appreciate everyone's comments.

Really? Maybe change your user name to Nurse Trevor if you're afraid to repot a plant that has over a month to go. I'd just cut an inch off the bottom of the root ball and drop it in a bigger pot without even thinking about it.

I've never ever seen any transplant shock after 40 years of beating the hell out of my plants.


Shave down those sides too.


Roots branch out like the branches do when they get their ends chopped off. Stress? Doesn't even faze a decent plant. Stress is BS people use to bitch about plants with lousy genetics that go wonky on them.

Be bold and don't let fear stop you from growing to 'your' potential! That's the only way you'll find your plant(s) potentials!

It's just a plant. Don't be it's bitch. Make it your bitch like it's meant to be!

Good luck and good growing!

I'd slice that right down the middle if I had to separate them without even thinking about it. 4 plants in each pot there.


I agree. Stress and ‘shock’ is just us projecting our shit on to innocent plants. Either their conditions are good, or they aren’t. The plant will be happy to be transplanted. It will also be happy to not be transplanted. But less so.
I'll have to see where I can get my hands on a five gallon pot. I got turned off by the local gardening shop the last time I was there. I'll have to see if Home Depot has them out on the shelves now.
I'll have to see where I can get my hands on a five gallon pot. I got turned off by the local gardening shop the last time I was there. I'll have to see if Home Depot has them out on the shelves now.

The HD 5gal pails work fine for grow pots. Just drill a bunch of 3/8" holes in the bottom for drainage and you're good to grow. White ones work just fine too. The light that manages to get through is so filtered it doesn't damage any roots and even if it did would just be like root pruning which happens a lot in fabric grow bags and one of the reasons people like them so much.

I hit up nurseries for their used plastic pots so have a bunch of different sized ones. Like maybe a 10th of the cost of new ones. Put some hot water in the bathtub with a shot of Blue Dawn dish soap and a 1/4 cup of bleach to wash them out good and remove any pathogens that might be there and you're good to grow.

My basement grow room has a cold cement floor so I got a 2x8' sheet of 2" styrofoam insulation then just scored it with a knife to break it off to fit the space. Plants in pots need warmer root temps for the micro-herd to thrive so keeping it warmer is good for the plants. With hydro a lower temp like 65F is perfect.

For most of my growing in ProMix HP a 4gal pot seems to work well. I bought a short 7gal pot just to be able to repot a Hindu Kush plant on it's side to flower it as a vertical ScroG just for shits and giggles and it worked not bad. :) Once you've been growing for a couple decades and more you have to try all sorts of things to keep it interesting.

Pretty sure that's a 600W Hortilux Super HPS bulb lighting up that girl. My digi-cam has a manual white balance setting so I can get normal looking colours under any light after calibrating the camera. It's a Nikon CoolPix L32 but not sold anymore. I even had to update the firmware on it right after I bought it as there was a bug that would cause the lens to stay extended and basically shut the camera down permanently. No problems with it ever but there seems to be a dead spot on the CCD that makes a oval shaped black spot at the bottom of any pics taken using the zoom. That's very recent tho so not on any of my older pics.

HinduGirl Day21010120-1.JPG

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