Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

It's Wednesday! Day 126 of Project 24...18 weeks. Let's see...


We're poppin' fresh! The final wave of floral development kicking in. By my best estimate, probably can chop this whole thing in two weeks. Of course I want the buds to get as thick as they can but as I keep saying, with mostly-sativa genetics the buds never look as tight and heavy as indicas. Anyway, the product quality is the most important thing and soon I will have jars of frosty sativa plus some tasty looking mostly Indica as well.


Seems to take forever but the sugar just keeps building.


Everything looks great but I feel like I still need to see more density. Since this round is developing a little differently than the last, I'm looking for differences and the glaring ones are the 4-5 major defoliations I undertook, plus the several-weeks-longer veg period, where I was extending the width of the grow and greatly increasing the number of branches compared to any previous grow.

Both things have resulted in a very dense hedge of vertical branches, maybe too dense? Are the more-elongated branches typical in this canopy unable to produce as much being so tightly packed together? Is the overall wider spacing between nodes the result of an overly-dense canopy, or simply sativa genetics?

I also wonder if bud density and vigor has been adversely affected by the defoliations? I use that term a bit loosely anyway, some of the defoliators out there literally strip off every leaf over an inch across and I have done nothing close to that, but I did remove a lot of major fan leaves multiple times, maybe that's not the best way?

I wish experiments like the ones I have just done provided a clearer end picture, but honestly they have raised as many questions as they have answered.

Maybe the last several weeks will be a little more definitive.

As for Project 25, the kids are on track.


All babies on both sides are in the pink.


Except for the one dwarf (apparently) auto, everybody looks quite healthy and vigorous.


Frisky little Hyenas


One of these two might become the mother of five thousand children!

Roots over a foot long and thick on everybody so that's under control. But that also means they are growing fast. Clock is ticking...I probably have two weeks but probably not three before they will all have to come out so I hope I see the plumping-up I am looking for everywhere out in the main room!

Keepem' green people!

Until next time,

Peace, Hyena
Don't beat yourself up Hyena!

Things looking great. Maybe a week or 10 days too long in veg...law of diminishing returns.....doubt the Defol had much to do with it as you didn't strip anywhere near some of the guys on here have done and your defols sounded properly done...not all at once and slowly over a period of time.

You still have a couple of week and the buds could double or more in size at that time. As I said don't beat yourself up...it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.

Don't beat yourself up Hyena!

Things looking great. Maybe a week or 10 days too long in veg...law of diminishing returns.....doubt the Defol had much to do with it as you didn't strip anywhere near some of the guys on here have done and your defols sounded properly done...not all at once and slowly over a period of time.

You still have a couple of week and the buds could double or more in size at that time. As I said don't beat yourself up...it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.



Every grow I pretty much go through the same thing right about now. I worry that things aren't happening fast enough. Especially right after I smoke pot.

Then in the last few weeks it explodes.

I will wait for that fat lady. Hope she's cute.

Peace, Hyena
Hey Hyena things look great from my lil spot in the world. M on my first grow and I have been doing defoliation more to give light to under growth. I use LEDs and they are great but I think the penetration is where they lack. I have a expensive dormgrow G8 that says it has 60 inch penetration but I don't know how they came up with that. To me every plant is different and I have been dealing with so much leafing that there is no way it was penatrating that deep. I also followed Asesino and his ways of doing it cause his finished product was nothing but bud plants in the end. I jus did my final defoliation before putting in bloom then gonna wait till the 15th day and do it again. Fingers crossed I get some good results. But in the end it's my hobby and I want to do the best I can and can't do that if I don't try and sure m gonna fail at some areas. Sorry for the lil rant but it seems bringing up defoliation you get two sides the side that loves it and the side that hates it and I don't know where I am with it yet but soon I will know. Your plants look fantastic and I love the pics and the updates nothing to me to worry bout except how your gonna enjoy your bountiful harvest!! Till next time!!
Happy Friday!

I always find myself wondering how many people read any of this stuff I write. :hmmmm:

To whomever may be reading this, thanks for being here. :love:

Today the visit is a brief one at 5:10 am since the family is home and for some annoying reason my wife has been home all 12 hours I could go up there every day for the entire week. Usually she has at least a couple morning appointments or something and I can pop in but not this week so I'm sneaking up the ladder and creaking through the attic in the wee hours, paranoid as hell.


At this point I like what I'm seeing but I also feel things are suspiciously airy compared to last grow. I grew one specimen of this plant last time and the buds were much thicker, the nodes more tightly spaced, even comparing the plant growing in the exact same bucket. No, these are taller and stretchier with, so far, noticeably less density mainly on the plants on the forward half of the canopy and the edges.

