Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

Happy Easter to all!

My wife and daughter went to church today and I had my chance to start chopping.

I went in and couldn't do it.

I know, it's time, I probably could have done an hour's worth of hacking and trimming.

But it's a day of renewal and resurrection. The idea of killing these beautiful works of God on this holy day was too much.

Tomorrow will be just fine!

Enjoy the day,

Peace, Hyena
Happy Tuesday!

I can't believe it's been 21 weeks tomorrow since I splashed those tiny beans...now those ladies are ready to come down!

The problem is, I can't go up there.

My wife has an easy week and that means she's going to be home. All the time. I need hours in the grow lab and I can't even get minutes.

So, I guess everybody is just hanging out up there, waiting for me to get my shit together and start this harvest. I don't know if they understand about being married and all that...they're all single.

My only concern is, I finally gave up the ghost and went in there during the dark period to do some nursery maintenance, I figure I blew the cycle at this point but after that, another week of being on 12/12 does what? Do they immediately go back into veg mode? I have learned that nothing in the plant world happens instantly. So I figure I have effectively arrested the flowering but that isn't instantaneous and for another week they will still swell some more.

I have no choice...if she wasn't here I would be up there right now and it would be like Chainsaw Massacre III. But she's here. So I wait.

There's enough water in the reservoir, at probably very diluted strength by now, to sustain them until Friday and beyond. They are just flushing so more days of that is fine. I love my no-touch setup. But it is driving me kwaaazy to know a room full of sticky frostilicious buddage waits for me, just tantalizing feet over my head, and I can't get to it.

I know for sure she will be gone all day Friday. So no matter what that will be the end. I looked into the nursery on the baby monitor and yikes, everybody is getting very big in there. I have to get them out fast.

Why does it always go like this?? This sneaking around is insane. If I was a nail-biter, I would be down to the bone...

So they wait.


Stay tuned!

Peace, Hyena
Pins and Needles I'm on the edge of my seat over here. :rofl:
What a pretty flower shot that is above. Bravo
No alittle blast of light that far along shouldn't hurt.. It might hermie a plant but as long as your going to harvest in a week should be fine.. The bad thing is once a plant starts to hermie,, it stops working on the flowering or as much, and turns to making male flowers. Now I don't know to what extent it hurts flower production,, but I wood think to some degree.. Just as a plant that just got laid,, don't mind my sick sense but as soon as she's pollenated,, she stop THC and flower production to make way for seed production. When it only takes about 4 weeks to produce seeds,, kind of tells you just how fast these plants do grow and change.. GL and Keepem Green
Happy 420!

Okay, if I was a teenager that would mean more...just another day if you're an adult. :smokin:

Still waiting to harvest. Can't get up there. Arrrrgh.

Maybe I will get my 420 miracle and she will leave for awhile.

Peace, Hyena
Just give her a day spa voucher to be used within 48 hours or whatever time frame you need.. get a few hours and good books.. win win here..
420 delivers! :byebye:

I got my chance to (briefly) visit the grow lab. Yes, everybody needs chopping right now.


The ladies look about as good as they're going to get.




I worked for about 30 minutes and got one plant done. As I dig into it, I can see the interior development is thick but airy. I won't really know if the techniques I employed this time around were a net plus or a net minus. I have a feeling it will all add up to a good haul, there's just so much. I hardly dented the hedge.

Can't wait to see what nuggets await within this mass of cannabis. It's such an amazing tangle. Just keeping track of what came from which plant will be difficult.

Wifey will be going out for a few hours a bit later. You can count on me working like a demon. I will report back what I get once I get to the juicy middle.

Peace, Hyena
Your going to have your hands full trying to chop all that without your other half finding out... That's a pretty garden for sure... Happy 420
Keepem Green
Got back into the lab last night when I had about an hour to work...

There's a lot of weed here. But as thick as I grew this hedge, more and more it seems like we have found a point of diminishing return. The middle of this grow is absolutely packed with branches, but most of the interior buddage is airy and loose.


I can tell a lot of this will be useful for butter but not much more.

Still, as I got into the mass I started pulling out some nice chunkers...


