Is this really a Calcium deficiency?


Active Member
I've been feeding the plant 1ml CalMag for over 2 weeks now, I wouldn't think i'd get a calcium deficiency at this stage? Is it possible I have to feed more?


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It could be possible something else is going on causing the cal-mag to get locked out....can you provide more details on your grow please?

Absolutely, what would you like to know?

Jack Herer auto, 6th week, in Coco. Been watering around 1-2 L per day for 5 gallon pots. Refeed slow release amendments every 3 weeks, I will be refeeding today. The deficiency appeared 5 days ago
You also need to note that damaged leaves wont recover. I would have someone take a look at your nutrients here. Slow releasing can be causing problems.
Around 1 or 2 liters? That's quite a range. And not enough I would say. Are you getting considerable runoff every day? I can't imagine so at 1 liter a day...

I am. I water 1L in the morning and 1L at night. These being autos my lights are on 24/0. I've watered 1L for the first 5 weeks and recently added another liter at night because as the plant grew the coco started drying much faster.

I am using Gaia Greens slow release nutes, and I'm due for a top dress (refeed) today.
I documented my grow here:
Oh you've got some kind of slow release amendments in your coco I see? I'd guess that's your problem right there. Can't help you with that other than to highly recommend not putting anything but perlite in your coco.
I seen that and immediately thought of Miracle Grow and the problems it causes from slow release.

Raised from 6.2-6.3 to 6.6-6.7 in the past week. I was told the plant intakes CalMag better around 6.4 so I'm planning on lowering to 6.4-6.5 starting tomorrow, as well as increase the CalMag to 3-5ML/day depending on results.
but you are in coco... the usable pH range in hydro is 5.5-6.1 I would bet that if you started adjusting to 5.8, a lot of your problem would go away.

I am in coco with a slow release organic nute, I was told it's important to keep PH in the mid 6 to preserve the microbial life?
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