Janx's 1st SOG under CFL's

YOu do what you have to.. We re-modeled my grandma's house a long time ago and found the same thing... Sometimes there were 1x2's holding up 2x4's inside the walls and we found a hidden (40yrs ) live wire!!! I think its paper and a prayer that keeps the ceiling up!! LOL When I grew that old sativa was a bagseed in my early growing! She was a wild lady..
I am a firm believer that anything you grow yourself is tons better than buying it regardless of the cost.
Good luck
I'm just starting to pace the floor in anticipation. Ready to test drive all the strains I have...and ready to break everything down and box it for awhile. Lol. If I do fairly well (1oz/per Plant x 30), there could be quite a few jars "canned" for later. Just got to wade through what's obviously going to be a long harvest.
janx when you went to grow store did you get the last piece of your puzzle? did you toss the miracle gro and purchase real nutes. i just switched recently myself. my grow jumped from high school to pros. nice setup and grow.
No switch...no fixin what ain't broke. If the plants are Ok with MG then so what? I wasn't going to blow $100 I didn't need to yet. I figure that my yield will respond through more diversity. Less need to focus on one plant in a group.
Thanks...I'm trying to hold 'em. Got a few bugs now, damnit. Some little gnat bastards are streaking up my sun leaves. So I started spraying some organic soap/sulfur spray and it seems to have backed them off quite a bit. I may pull a couple of plants in the morning for the extra room and some early smoke. We'll see...
Apparently, I still needed to space out my grow a bit more. So, three of my most mature ladies got hacked yesterday, for the space and a little personal smoke. I felt bad about it but....oh well. Lol. I also screwed up and bumped the timer off by accident. It kicked off at 9pm last night and wasn't caught until almost 2pm today....damnit. I was shortening the day in an effort to hasten maturity and instead, they got an 8 hour day today. Who knows? Maybe it'll speed up the trich production...
First Harvest

Finally starting to thin out the smallest plants. These were a few 2 footers I pulled in the last three days. Still too early to really tell how good it'll be, though. Oh, the yield should be just over an ounce on these.






I am very happy with what's been sampled so far. It's real nice to have some smoke this good without the hassle of shady people, high prices, and ruthless puruit by those who don't agree with legalizing. I'll post new pics of the complete mini-harvest tonight. Thank you to everyone who's helped out in even the smallest ways. I propose a "Toast" to you all.
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