Is this light/heat stress?

Hey man, Im not here to bicker, i could care less. I still say root rot, and not light burn, or heat burn. Hell, he is PHing water to 6.2 in a media that is supposed to be 6.8, and he has grown giant monster plants, so We do know he is doing it right, maybe its genetics? * shruggs, maybe not.
You're both right, why the combative retort? He's over watered from the beginning leading to root rot now, whilst blasting them with too much light and overfeeding them. A trifecta of fuckery manifesting in the dying plant we see before us. But, argue on.
You're both right, why the combative retort? He's over watered from the beginning leading to root rot now, whilst blasting them with too much light and overfeeding them. A trifecta of fuckery manifesting in the dying plant we see before us. But, argue on.
say it in a morgan freeman voice, epic.
There is something wrong and it might be over-watering or something else. If this Blue Dream is part of the Blue Dream plants in your Blue Dream Journal it looks like signs of the same problem showing in just about every photo from the time they were small plants till now. And it does look like photos others have posted over the past couple of years when they show their examples of plants that have gotten too much water too often.

Blue Dream is the favorite in my grow and I have been growing clones from clones from clones going back to early winter of 2018 when I planted the seed. Just so happens I have several Blue Dream clones hanging out in the vegetation closet waiting their turn for the flowering tent.

I am not saying that they are perfect examples or anything like that but they look different and healthier to me. They are the ones in the front and the tops of each have been within inches of the T5 LED fixtures without that wilting droopy look that your plants have from top to bottom of the photo. My plant on the left does have some of the leaf tips pointing down but it is already root bound and well past transplanting time. I also have to do some topping and other brutal training and shaping things.

The temp in the grow room has been 80F the last two days. It was up to 85 days and 80 nights for the previous 15 days with the flowering tent running 3 to 6 degrees warmer depending on how open the tent flap was and how many lights were running in there.

I always thought that you're supposed to water/feed your plants until there's twenty percent runoff. I stop as soon as runoff begins. And wait until runoff ends before putting them back in the tent.

We're talking 10% runoff at best.
After the flush, on Tuesday, I'll remove the milk crates that the plants are sitting on. This will give another foot of space for the plants to grow on.

I use the milk rates as it's easier to pick the girls up when I need to.
Watering until run off is how it's done.

But if the plants were not dry, your drowning them.

It's best to know what an empty dry pot feels like.

I have a few so close to finishing, they practically have been going twice as long to dry, compared to the others
I always thought that you're supposed to water/feed your plants until there's twenty percent runoff.
I figure that the 20% is something from the hydroponic grows when they have to be sure that enough water was put in to make the grow media wet since the stuff often starts drying before the next morning--as in they have to water every day.

I seem to remember reading in one of @Emilya's posts that she waters until it just starts to come out the drain holes, etc. But I don't remember if it was in the Watering a Potted Plant thread or if it was part of another conversation.
I always thought that you're supposed to water/feed your plants until there's twenty percent runoff. I stop as soon as runoff begins. And wait until runoff ends before putting them back in the tent.

We're talking 10% runoff at best.
Let's examine this...
First, what is 20% runoff? In a 5gal container, that is 1gal of water in your drip tray. Are you even sure that 1gal of runoff will fit in your drip tray? That is a lot of water, but is it enough to properly be called a flush or even come close to accomplishing the same task?

A flush is 3x the container size, or in percentages, 300% of the volume of the container. Let's say you do 10 waterings, letting your runoff to to 20% each time. In 10 waterings you are running off just 200% of the container size, so still not a full 3x flush. Add to that, each watering with nutes adds to the salt buildup a little bit, further reducing the effectiveness of the 20% runnoff flush equivalent. Each of your 20% runoffs is equal to 1/15th of a full 3x flush.... it just isn't the same, and there is no way that this amount of water could clear out as much salt as a full flush.

So yes, I only water until runoff just starts. I am not trying to clean anything out; I am only watering. If I need to flush I will carry my plants to a drain and run 3x the container through them.
When I refer to 20% runoff, I refer to 20% of what I poured into the pot. Currently, I use about 5 quarts of water in my 5 gallon pots, so we're talking about one quart run off (though, as I said, I water until I get about 10% run off).
When I refer to 20% runoff, I refer to 20% of what I poured into the pot. Currently, I use about 5 quarts of water in my 5 gallon pots, so we're talking about one quart run off (though, as I said, I water until I get about 10% run off).
I do almost the same, 7 gal fabric pots, I put in about a gallon a pot, give or take a little based on plant size. I get about 5-10% runoff. I was watering about every 5-6 days, now it’s every 3-4 days. In FFOF soil, FF trio plus bush doctor (cal mag). Not sure that I need the Cal-mag, my water is very hard (high tds).
You're both right, why the combative retort? He's over watered from the beginning leading to root rot now, whilst blasting them with too much light and overfeeding them. A trifecta of fuckery manifesting in the dying plant we see before us. But, argue on.
"A trifecta of fuckery" is a phrase for the ages! I will definitely use that some where at some time.
When I refer to 20% runoff, I refer to 20% of what I poured into the pot. Currently, I use about 5 quarts of water in my 5 gallon pots, so we're talking about one quart run off (though, as I said, I water until I get about 10% run off).
I do almost the same, 7 gal fabric pots, I put in about a gallon a pot, give or take a little based on plant size. I get about 5-10% runoff. I was watering about every 5-6 days, now it’s every 3-4 days. In FFOF soil, FF trio plus bush doctor (cal mag). Not sure that I need the Cal-mag, my water is very hard (high tds).
So that's even less water to be considered as a flush. If everyone does likewise it is no wonder that it never works.
So that's even less water to be considered as a flush. If everyone does likewise it is no wonder that it never works.
Me thinks you misunderstand, that’s my regular watering, when I flush, normally once or twice a grow to clear salts, I use 3x the volume of the pot.
This morning, I flushed the girls, using 15 gallons of water and FF Bush Doctor Sledgehammer.

And here's where I screwed up: I did not adjust the pH of the solution for the first plant (it was 4:30am and I just woke up). Prior to adjustments, the pH is about 5.8.

I 'reflushed' with ten gallons of water, pH-adjusted to 6.3.
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