I haven't got into the real thicket in the back middle yet. Today I will have some time (I hope) to really chop and trim, so maybe I will be able to run through the whole thing.

I have to get this done today...the nursery is packed out. I don't know if I can even separate these kids...


And one of the autos is already flowering! So cute...


Hope your 420 was a great one.

Though all TRUE stoners are waking up this morning...and realizing they forgot what they did. :grinjoint:

Peace, Hyena
Oh yeah!!

Got about 3 hours to chop and trim...got about 2/3 through everything.


The wider node spacing is a common theme throughout. The nugs are tight and frosty, but it's becoming clear the strategy of encouraging unlimited branching and ultra-density didn't produce the bounty I had envisioned. Even removing so many hundred fan laves, they grew up and up and up, apparently a result of natural fighting for light and the only way to get there, height.

I do believe the vast number of top lollipops will add up. Despite the middle growth being disappointingly airy. Of course, there is a lot of it, so if it's potent we are still in business as far as using it is concerned.


Still good buddage, after trimming it's pure frosty yumminess.


After only the first 90 minutes. It's adding up.


An especially heavy and chunky foxtail. This one bud will last me two weeks. Smells awesome too.

I got out in time for stealth. I have trimmed up and hung all the meaningful buds from the BD3 plants. Now for the juicy middle, composed of Plush berry, Cheese Berry, and a White Widow x Blue Dream (White Hyena) I grew just to see how good it is. My first White Hyena! From 3 feet away it looks fabulous, ultra-chunky and dense. I will get that last bunch done when I can sneak back up there.

I have no idea when I will get time for the reconditioning of the entire room and the transplant of the now-one-foot-high babies. Hopefully soon...

Peace, Hyena
Hey buddy...i see you have taken that law to heart...its a law I learned studying economics back in my junior year in university back in 1990. It absolutely applies to growing our favourite plant.

The excellent thing is now you have your room truly dialled in. You know where the line is drawn so as not to apply the law.

Im excited to see how your home brewed strains work out. Ive been following you enough to know if its not great you will be honest about it...but I think you will be all good.

Its Friday night here and im having a quiet beer in the local bar. Cheers Hyena from the other side of the Atlantic!
Hey buddy...i see you have taken that law to heart...its a law I learned studying economics back in my junior year in university back in 1990. It absolutely applies to growing our favourite plant.

The excellent thing is now you have your room truly dialled in. You know where the line is drawn so as not to apply the law.

Im excited to see how your home brewed strains work out. Ive been following you enough to know if its not great you will be honest about it...but I think you will be all good.

Its Friday night here and im having a quiet beer in the local bar. Cheers Hyena from the other side of the Atlantic!

Thanks, my Irish friend.

I agree with everything you said. This has not been as easy to do as it first seemed...and even then it seemed hard!

However, after 2 years and 4 grows, I feel good with where I'm at and what I've learned. I feel ready to take on the seed project, which will be much more complex than anything I've done so far. The hardest part is that I have to do it in secret in an attic. Grow it in secret. Visit in secret. My girls could all be named Anne Frank. :thedoubletake:

Do you play golf? Someday I plan to come over to the Emerald Isle and play some of the great courses meself. We may raise quite a number of pints ere we are through. I'm half Irish, and it's my thirsty half.

Peace, Hyena
I'm not a golfer...but I am an avid fisherman...we have some of the best Salmon runs in the world here and nothing quite like catching a salmon on a fly! Indeed if you make a trip be sure to look me up...you will need a fellow toker in this part of the world if you did come as laws here are much stricter than in California!

I can however get you into the best courses in Ireland as I have a contact that's a professional golfer here....

I can then lure you to the light side of growing organic cannabis! Better taste,more flavor but less yield but as I just grow for myself so that's never a problem! Lol

Can't wait to see the seed project and follow along!
Congrats on the harvest.. If push came to shove,, you can always just cut and hang plants and trim later.. It's abit harder,, but if you have tooo... GL and Keepem Green
Congrats on the harvest.. If push came to shove,, you can always just cut and hang plants and trim later.. It's abit harder,, but if you have tooo... GL and Keepem Green

I think every little thing's...gonna be alright... :ganjamon:

Peace, Hyena
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