I'm new here

Hi joedaddy805.

Welcome to :420:!

Your certainly not the only of us that has chosen or been forced to grow their own for reasons of economy. I hope you find your grow rewarding not only for the results, but for the joy of growing as well!
Hi Joedaddy, and :welcome:
Be sure to let everyone know what your growing medium is (soil or hydro?) and what your nutrients will be when you are ready for that.
Pictures are an awesome avenue for the experienced growers to understand how you are doing with things. So be sure to upload pics when you can. :)
There is a thread on how to upload pictures in the "Gallery" tab titled "how-to-guides" to help you on pictures.
Any idea what strain you have growing?
Again, welcome and have fun!:circle-of-love:
well i m growing this one in coco. I'm giving it 20-20-20 with micro nutes. I'm not sure what strain it is i bought a plant from my friend and i guess it turned into a hermit cause it had a few seeds in it. So i just took one and put it in soil and now i have a plant. what I'm doing is under the sun till it goes down then i have it under led lights for the rest. i just topped the plant I'm hoping i can just top the hell out of it then left it flower.

It doesn't look to me like your doing anything wrong. From what I can see from the photo your girls look lovely!

I wonder if you've considered spreading your light (which I like a lot btw!) just a little? Can't help think you would get better coverage if the reflector and by extension the lights were separated just a few inches more.

Couldn't agree more though about it all being a learning curve. Heck, if your doing it right, it's a continual learning curve. I routinely see situations on this site where growers that have been doing for 40 yrs. learn something new!
i did spread the homemade hood after i took the pic. i noticed that it was kinda close so i wanted to open it up a lil to get some more reflection off the side walls. I'm just waiting to get a ballast for my 1k light then I'm gonna put these on the sides to get light from all angles.
Very cool. You'll have monsters in no time. Well, actually it will seem like a long time, but I hope you'll love the journey!
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