In the very middle where the lights overlap I see good-sized big buds but last time they were more predominant. I'm still not seeing any amber trichomes so I can wait longer.

My thought is, have I set them back somehow? I think maybe I might have...just maybe.

When it was time to re-open, reboot, and clean up the nursery, I had already flipped the main grow to 12/12 but I had to go in there a couple times during the dark period. I have a green light bulb in there and believed it wouldn't negatively affect the flowering plants but....maybe that caused them to hitch a little in their commitment to full flowering. That green bulb sure seems bright to me, it's just a regular tungsten filament with green glass and even when I was in there I shielded it with a towel because I was wondering if it would somehow screw them up. I am now wondering if I caused the plants to lose some density, or if maybe I just set it back a little and it will still come in to my expectations but just take a bit longer.

Not all that worried about it, if I harvested right now I would be very happy, but we always want to get the most from our efforts. I still have several jars of amazing nugs averaging 7-10 grams each and I'd like to achieve such biggies this time, too. My other theory is there are so many vertical branches they just can't get as dense and they have all stretched more fighting for light. The whole idea of defoliation was to allow muh more branching and mission accomplished, but the law of diminishing returns may be in play as was suggested by a previous post.

Guess we'll know in a couple more weeks!

Meanwhile, the buds I have are many and they are getting ever more frosty.


There's no doubt the quality will be there...


So, time marches on toward the final chapter of Project 24...whatever and whenever that will be.

Hope your weekend is a great one! Keep growing!

Peace, Hyena
Hyena love your journal and just the thought of the world going on in the attic while the wife has no clue!! Just love it due to the operation that u r running. Have to ask does no dank smells drift at all? With so much frosty buds I would think that the smell would drift at least a lil. My plants are still vegging and my better half walks by and lets me know if the stank. Either way have to say I am envious of your endeavors!! Everything looks great from the pics but I feel you are like me. The hardest critic in everything I do is myself!! Keep up the great work and looking forward to the climatic chapter 24 then to the conclusion of yield and smoke report!! Here till the end of this voyage.
Hyena love your journal and just the thought of the world going on in the attic while the wife has no clue!! Just love it due to the operation that u r running. Have to ask does no dank smells drift at all? With so much frosty buds I would think that the smell would drift at least a lil. My plants are still vegging and my better half walks by and lets me know if the stank. Either way have to say I am envious of your endeavors!! Everything looks great from the pics but I feel you are like me. The hardest critic in everything I do is myself!! Keep up the great work and looking forward to the climatic chapter 24 then to the conclusion of yield and smoke report!! Here till the end of this voyage.

Funny you would mention that Pino, we have a decent-sized property and no real close neighbors (200 feet maybe but not right on top of us) plus our house is big, and the grow vents out the roof so usually no worries...but we were having a bunch of trees cut down last week and I was standing in the driveway with one of the tree cutting dudes, and he says, "What's that smell, man? Smells like...like weed actually." The roof vent exhaust was being blown down to us. I acted stupid of course. Then I ran out for pizza for the crew at the break, and when I came back I made a point of casually mentioning the smell again and told him I saw a dead skunk on the adjacent street.

He bought it. Whew.

I'm pretty clean-cut and I frankly don't look like someone who would secretly be a pot farmer. That's the main defense for my endeavors...I'm like that moth on a tree that blends in so well you look right at me and don't see me. Hide in plain sight.

But you're right, the smell at bud time is serious. I recently got a new, even larger can filter, the thing weighs like 40 pounds. My current one is totally spent. I will install it when I reset this grow and we will get the smell thing back under control.

Thanks for tuning in! Have a great weekend!

Peace, Hyena
Happy Sunday!! If you are reading this, congratulations! YOU have achieved the highest accomplishment possible in the entire universe...you are alive! Isn't it great?

And nothing makes me feel more alive than getting up suspiciously early and sneaking around in my own house just to get ten precious minutes with my flowers in their secret chamber. But so worth it! I feel like Romeo sneaking in Juliet's bedroom with her parents asleep in the next room. Actually, I had a few experiences just like that back in my pollination days but now that I'm a Disney father and husband it feels so good to secretly be soooo bad. Surprisingly good really. :riskybusiness:

Everything in there looks like a plane carrying sugar crashed into the grow and exploded. I'm not quite as paranoid about the size of the buds today, realizing this morning everything is quite juicy and developing just fine. I was very high my last trip in here. Apparently.

Here's a couple tastes of the candy farm...


Grab a napkin...you're drooling! I'm pretty sure the scissors will come out in about 2 weeks...or less.

The new girls are also looking happy and healthy. Still a couple weeks they can grow in their nursery.

