InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I watched the Germany - Sweden game and was rooting for Sweden because Germany. Oh well. Also saw England whomp Panama and first half of Mexico - S Korea. Looked up the final score because at halftime it was 1am here! If the US isn't in it I root for England to win, but individual matches are a tossup depending on hemisphere, continent, and native language :).

Quick update this morning because it was a bit busy as my wife is out of town this week. Brooklyn Sunrise Auto update is here if you're interested in slow growing/stunted autos!

The ever neglected AK-47 clone deserves a picture once in a while. I haven't thinned it or anything lately. I'll do a something to it in the next couple of weeks when there's some free space in the cloninator:

Speaking of the cloninator, it's getting hot in there with the sun out the last two days so I put two ice packs in the water this morning to keep the stems cool.

Here is a shot of the canna-table:

The Gold Leaf is definitely in flower and the Sour G is beginning to show some pistils as well. The lower branches on the AK-47 clone also appear read to pop.

The Auto Masszar is still drying in the box. Dense buds take a while in our RH so I have the fan pointed at the lower holes to make sure nothing molds. Even the top cola I took down a week earlier is still at 70% when I close up the jar it's in. Looks like the mini-dehumidifier will be coming out again.

Happy Monday all!

Glad to catch up ahhhhhh and relax

I’m going to start using aloe for clones. I have a huge plant! I also trim my fan leaf tips because I read that it stimulates the plant to redirect energy on root development to heal the plant and grow more leaves.

Ok that ak is glorious! I want to get in there with my trimmers:) Is she a monster? I’m guessing yes
Ok that ak is glorious! I want to get in there with my trimmers:) Is she a monster? I’m guessing yes
First Monday of your self-employment and it's great to be a good day :thumb:

The AK is maybe 24" tall, just bushy as all get-out. Actually all three photos are getting pretty bushy again. I need to do one last big defol since they're heading into the summer flower season. Have to pick a final shape for them.
Not sure a weed plant counts in the privacy plant category lols.

High shed. Plants are looking nice. Gonna be nuts when they all go flower time!
Tuesday and I watered the AK-47 clone. pH 5.9 going in and 7.2 coming out, so I'm going to shoot low next time and see if I can get the runoff into the mid 6's.

I jarred up some of the driest Auto Masszar last night but I fear it wasn't dry enough. Left it in a jar overnight and this morning it was 98% in there :eek:. I took them out and laid them on newspaper at the bottom of the box where the rest still hang, but one looked a little grey:

I soaked it in a cup of 3% H2O2 for a few minutes, rinsed it, and hung it in front of a fan for the day. I'll see what it looks like when I get home. Worst case scenario it goes to topicals.

The Haze Xtreme is putting out side shoots, so it will soon be time for @Van Stank's little pipe cleaner loops to get them growing sideways. They're still too small to tug.

Brooklyn Sunrise Auto update here.

I hope your day is sunny and warm. It is here so I put an ice pack in the cloninator. I think two may have been one too many yesterday :).
Tuesday and I watered the AK-47 clone. pH 5.9 going in and 7.2 coming out, so I'm going to shoot low next time and see if I can get the runoff into the mid 6's.

I jarred up some of the driest Auto Masszar last night but I fear it wasn't dry enough. Left it in a jar overnight and this morning it was 98% in there :eek:. I took them out and laid them on newspaper at the bottom of the box where the rest still hang, but one looked a little grey:

I soaked it in a cup of 3% H2O2 for a few minutes, rinsed it, and hung it in front of a fan for the day. I'll see what it looks like when I get home. Worst case scenario it goes to topicals.

The Haze Xtreme is putting out side shoots, so it will soon be time for @Van Stank's little pipe cleaner loops to get them growing sideways. They're still too small to tug.

Brooklyn Sunrise Auto update here.

I hope your day is sunny and warm. It is here so I put an ice pack in the cloninator. I think two may have been one too many yesterday :).

I read somewhere that baking soda and water kills mold, but you know how the internet is.
I'm scared of molds in any shape,, cept maybe topicals. Alot of peoples think concentrating in a way helps? I've heard concentrating can do just that with molds and miticides/fungicides to. And peoples that have 'bad' lungs and low antibodies it can be a nightmare.

You must need to dry it quicker? Not sure what your R/H is running. If I have any say in the matter,, I like to do 50/50 or somewhere close. But I don't do the wash myself.

Hope the clones are doing well. GL
Wow never new that about boytrus shed!

Yuck. Don't concentrate mold ever! Sorry, unless your running a CO2 extraction. That's the ONLY one that kills mold. I know cause it was a question on my state cannabis exam ;).

Now topicals again may be different I know nothing about mold.... but ingestion in any form, NO BUENO. Just throw em to the worms!

That haze looks like its finally trying to go for you shed. Good stuff
I'm scared of molds in any shape,, cept maybe topicals. Alot of peoples think concentrating in a way helps? I've heard concentrating can do just that with molds and miticides/fungicides to. And peoples that have 'bad' lungs and low antibodies it can be a nightmare.
You must need to dry it quicker? Not sure what your R/H is running. If I have any say in the matter,, I like to do 50/50 or somewhere close. But I don't do the wash myself.
Hope the clones are doing well. GL
If it's got mold it goes in the freezer for the topicals, which is what I did with that bud this morning! I am at the mercy of the weather, so it's been in the mid 60% during the day and the low 70% range at night. I took them all down and put them in a box with the dehumidifier and I think I'm getting closer to where I want to be. I'll know better when I get home.

Clones are still mostly green so that's good! I'll post an update tomorrow.
Wow never new that about boytrus shed!
Yuck. Don't concentrate mold ever! Sorry, unless your running a CO2 extraction. That's the ONLY one that kills mold. I know cause it was a question on my state cannabis exam ;).
Now topicals again may be different I know nothing about mold.... but ingestion in any form, NO BUENO. Just throw em to the worms!
That haze looks like its finally trying to go for you shed. Good stuff
Mold...feh. I'll remember the CO2 thing for my next test :).

I put pipe cleaners around 3 of the 4 branches on HX but I'm seeing clawing in the new growth. My Grow Big is obv too much N for them. Can I just feed it bloom nutes and cal/mag+? If not I'll just have to go nute-lite and see how it does.

Sour G desperately needed a drink last night. It's drying out in two days on 1 gallon (with very little runoff) so I may have to go to 1½ gallons each time. I'm now feeding the three big photos:
3 ml cal/mag+
½ tsp Armor Si
2 tsp Grow Big

Nute TDS is around 600 and runoff is almost double. But they look okay so I'm not going to cut anything back.

Pics tomorrow. I ran out of time because I was mixing nutes for the little Sour G clone (and any others that root) and I kept overshooting the pH down! Had to do it three times to get it right :oops:. Its nute TDS is only around 250 with some Great White thrown in.

I hope you're warm and sunny! Nice days in LA lately :thumb:.
Hey Shed - STOP PRESS!! this happy chappy has a plant he refers to as WTF! Thought you’d wanna know... :p

Mentions it at 1.30 seconds in. Dunno if he comes back to it.. I haven’t watched it all yet - (this is what I do on days when I’m so crashed I cant even sit up in bed... I watch endless videos of people growing weed... it never gets old!)

Coming back after watching for a while.... they use a lot of different types of manure! Less poo and more calcium and maybe those stems wouldn’t break so easily... this guy seems to be all about the $$ I’m gonna keep watching though... got nothing else on! It’s pretty amusing, but not essential viewing if you have anything else to do... like literally anything... :rofl:
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