Going to play golf this morning then watch the final round of the Masters. I've spent a lot of my life golfing--and the rest I just wasted. :love: If you golf you understand the passion that game inspires and how addicting it is to play and watch. If you don't, well, another reason to think I'm nuts. And you'd be right, of course.

Have a nutty day!

Peace, Hyena
lol They look amazing :) Forgive me for not being more vocal, but your photos usually leave me having to recover a bit. Im fighting through this time to let you know Im here :)

I know what you mean about stink...I had to pull my last plants early because they overpowered everything I could throw at them. And I dont look as inconspicuous as you. In fact with the scruffy beard and thinning pony tail, accompanied by the son with scruffier beard, and much thicker pony tail, one would expect tapestries, lava lamps, bell bottoms and gobs of pot were they allowed access to my home.

I made note of the strains and wont grow them again....a pity actually since the Carnival has become a favorite. :(
lol They look amazing :) Forgive me for not being more vocal, but your photos usually leave me having to recover a bit. Im fighting through this time to let you know Im here :)

I know what you mean about stink...I had to pull my last plants early because they overpowered everything I could throw at them. And I dont look as inconspicuous as you. In fact with the scruffy beard and thinning pony tail, accompanied by the son with scruffier beard, and much thicker pony tail, one would expect tapestries, lava lamps, bell bottoms and gobs of pot were they allowed access to my home.

I made note of the strains and wont grow them again....a pity actually since the Carnival has become a favorite. :(

Keep that lava lamp burning! I appreciate the shout out.

And get out of my yard, hippie! :biglaugh:

Peace, Hyena
Looking great in there Hyena, I love your little hidden grow room, it's fantastic. I love how well thought out and planned it all was. I have subbed up to this journal and will now get caught up. I'm sure it's going to be a great read.

I found this journal through your Project 21 dream grow journal. Let me tell you what a fantastic read that was Hyena. You have fantastic writing skills and are also a great picture taker too. I really enjoyed reading it.

Keep up the good work pal.

Man does them pics got me drooling!!! And the game of golf probably the one only thing m terrible at but can't wait till the next trip to the course. In my part of the world we have a course that the LPGA tour plays on and I normally always get in for free with my job. Install granite in upscale houses and it seems m always in the neighborhood when they play. Love to watch pros!! And yes I understand the passion of golf and all the stories that play out!! Your buds looking like they are gonna stack up great!! Keep up the great work and catch u on the next one!!!
It's Tuesday! 20 weeks into Project 24 tomorrow! And 32 days since we splashed the beans for Project 25!

Let's look in...


What do ya think? Yeah, me too! :)

Close up, it smells soooo sweet...


Did that hurt your eyes? You might want to wear shades for the rest of this grow! I am not liable for what happens to you! :riskybusiness:

I plucked a bud three days ago and it dried to tender perfection. I am smoking the first real sample of the herb and this first taste kicks ass. I'm as high as a kite right now from about 5 hits. It's got that familiar Blue Dream fruitiness and frostiness with that mild but discernible Indica influence. The taste is sweet and yummy.


Sooooo high. Wish I could take credit but Ma Nature created this wonderful child of the Nature family, I just watered it really. One more week? Just don't know...

So I'm getting antsy to slash and burn. I will hold out as long as I can. Didn't look at trichomes today but the quality of this herb is solid so I probably will give that a really close inspection at multiple sites on each of the four varieties and let the results determine things.
That will be a sticky wicket, literally.

Meanwhile, the P25 babies seem happy.


Getting big with no real problems. The temp gets 85-ish for part of the late morning now but still fine for these gals. At one month, you can pretty much tell how things are going by the roots...


That's what I mean.

In another week it will take a lot of tugging to separate these tangled root masses but I gave them the small but effective early nute shot they need resulting in tremendous explosion of root development so when the separation comes they can lose some here and there to the process without any adverse effects.

This root boom starts the clock ticking on transplantation. I probably have only another 10 days max until they will be impossible to get apart.

Just for fun, compare a shot from 2 months ago to today. Then...


And now...


My how time flies!

And so soon to the end...

Peace, Hyena
Happy Friday!

When I went in the secret grow lab today I got out the microscope and yes, starting to get amber trichomes.

Time to chop! :thumb:


Probably 10-20% amber-ish. Definitely coming down soon.

The produce is pretty solid...


Lots of biggies back in the back, I can't reach them but I can see them all kind of lining the back wall...some really nice chunkers...


The tall phenos are like furry tails...


You can see the difference between the back-building I did on a couple of these, versus the one in front (no back build).
Back building gets a total thumbs up!


Meanwhile, the new girls are banging on the nursery door, they want out! Got to somehow find time to sneak up here and begin harvesting. Hope I can get some...somehow.

Exciting? Yep!!

Peace, Hyena
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